By Dr Chandrakala Sinha,TVO,Muzaffarpur

Theileriosis is the tickbornae haemoprotozoan disease of livestocks,domestic and wild animals caused by theileria spp.Among livestocks this disease is highly prevalent in cattle and buffalo.the most important species which are highly effecting the cattle and buffalo are Theileria annulata which causes disease in india and Theileria parva causes disease in african countries.In india disease is also called as bovine tropical theleriosis.
Theileriosis is not contageous is tick bornae disease transmitted by Ixodid tick of genus Hyalomma spp.In india tropical theileriosis is mainly transmitted three host tick Hyalomma anatolicum which transmit theileria annulata.
Theileriosis occurs in both domestic and wid animals.this disese is highly prevalent in cattle and buffalo.Among cattle disease is mostly occurs in cross breeds of cattle like holstein fzogen and jersy.Indian breeds of cattle are resistent for this dosease like sahiwal,hariyana etc.prevalence of this disease in other animals is low like sheep,goat,horse,dog and cat.
Theileriosis is fatal disese of livestocks.the sign and symptoms of the disease is depend upon severity of the infection.if infection is moderate animal reveals mild fever about 103-104°F,mild anaemia,animal become lethargy,ruduced feed intake ans sometimes animal shows difficult breathing.lymphnodes swelling is usually absent in low infection.if animal is severly infected then animal will show high rise in body temperature usually 105-106°F,reduce feed intake,suddenly drop in milk production,swollen lymphnodes,dyspnea,mucous membrane become pale sometime animal show juglar pulsation and there mey be presence of haemorrhage on mucous membrane of gum and conjuctiva or corneal opacity.

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Sign and symptoms or blood parameters are not important tools for diagnosis of disease.the most common and reliable method of diagnosis of disease is examination of blood picture of infected animal,procedure is started with collection of blood from infected animal before given any antibacterial therapy.collection of blood either from juglar and ear’s better to collect the blood and make blood smear on the spot imidiately collection of blood without mixing of any anticoagulant.otherwise collect the blood and send to the lab.blood smear is properly stained and examined under microscope.under microcroscope you should examined both erythrocyte and lymphocyte.piroplasm of theileria is present inside the erythrocyte and schizont stage is present in lymphocyte(koach’s blue body).there are many form of piroplasm like oval,comma,annular,ring and rod form.annular and oval form are most common.sometimes lymphnodes aspiration or biopsy is also done for detection of koch’s blue bodies in the lymphocytes.

Figure 1 erythrocytes of cattle are highly infected with pleomorphic intra-erythrocytic piroplasm of theileria spp.

Figure 2 erythrocyte of bovine infected with pleomorphic theileria organism.

Figure 3 blood smear of cattle,erythrocytes are infected with annular form of theileria. annular form of theileria looks like small babesia piroplasm but not present in pair.

Figure 4 piroplasm of theileria spp.

Figure 5 Blood picture of goat contain oval shape piroplasm of theileria ovis,which is usually non-pathogenic.

Figure 6 piroplasm of theileria in the red blood cells

Figure 7 lymphocytes contain schizont of theileria(KOACH’S BLUE BODIES) cycle of theileria annulata
Treatment of theileria depends upon level of infection present in blood.use of oxytetracycline @ 10mg/kg body weight if infection is low.oxytetracyclin is 40% effective on theileria.In case of heavy infection use the buparvaquone @ 2.5mg/kg body weight intramuscular along with oxytetracycline.single dose of buparvaquone is suficient for treatment but sometimes double dose is require.sometimes combination use the berenyl(dimenazine aceturate) along with oxytetracycline is also effective.use of antipyretics,liver tonics,ruminotorics and hematinics require for supportive treatment.
choice of drug for theileriosis
prevention of theileriosis is somewhat difficult because one tick is also capable of transmitting disease.prevention of disease is starts from control of tick infestation for this regular check the body of animal.ticks are mainly present on thigh,wellly back and inner side of hing limbs.removal of ticks is by hand is difficult job for this give the injection of ivermectin @ .2mg/kg body weight along with antihistaminic.this is higly effective for ectoparasites.there are many drugs available on the marjet in the liquid form for removal of ticks eg. deltamethrin,flumethrin and cypermethrin.use one of them.reglar clean place where animal is rear.use of lime powder on corner of animal house because the effs of the ticks present on the corners of walls.
one vaccine is also available for immunization of animal against theileriosis eg. Raksha vac T @ 3ML subcutaneous at the age of 3 year this give immunity for one to two years.

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