Dr. K. Ravi Kumar, MV.Sc. (Poultry Science) Ph.D.

Former Director, Central Poultry Development Organization (Northern Region), Chandigarh & Advisor & Director, Agriculture Skill Counsil of India (Southern Region), Bengaluru,ADJ. Professor-BEST INNOVATION UNIVERSITY, Ananthpur, A.P.  



The Recommended Dietry Allowance (RDA) of meat (NIN-Hyd) is 12 kg per year for moderately active person.

 Per capita meat consumption in India: 3.97 kg in the year 2000, 3.69 kg in the year 2014 and 3.7 kg in the year 2019. Telangana per capita meat consumption is 9.2 kg. and Andhra Pradesh is 8.6 kg. Telangana state is the most meat eating state in India and few reason for poor per capita meat consumption are increasing non-vegetarinsim, increasing population, religious and legal restriction on consumption of beef and pork and choice meat preference.

 Poultry occupies the second coveted place in the world meat production, just after port in the history of mankind, use of chicken as food goes back to very early times, as poultry meat provides more nutrients per unit number of calories. It is considered as nutritionaly dense food. The quail, ostrich, patridge, emu, duck, turkey & guiena fowl meat belongs to the group of speciality as luxury poultry meat. The speciality meat as niche market.


Kadakanath Meat (Kala Masi), Indian indegnious black chicken meat:



Sl. No. Properties Kadakanath Meat Other Chicken Meat
1 Protein content 25% 18 – 20
2 Fat content 0.73 – 1.03 13.25
3 Linoleic acid 24% 21%
4 Cholesterol 184.75 per 100 gm 218.12 mg per 100 gm
READ MORE :  Poultry Manure Composting: An Innovative Approach to Waste Management

 Kadakanath Meat enhances the natural immunity, highly nutritious, the protein content higher than native chicken / broiler / layer. Black chicken meat classified as super food, attributed with medicinal and contain aphrodisiac properties.

Chicken Breast Meat:

            Chicken meat is calssified as white meat. The developed countries increasingly eat white meat i.e. chicken breast meat as the cholesterol content is lesser in breast meat as compared to drumsticks which is preferred by Asian countries.


 Barred – Rock Chicken Breed Meat:

            The meat of Barred – Rock is first rate in quality and extremely good and juicy. Best table fowl of the chicken world and possess better utility qualities.


 Duck Meat:

            It is easily digestable, high nutritive value and uniquely tasty and high quality protein, containing a well balanced array of amino acids, roasted peking duck is most renowned product. Peking duck breast meat contains 555 micro gram of bezoars acid, which means the meat is extremely easy to digest. Peking duck meat is preferred by Asians & Mouscovy meat preferred by French & European countries.          


Raw whole duck isolated on white

 Japanese Quail Meat:

            Quail meat is excellent meat for all. It is an idle food as authenticated by Holy Quran.


 Goose Meat:

            The meat of Goose is dark and less digestable than white meat. It resembles pork. It has been planned to be good kind of meat for physically active people. Goose meat is 25% cheaper to produce than beef.


 Guinea Fowl Meat:

            Guinea fowl meat is special delicacy meat used as substitute for game birds such as Partridge and Pheasant. The flesh of young Guinea fowl is tender and of fine flavor of wild game bird, excellent meat for heart patient.

 Turkey Meat:

            Turkey Meat is the leanest meat among all domestic poultry meat. It is very tasty and tendor. It is choicest white meat. It has best meat-to-bone ratio, seasonal and curative properties. The dressing ptage is 80-85%, highest among all poultry species, can produce 30gms of digestable percenrotein from 100gms of turkey meat.


 Emu Meat:

            Emu meat delicious, less cholesterol, more protein and iron than lamb, chicken and turkey.


Ostrich Meat:

            Ostrich meat is red meat, very similar in taste and texture to veal and beef.


 Squab Meat (Pigeon Meat):

            The flesh of squab contains a large proportion of soluble protein, source of liquid protoplasm and of riboflavin and is relatively rich in phosphorus. It is tendor meat, easily digestable and excellent meat for invalids and convalescents.


The creative and value added meat product development is generated vide range of meat products such as chicken wieness and sausage. The speciality meat becoming more popular has a bright future for niche market.


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