The Legend vet, Dr Parvinder kaur Lubana


DrParvinder Kaur Lubana a graduate of Ludhiana Veterinary College (1991) is Veterinary Officer of Punjab Animal Husbandry Department and for last 9 years is working as Veterinary Parasitologist in North Regional Disease diagnostic Lab.. Jalandhar and doing surveillance of PPR and Leptospirosis.. Before that she served in Govt Piggery farm for 15 years and in Poultry farm for 3 years. Apart from her routine duties in various capacities in her career there are few other works which in my opinion are noteworthy …worth appreciating and makes her different for a person with only basic veterinary qualification and all achieved with hard work. She has made about 30 videos in punjabi and hindi ..speaking herself and uploaded them on UTube…on various topics related to animal management and control of diseases for benefit of farmers.( Before writing this write-up I myself saw some of these on Utube ) .She has contributed research articles on haemoprotozoan diseases of animals in International journal of current research..and more than 25 articles for PASHUDHAN PUNJAB.( magazine in punjabi language for benefit of farmers.).and several in PASHUDHAN PARHARI of Jharkhand state. She has also contributed articles in ” DD NATIONAL” a magazine of Doordarshan Jalandhar . Almost every year as a volunteer she visits Layallpur Khalsa College for girls and Hans Raj college for girls at Jalandhar to help students in learning basic lab techniques and educating them on Zoonotic diseases. Well Dr. Parvinder continue to do good job . Best wishes for future. Good Luck. Nice to know your work.

From the wall of Dr Prof.Jit singh

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