Diwali is a festival of lights. Every year during this period, number of animals surrounding us get completely devastated as the cracker bursting spree of the citizens. Bursting of crackers not only disturbs the animals, but also causes noise, air and light pollution which is hazardous for human beings too. Therefore, a festival which is meant to bring the joy and happiness in our lives, brings so much of the distress in the lives of animals. Though Diwali might be a perfect time for us to share a bond with families and friends, but for our pet it turns out to be a difficult time. So if we love our four-legged friends, we need to take some precautions to not stress out them.
During Diwali, the air and noise pollution shoots up. So given the fact that dogs have exceptionally sensitive ears and nose, they are pushed to face more stress during Diwali. They get stressed and confused during this period since they are not used to it. Animals have a very acute sense of hearing and the cracker bursting sounds are unbearable to them. The animal ears are more sensitive than human ears. Because of the hearing range of the animals, it causes extreme stress in them. The most common symptoms of cracker bursting seen in animals are fear, salivation, shaking, trembling, shivering, excessive barking, loss of appetite, aggressiveness, etc. Keeping all of the above facts in mind, we need to keep in mind the following tips to make sure that our pet is at ease during the Diwali festival.


 Pets should be kept indoors and in a familiar room. All doors and windows can be kept closed to reduce the noise. Supply pets with enough food and water and ensure someone can stay with them to comfort them.
 Fireworks should be stored safely, out of reach of pets. Do not keep fireworks containers under stairs or exposed in passages. Do not light candles or ‘diyas’ (earthen lamps) in close proximity to the dogs. Keep all fire-related stuff out of their reach.
 House should be decorated with lights and lamps that are friendlier to the environment and the pets by giving off less smoke and noise.
 Avoid to burst crackers near an animal shelter or zoo. Since, it can cause noise and air pollution which forces the animals to suffer from anxiety and fear.
 Dogs should be taken for a walk during the daytime before the celebrations begin. Never walk them near where others are lighting firecrackers.
 Before the fireworks starts, make sure to bring the pet inside the house as loud noise of the crackers can scare them and make them panic. Some of them might act aggressively due to anxiety, while some may try to hide them in a silent isolated corner of the house.
 Don’t forget to feed them well after the exercise. A tired and well-fed dog will be less anxious during the fireworks.
 Pets have a tendency to isolate themselves by hiding under the bed or in the washroom. If they do so, allow them to do it. Don’t force them to come out or try to comfort them during this state.
 Volume of the music system or television can be turned up to mask the sound of firecrackers.
 Aggressive pets can be distracted from the sounds of firecrackers by having their favourite treat.
 Try to keep the dogs in a room where outside noise interference is minimal. It can be done by covering the space below the doors with a cloth to minimize the sound of firecrackers from coming in.
 Favourite toys can be made available to the pets to keep them distracted from the outside noise. Let them have a secluded corner in the house to play with toys.
 A veterinarian can be consulted, if pets are suffering from acute anxiety or distress from loud noises. Check their availability in case of emergency. Keep their contact details with you.
 Keeping the fact in mind, pets can get injured during this period, a first aid kit can be made. A bucketful of water can be kept aside for this purpose.
 Collars and identification tags with current contact information for the identification purpose in case the if the pet goes missing. All pets, even those kept indoors, should wear collars with identification tags at all times.
 Contact information of local municipal corporations, certain NGOs’ and surrounding shelters can be kept with you in case of any emergencies.
 Spend time with your dog during Diwali celebrations and keep them focused on you all the time.
 Some of the owners force their pets to be close to the sounds that are frightening. Don’t do that as it will only end up frightening the pet even more. In an attempt to leave the situation, the pet will become aggressive.
 We have guests flowing in and out of our home during this period. So while guests are at home, do not ignore the pets. Never lock them up in another room or put them on a leash. Consider them as a part of the family gatherings so that they will be less stressed.


 Pets might get excited by seeing Rangoli colours as never seen before and can roll in them, but the toxic colours can be dangerous for them. If they simply come in contact with the Rangoli colours they might get food poisoning or skin infection.

 Considering the air pollution happening during the period, it could be bad for the pets. Air pollution can be overcome to some extent by using a good air purifier. Not only will this help you to keep the pets healthy on Diwali but all year long.

 Lots of dishes or fried food items are made during this festive season. If same is incorporated in the diet of the pets, it might lead to the disorders of GIT. Considering this fact in mind, we have to stick to the dog food or whatever the pet usually eats.

 Considering the present scenario, use of sanitizers has become inseparable part of our lives. At the same time, one should not forget they are highly inflammable. Keeping this in mind, we have to make sure that the pets should not have access to it.


For thousands of stray dogs on the streets of India, Diwali is no less than an disaster. Some of the notorious kids and teenagers, for their own ‘fun’ leaves them burned, seriously injured and occasionally limbless. We can take care of them too by following precautionary measures :

• Avoid being mischievous by tying crackers in their tails. We can restrict such actions, if we see someone doing it.

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• Do not allow anyone to throw lit crackers on or at them. Make sure that these animals are moved away from such places, so that, they won’t suffer from any injuries or burns.

• Some of the dogs may develop a fear of sound or excessive fear of loud noises if they are exposed to fireworks. This will lead the dogs to hide from people, urinate, defecate, drool, pant and develop separation anxiety.
• If we find such injured dogs, we can bring to the notice of local/concern authorities. Help these animals on the road by giving them food and water.

 Dr. Akshay J. Wankhade M.V.Sc (Animal Nutrition) Fine Organics Industries Limited 8657580179
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