Tips for Good Management  Practices for cattle and Buffalo in India


Tips for Good Management  Practices for cattle and Buffalo in India

 India has huge livestock population with huge potential to support growth of Indian economy. Among many limiting factors in development of this sector is the fact that majority of livestock farmers are unaware about the package and practices to be implemented for maintaining good health to their animals. A good package and practices for maintaining health and productivity of livestock is required and awareness among animal farmers can bring revolutionary change in this sector. With this as objective, package and practices for different strategies for maintaining health and productivity of animals has been attempted and advised to be implemented under strict supervision of a veterinarian.

Package and practices for vaccination:


 Routine Prophylactic schedule for Domestic animals


Disease and animal Vaccine Dose           and Method Age and time of vaccination
FMD: Cattle, Buffalo, Sheep, Goat, Swine FMD             inactivated polyvalent vaccine Cattle, Buffalo and Sheep: 2 ml Goat and Swine:

1                   ml

Method: IM route

First   dose   at   4    month    of    age Booster:    at    6    month    of     age Repeated every 6month interval Appropriate time: March-April and Sept.- October
PPR: Goat and sheep Live              attenuated PPR vaccine Sheep and Goat:

1                  ml

Method:      S/C route

First Dose at 4 months of age Revaccinate     once     in      3      years Avoid vaccination in advance pregnancy



In     all     species    of domestic animal

Inactivated      cell culture vaccine In all species: 1ml

Method:       IM route

Rabies vaccine in domestic animals is given only after bite from suspected rabid dog

Schedule: day 0 of the dog bite, 3rd day, 7th day, 14th day, 28th day, 90th day

Sheep      and      Goat Pox: Sheep and Goat Sheep   and             Goat pox vaccine Goat and Sheep:

0.3 gm triturated vaccine mixed with          30ml

Glycerine     for

100 animals. Method: S/C or

IM route

First     dose     at     3     months    of     age Booster repeated every year
Swine fever: Swine Lapinized                    swine fever vaccine Swine:        1ml

Method:       IM route

First     Dose     at     2     months    interval Booster every year
Haemorrhagic speticemia:       Cattle, Buffalo, Sheep, Goat and Swine H.S oil adjuvant vaccine Cattle          and

Buffalo:      3ml

Sheep,      Goat,

Swine          and calves: 2 ml Method: IM or

S/C route

First dose at   4-6   months   of   age. Booster repeated every year preferably before rainy season (May-June)
Anthrax: All domestic animals Anthrax live spore vaccine Cattle, buffalo and horse: 1ml Swine, sheep and Goat: 0.5ml

Method: IM route

First   dose   at   6   months    of    age Booster repeated every year preferably in the month of May to June

Quarter: Cattle, buffalo, sheep and goat

Polyvalent B Q vaccine Cattle          and

Buffalo: 5ml Sheep and Goat: 2-3ml

Method: S/C route

First   Dose   at   6    month    of    age Booster repeated every year, preferably before monsoon season
Brucellosis: Cattle and buffalo Brucella

abortus Strain -19 live vaccine

Cattle          and Buffalo:Â 2ml Method: S/C route; Do not vaccinate male calves          and

pregnant animals

Single Dose at 4-8 months of age
Tetanus: All domestic animals Tetanus                    toxoid vaccine Cattle, buffalo and horse:Â 1500-3000 units Swine, sheep and goat: 500- First Dose: First dose at 1 month of age Booster    at    6     month     interval. Pregnant cattle, buffalo and horse: 6-7 months  of                               gestation Swine at 2-3 months of age

Pregnant Sheep, goat, swine at 3-4 months of gestation


1500 units


Method:       IM route

Enterotoxemia: Sheep and Goat Entertoxemia vaccine Sheep and Goat: 3-5       ml

Method:      S/C route

2 doses of vaccine at 21 days interval and repeat annually with two doses of vaccine at 21 days interval
Equine Abortion: Horse Salmonella abortus equi vaccine Horse: first two doses 10 ml and third dose 20ml and to be repeated at 10 days interval

Method: IM route

Booster every year


Package and practices for control of endoparasite: 

Deworming Schedule for livestock




Endoparasite Name          of parasite Anthelmentic Dose Route Remarks
1 Round worms Ascaris Piperazine (45mg/100ml) 30ml for cattle, buffalo, horse, calves, sheep &


Oral First dose to be given within 5― 6 days of birth Repeat at 45 days intervals.
Tetramisole 15mg/kg                        body weight Oral Single dose
Morantel Citrate 10mg/kg                        body weight Oral
Levamisole 7.5    mg/kg         body weight Oral, once
2 Flat       (Fluke) Liver               fluke Oxyclozanide 10-15 mg/Kg body Oral, Deworm    at     4-6


Worms Amphiostome weight once month interval
Fenbendazole 5-7.5 mg/Kg body weight Oral, once
Albendazole 5-10   mg/kg           body weight Oral, once
Tricalbebdazole 10-12 mg/kg body weight Oral, once
Rafoxanide 7.5mg/kg                        body weight Oral
3 Tape Worms Cestodes Dichlorophen 0.5    mg/kg         body weight Oral Deworm    at     4-6 month interval
Albendazole 5-10   mg/kg           body weight Oral, once
Fenbendazole 5-7.5 mg/kg body weight Oral, once


Package and practices for control of ectoparasite:

Diseases transmitted by ectoparasite




Ectoparasite Important disease Transmitted
1 Ticks Babesiosis, Anaplasmosis, Theileriosis
2 Flies Mastitis, Keratoconjunctivitis, Trypanosomiasis
3 Midges Bluetongue, African Horse Sickness

 Common pesticides used for control of ectoparasite in animals:


Pesticides Uses Doses
Cypermethrin 10% w/v Ticks, lice, flies, mites, midges and keds Dilute 1 ml to 2ml in 1 litre of water and apply on whole body              as               spray               or                      bath Repeat after 15 days to kill the newly emerged larva and


adults                                 from                                 egg

**For Animal Houses: Dilution rate is 20ml/lit of water

Deltamethrin 12.5mg/ml Tick, lice, mite, flies, keds, etc. For    Tick:    Dilution    rate    2-3    ml/Lit     of     water For            Mites:            4-6ml/lit            of            water For            Lice:             1-2ml/lit             of            water

For Fly: 2-3ml/lit of water

Amitraz    12.5% w/v Tick, Fleas, Mange, lice Dilute 2-4ml per lit of water and spray or wash all over the body. Repeat the application 3 times at 15 days interval
Ivermectin    1% w/v Sarcoptic Mange Dog:        0.2        ml/33        Kg        body         weight Pig:             1ml/33            Kg             body                  weight Other Animals: 1ml/50 Kg body weight by s/c route


Drug dose schedule for treatment and prevention:


Drug Treatment Prevention
Amprolium Sulfaquinoxaline 10        mg/kg/day        for        5            days 13.2mg/kg/day(3-5days) 5 mg/kg/day for 21 days

Commonly used antibiotics in neonatal calves


S No. Drugs Dose regime
1 Ampicillin Sodium 5-10 mg/kg PO or IV every 12 hrs.
2 Ceftiofur Sodium 10 mg/kg PO or IV every 12 hrs.
3 Enrofloxacin 2.5-5 mg/kg PO or IV every 12-24 hrs.
4 Erythromycin 2.2-4.4 mg/kg PO
5 Gentamicin 4 mg/kg IM or IV every 12 hrs.
6 Trimethoprim-Sulfonamide 15-30 mg/kg IV every 12 hrs.



Commonly used antibiotics in neonatal foals


S No. Drugs Dose regime
1 Amoxicillin trihydrate 25 mg/kg PO every 6-8 hrs.
2 Amoxicillin-Clavulanate 15-25 mg/kg IV every 6-8 hrs.
3 Ampicillin sodium 10-20 mg/kg IV or IM every 6-8 hrs
4 Ceftiofur sodium 10 mg/kg IV every 6-8 hrs.
5 Enrofloxacin 5-7.5 mg/kg PO or IV every 12-24 hrs
6 Trimethoprim-Sulfonamide 15-30 mg/kg IV every 12 hrs.

Tips for Good Management  Practices for cattle and Buffalo in India PDF CAN BE DOWNLOADED FROM HERE-

Tips for Good Management  Practices for cattle and Buffalo in India

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