The Veterinarian Response to the COVID-19 crisis

The Veterinarian Response to the COVID-19 crisis
The Veterinarian Response to the COVID-19 crisis

The Veterinarian Response to the COVID-19 crisis

Dr. Aparna Hebbar H., Chief veterinary officer, Livestock breeding & training centre, Koila, Dakshina Kannada, Karnataka 574241

Email             Mobile no: +918722027776


Year 2020 affected whole world by this pandemic COVID-19. The world has frozen in the lock down period shifting the economy to negative end. Aviation, tourism, retail, capital markets, MSME and oil industry got severely affected (Choudhary  et al ,2020). Only ray of hope was agricultural and allied industry where agriculture, horticulture and animal husbandry practices found sustainable growth.  A common civilian found the value of the farmer as without food survival was difficult. It has affected rural farmers to the lesser extent as they grow their agricultural products and carry out their animal husbandry practices. Thus rural India was self reliant even in lock down situation. However, farmers found difficulty in selling their agri products, milk, meat etc as the market was shut down. In this crucial time veterinary doctors played a significant role exhibiting their multiple talents in the different fields.  In this crisis time, Veterinarians performed multidimensional tasks like below.

Extension officer:

Milk and meat are considered as perishable products, thus farmers cannot keep them for longer time.  Many societies entertained milk collection even in crisis time. So milk sale continued without any disruption. But in some places farmers found difficulty in milk sale.   The veterinary doctors trained the farmers for their own packaging units, so that they can start selling their product as brand.  If not, they linked the needy farmers with those having their products through KVK like organization. Many veterinary  extension officers trained farmers, youth and rural women regarding dairy and poultry farming and informed the loan facilities in that localities. Many Veterinary colleges, KVKs and livestock farm training institutes provided the online access to train youth who left the cities as they found loss in their business in the city. They motivated unemployed youth to start dairy, poultry, piggery and goat farming industry. Thus veterinarians brought the concept of aatmanirbharata in rural india to promote the local sale of their products thus being vocal for local in true sense.




Many spread the rumors that eating poultry meat causes corona, however Veterinarians created awareness in the public to consume properly cooked meat and milk so as to kill germs.  Even the Union Animal Husbandry ministry had clarified that consumption of chicken and other meat is safe in February 2020 (Meera bharadwaj, 2020).  So doctors had given detailed explanation about the importance of essential amino acids and vitamins present in eggs/meat to enhance the immunity. A doctor can not apply for leave as his/her service comes under essential services. Veterinarians proved themselves this by stepping out and treating the animals in the farmer’s doorstep during this pandemic. They saved the animals and helped the farmers at the cost of themselves and their family members.  If not in any emergency case, they guided the farmers virtually to treat the animals. They even conducted vaccine campaigns for the diseases like FMD, Rabies ad PPR etc. Collaborating with the local gram Panchayat they distributed day old chicks, goats and piglets under different schemes. Livestock farm officers also no way stepped backward; they too actively participated in the distribution of chicks, milk and piglets to the public to enhance food security. They even distributed fodder root slips to the farmers to cultivate fodder in their land.

READ MORE :  The Veterinarian Response to the Covid-19 Crisis

Research scientist

Nowadays One health concept is gaining popularity. In this concept, Veterinary doctors, medicos, paramedical staff all come under one umbrella and all together work to ensure good health. Medical doctors and Veterinarians should work together to create awareness about the zoonotic diseases, vector born diseases and to provide nutritional security. The holistic approach to treat the diseases is well applicable in this changing scenario. Both doctors/practice should go by hand in hand to combat this pandemic. Many Veterinary scientists work in drug discovery, pharmacy, vaccine development, animal trials and food industry. Even Veterinary doctors were deputed to screen the samples for corona through RT-PCR using their expertise. Thus skills of Veterinary doctors are being used in research field to combat this global crisis.



Responsible citizen

Veterinary doctors are actively involved in activities like COVID duty. They worked as flying squad in the villages to monitor safe distances in the shops, educated public for wearing mask and hand hygiene.  They observed the safe distance in milk societies and advised the farmers not to dishearten by this pandemic. They encouraged them for more production of milk as it will save them in crisis time.  As frontline workers, they joined with health department and Police department staff in monitoring the proper execution of corona protocols in the public.  With the association of rural local panchayat and revenue officers they monitored the Public Distribution System to supply ration to the poor farmers. They have identified the migrating workers and landless laborers to provide food and shelter in lockdown. They even worked in the night hours in the border entry points of their villages/ districts to prevent movements of the migrating workers. Alternatively, they facilitated them to travel to their natives as per the government guidelines along with local Tahashildar/ Assistant Commissioner. Thus Veterinarians proved themselves as good responsible citizens and conducted their assignments in excellent manner.


Nodal officers

Many worked in the covid isolation hospitals as nodal officer and monitored screening, quarantine etc. Many Veterinarians were posted in airport to supervise testing, tracking, isolation and quarantine protocols. Few of them worked as data operator in the assigned ward to make documents of this pandemic situation.  Agri war rooms were created by the state agricultural universities to provide online platform for the training. They provided helpline number for veterinary aid which connects a doctor for technical problem.  This help can be accessed through call or whatsapp.

Social service

Stray dogs and cows were left in the roads without food and shelter as the hotels were shut down in lock down period. Veterinarians identified the NGOs who can adopt these animals and provide shelter and food to them. They helped in shifting the cows to gaushalas/ cow shelters. Even few veterinary doctors joined with them and helped in providing food. Veterinarians took care of the animal health and treated them. Veterinarians encouraged people hygienic habits like frequent hand washing .during their house visit for treatment. They even motivated people to get vaccinated whenever their turn comes. Veterinarians even arranged yoga camps in their office and taught different yoga/ pranayama and meditation to their subordinates to increase immunity and positive mind set. They themselves joined and learnt yoga and taught even for their clients/ pet owners.

Value added foods

Veterinary doctors with association of dairy scientists trained youth about value added products preparation from the milk. They had conducted demonstration of cheese, Paneer preparation and sweets preparation. Wherever farmers found difficulty in selling their milk, these products preparation will help in preventing the wastage of the milk and enhanced their economy.

READ MORE :  Leukoderma (Vitiligo) in Livestock

Emotional support:

For the few old people in the villages animals became best companions as they cannot meet or their children cannot come through long distances in lock down time. In those days, the visiting veterinary doctors by treating their animals gave emotional support to old people.

 Farm tourism

As the public movement is restricted and they cannot go outside with their children during corona outbreak, many visited nearby local farms, cattle farms, poultry farm and learnt about fodder crops by following corona protocols as instructed by the farm officers. Children learnt about farming techniques, animal behavior and organic farming importance. Thus veterinarian posted in those farms helped the local for the knowledge rich outing.

Thus Veterinarians played multiple roles during corona outbreak time earlier and even now in second wave.  Nowadays corona cases are increasing daily by one lakh which is dangerous (Nishant Sharma, 2021) to us.  As per the expert opinion this corona second wave is more dangerous than earlier affecting different organs showing different symptoms (Fathima, 2021) In this crucial time corona vaccine was a hope to the public. Corona vaccine development was successful by Pfizer Company under the leadership of Veterinarian Dr. Albert Bourla CEO, Pfizer Company (Shapiro,2020). It emphasizes the critical role for public health and one health concept. Thus we need to salute these real stars on this world veterinary day celebration.





  1. Choudhary, M. and Sodani, P.R., and Das, S 2020. Effect of Covid -19 on economy in      india: some reflections for policy and programme. Journal  of health management.
  2. Shapiro,2020

3.Meera,2020 -out-you-can-eat-poultry-officials-2103587.html

  1. Fathima, 2021
  2. Sharma, 2021


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