By -Dr V. Rajendrs Prasad, Poultry Consultant.
- It is well documented that MG and NDV is synergistic.
- Sub clinical MG can increase the chances of NDV by 12%.
- Vaccine virus can become virulent for hosts which are Mycoplasma positive.
- Now a days MG has become a common harbourer in many Breeder and Layer farms.
- Recent reports from different farms have shown the( Elisa) test positive.
- Synergism of MG and ND is conclusively proved with the ND presence in farms having subcilnical MG .
- Not only Breeders the commercial layer farmers are also started using correct doses of Tiamulin along with broad spectrum antibiotic in feed or water
as a week month program to protect their farms from MG .
- Mycoplasma prevention program periodically will increase the farm productivity in layers and Breeders.