Mismating is a common clinical problem in canine veterinary practice which may arise because dog owners are not aware of the Oestrus status of bitches. Several methods are followed by the veterinarian for termination of unwanted pregnancy in bitches in recent years. Wanke et al., 2002 reported that delay the termination approaches until confirmation of pregnancy, as over half of the animals are unwantedly being treated. Srinivas et al., 2008 reported that termination of pregnancy should be initiated after confirmation of pregnancy by trans-abdominal ultrasonography to avoid treatment of non pregnant bitches with abortifacient agents that cause severe systemic side effects. Ovariohysterectomy (OHE) would be the choice to prevent the birth of puppies following unwanted mating, but for breeding bitches, a need arises to maintain future fertility. So medical termination of pregnancy becomes imperative.


Stage 1: Fertilization to implantation (days 20 to 22 from LH peak)

Stage 2: Implantation to foetal skeletal ossification (40 – 42 days)

Stage 3: Foetal skeleton ossification to parturition (42 – 65 days)

Feldman and Nelson (2004) opined that canine corpora lutea are relatively unresponsive to luteolytic agent during the first 14 -28 days of pregnancy. Stage 2 is considered to be appropriate choice of stage for the veterinarians to perform medical termination of pregnancy effectively.


Most of the cases presented to the clinics with the history of coital lock observed by the owner, however many mismated bitches are not always pregnant. Recent reports suggests that among such cases, 90 – 95 percent are positive for pregnancy (Feldman and Nelson, 2004). The diagnosis is mainly based on Vaginal Exfoliative Cytology (VEC) where in sperm head are present along with superficial and cornified (anuclear) cells for a time period of 24-48 hour post-coital lock, thus confirming the occurrence of mismating. However VEC with the presence of sperm head need not be positive for pregnancy at 30 days of post-breeding. Veterinarians involved in canine practice need a very safe and cost effective method of protocol for termination of an unwanted pregnancy. In ancient days oestrogen compounds are used to terminate the unwanted pregnancy at pre implantation stage itself, but estrogenic compounds produce severe reproductive as well as systemic illness (Bowen et al., 1985) like pyometra, bone marrow destruction, and extend the oestrus when administrated in early luteal diestrual period. On the other way therapy with initial dose doses of prostaglandins compounds in the bitches have to be hospitalized as the severe systemic side effects includes respiratory embracement (respiratory distress and abnormal respiratory movement), panting, excessive salivation, tachycardia, vomiting and reflex defecation. So, the best time to start the treatment for termination of pregnancy was about 30 days post-breeding. Obviously at 30 days post-breeding, there is presence of mature Corpus Luteum (CL) which responds to exogenous abortifacient hormones.

Methods of Termination of Pregnancy:

The desirable properties of exogenous abortifacients that can be used for medical termination of pregnancy includes:

• Interference with implantation process

• Alter the endocrine environment

• Induce resorption / abortion

• Direct embryotoxicity

  • Hinder the trans-oviductal movement of embryo
  • • Stimulate the uterine contraction & Expulsion of foetus.

The methods can be classified as:

A. Termination of pregnancy before implantation (Table.1)

B.Termination of pregnancy after implantation (Table. 2)

n canine species the embryo hatched out and implantation occur on the day 13-15 of post LH surge. That indicate fertilized embryo travels in the oviduct up to 8 cells stage. Probably ovulation and fertilization occur during a 6-7 day period during oestrus. So, within a week of post-breeding blocking the embryo at the oviduct level may prevent the implantation process following fertilization of ova. The only compound use for termination before implantation is estrogenic compounds. They possess excellent action on the oviductal closure at the level of utero-tubular junction (UTJ) but side effects are more weighed when compared to their beneficial action. Commonly used Estrogen compounds are Estradiol cypionate, Estradiol valerate, Estradiol benzoate. Now a day’s oestrogen compounds are not used clinically in small and large animal for termination of pregnancy; More over it cause cystic ovarian condition culminate future fertility. This type of hormones are contraindicated in immunosuppressed bitches because it further aggravate the condition due to bone marrow suppression effect in long bones.



Combination treatments of dopamine agonist and PG analog reported to terminate pregnancy in pet animals (dog and cat) when administrated starting around day 25 to 28 days onwards. Action may be due to lysis of CL followed by withdrawal of prolactin support. Cabergoline at 5 mcg/kg BW daily and low dose of Cloprostenol injection @ 1 mcg/kg BW every 48 hours upto 9 days gives good results when compared to single drug. Cabergoline at 5 mcg/kg BW daily for 10 days and Cloprostenol injection @ 1 mcg/kg BW twice on days 1 and 5 of treatment. Low doses of Mifepristone and intra-vaginal applicable compounds like Prostaglandin E such as Misoprostol is currently used to terminate the pregnancy effectively (Cadepond et al., 1997).

Within forty-five days of conception, a veterinarian can terminate a dog’s unwanted pregnancy. However, it can be hazardous to the dog’s emotional, mental, and physical health.

Attempting to terminate a dog pregnancy after forty-five days leads to the birth of dead puppies. As a consequence, it might result in the mother dog’s depression.

They may also refuse to eat and drink. Worst, your dog may torment themselves into dehydration.

Here are some tried-and-true ways to induce abortion in pregnant dogs in the right way.

#1: Mismate or Misalliance Treatment

Mismate or Misalliance therapy refers to the procedure of injecting Alizin into your dog’s neck.

Two shots of Alizin represses progesterone receptors in a dog’s uterus. As a result, it cripples the uterus, ending an unwanted dog pregnancy.

If you decide to acquire Alizin, it would be best to ask for help from a trusted veterinarian. They are the only ones qualified to inject this on your dog.

However, before using it, it would be best if you take precautions first. Do your research and consult your veterinarian before injecting this into your dog.

#2: Dexamethasone

Dexamethasone is an immunosuppressive steroid used to treat various diseases in both people and animals. In dogs, its usage includes eye and skin problems.

Under proper medical supervision, administering dexamethasone can result in painless abortions in dogs. However, its administration must be after a few days following copulation, or most preferably within a few hours.

Subsequently, the fetus is either emitted or absorbed, depending on how the dog’s body reacts. Some of the adverse effects of using dexamethasone to abort dog pregnancies range from moderate to severe, including vaginal discharge and malnutrition.

Although extremely rare, it can also become deadly.

#3: Injectable Estrogens

Compared to oral estrogens, injectable estrogens are far safer.

Using oral estrogens can expose your dog to more illnesses and infections. An example is a pyometra or an infected uterus.

Furthermore, oral estrogen is ineffective when not given at the right time. As a consequence, you’re putting your dog’s life in jeopardy for nothing.

In contrast, instead of being taken orally, injectable estrogen can be administered as skin patches. These patches help the said chemical go straight to your dog’s blood; thus, avoiding the chances of a liver problem.

READ MORE :  Overview of Infertility in the Bitch

Furthermore, it doesn’t negatively affect your dog’s uterus; thus, allowing future pregnancies later on.

The only catch with this one is to give them as soon as the dogs finish mating.

#4: Prostaglandin F2 Alpha

Prostaglandin F2 Alpha is also a popular choice for terminating dog pregnancies. Similar to injectable estrogens, it has a high effectiveness rate with few to no adverse effects.

Prostaglandin F2 Alpha is a natural hormone that increases the oxytocin levels within the uterus. This reaction, in turn, becomes effective in their abortion.

However, this chemical, it must be administered by a qualified expert. Furthermore, after infusing it into your dog, they must be kept under observation.

Aside from inducing abortion, your dogs might also experience trembling, nausea, and diarrhea. Panting or shortness of breath can also occur.

#5: Dopamine Agonists

Dopamine agonists function by inhibiting the synthesis of prolactin, a hormone essential for pregnancy maintenance. Prolactin suppression causes a drop in progesterone, causing a dog’s pregnancy to end.

Although you can administer it to your dog by yourself, it is safer to bet on the supervision of a good vet.

In dogs, the most common adverse effects of this medication include lack of appetite and nausea. However, it can also cause excessive salivation, vomiting, and scratching on the injected area.

The advantage of dopamine agonists is that your dog must take them orally after 25 days of gestation. This ample time will allow you to consider to terminate the pregnancy or not.


Accidents happen, and many dogs become pregnant against their owners’ desires.

In most situations, the best remedy to this problem is to spay the dog, which will prevent it from occurring in the future.

However, in some cases, once we come to know that our dog is pregnant, we tend to end it without thinking.

While it may be hard for us to decide for our dogs, keep in mind that this will be heartbreaking for them. It is their child that we are taking away from them.

Thus, like all mothers, they might not be able to bear the mental and emotional exhaustion that it will cost them.

Hence, let’s help our dogs avoid this unwanted pregnancy and spare them from the pain. Remember that they aren’t just pets; they are family.

Most dogs get in heat at least twice or three times a year, depending on their size and breed.

Female dogs attract male dogs in their vicinity with the pheromones that they secrete and cause pregnancy in dogs. What if this is an unwanted dog pregnancy?

If you own a female dog and are not wary about heat cycles, you could own multi-breed puppies in no time. And this will contribute to an already overwhelming overpopulation of dogs.

As a result, animal shelters stay packed because of the large number of puppies left. Primarily due to unwanted pregnancies.

In this article, we will help you determine the signs of whether your dog is pregnant or not. We will also discuss the ways how to prevent or terminate this.


Symptoms of Pregnancy in Dogs

Pregnancy can be an exciting experience for your dog. However, it can also be tedious and weary for your pet, especially when it is unwanted.

To prevent this from happening, here are some signs and symptoms of dog pregnancy you must take note of:

#1: Weight gain and swollen abdomen

Similar to humans, female dogs bloat for several reasons. It could be due to the food they eat or the air inside their belly.

When they get pregnant, they usually show the same symptom after gaining more weight.


If you suspect your dog being pregnant, schedule an appointment with your nearest veterinarian to see if it’s true.

However, if their abdomen looks heavier than usual, then it must not be pregnancy. It must be another underlying health issue.

Thus, it is better to check with experts before throwing an unwanted puppy shower for your dog.

#2: Enlarged and discolored nipples

Before pregnancy, an unbred female dog’s nipples are small and flat. Furthermore, depending on their breed, their nipples range from gray to light pink.

However, if your dog is pregnant, these things will change.

Once bred, their nipples will grow large and ample. Its color would also turn into a slightly darker shade, which indicates an increase in blood flow.

These signs will show during the first stages of pregnancy. But during its last stages, their nipples might also start leaking milk.

#3: Decreased appetite and activity

Have you noticed anything different from your dog? Although they are usually hyperactive, have they been spending their time napping and lying down all day?

Although it may be an underlying disease, your dog feeling weary and sleepy might also be a sign of pregnancy.

These symptoms are due to the several changes they feel in their body. Their body is primarily preparing for motherhood and what comes after it.

Furthermore, during pregnancy, most female dogs go through mood swings. Some manifest it by refusing to eat or sleep with you.

Thus, if you suspect your dog of being pregnant, have them checked by their veterinarian as soon as possible.

#4: Unusual behaviors due to mood swings

As I’ve mentioned above, pregnant dogs tend to have frequent mood swings. And they show this through unusual behaviors.

Sometimes, they may spend their time by themselves and act indifferent towards you. Your dog may even get angry at you for no reason.

In contrast, they may seek extra attention and snuggle all day with you. Or lick your face to show how much they love you.

There are other unusual behaviors that a dog shows when they’re pregnant. But that will primarily depend on their mood and groove.

#5: Nesting behavior

Another thing you should be wary about is your dog’s nesting behavior. It includes tearing clothes, paper, or other pieces before gathering them in one place to form a “nest.”

It should happen during the final stages of pregnancy where their maternal instincts start kicking in.

She may also become aggressive during this period. Thus, you must keep them away from toddlers or children to avoid unforeseen mishaps.

Several protocols exists for treatment of misalliance in canine species. Depending upon the time of presentation of cases, abortifacients are to be advised accordingly. Consent from the owner is necessary before attempting the treatment owing to the side effects of the drugs that are being used. Confirmation of pregnancy by using ultrasonography of fetal heartbeats and combination therapy provides very good efficacy in treating misalliance. Now a day’s veterinarians are estimating serum Relaxin of bitches between day 26 and 30 to ascertain the gestational status and appropriately initiate medical termination of pregnancy. Most of the abortifacient drugs are prescribed via signed release form is important from legal standpoint. Veterinarians advice strongly recommended for any such termination of pregnancy.


Compiled  & Shared by- Team, LITD (Livestock Institute of Training & Development)


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