Top Livestock & Agri start-ups: Innovation for boosting the future of Livestock & Agriculture in India


Top Livestock & Agri start-ups: Innovation for boosting the future of Livestock & Agriculture in India

India has the second largest agricultural land in the world. About 60% of rural Indian households make their living from agriculture. The agro based industry saw a growth at a CAGR of 16.4% over FY10 to FY18. Agricultural exports from India reached US$ 38.54 billion in FY19 and in FY20 (till November 2019) US$ 22.69 billion. With many initiatives for farmers, the government aims to double farmers’ income by 2022. So we have compiled a list of Indian Agricultural startups that are making a name and increasing their growth in quick succession.

Agriculture sector in India is suffering from a variety of problems like the use of outdated equipment, improper infrastructure, and farmers unable to access a wider range of markets with ease while making just limited profits on crop sales. Proper infrastructure and supply chain management are the more pressing concerns. With improvement in areas of technology, digitization and startup culture growing rapidly, there are many new ones entering the Indian startup ecosystem.

Livestock sector plays an important role in rural livelihood, employment and income generation. Major livestock products like milk and milk products, meat and eggs contribute around one-sixth of the calories and one-third of the proteins in the per capita food supplies of the world.

Increase in cost of production reduces the profit margin. Animal husbandry is the second largest economic activity of rural India. In Arid and semi arid regions, livestock sector ranks first in earnings to skilled, semi skilled and unskilled populations. Animal husbandry is a growth engine and annual growth rate in dairying is 5 % and in poultry it is 10% and will alleviate rural poverty and uplift the rural farmer. If the country has to sustain economically, livestock sector has to be strengthened. The availability of per capita animal protein is 10.8g whereas the requirement as per world average is 25g. National sample survey reports that 70-75% of their food budget is for milk and milk products. The need of the hour is increase in production, productivity and improvement in the marketing channel. In the case of failure in agriculture, livestock sector forms the source of income and gives insurance to any intervals of agriculture failure. With regard to production and consumption of milk, it is a golden era in the dairy sector. Organized sector grows more than 10% per annum. Milk production is increasing in Asia and India and increasing prices are favorable to developing countries. International Farm Comparison Network (IFCN), Germany reported that India has lowest cost of milk production when compared to developed countries.

Productivity and Quality

According to recent reports 70% of Indian cows and 60% buffaloes have very low productivity. Average milk yield from local cows is about 3 to 3.5liters, of buffalo 3.96 to 5.39liters and of cross bred cow between 5.82 to 7.80 liters per day which is significantly lower than the productivity in developed countries. According to the Economic Survey, productivity in agriculture sector is far below global standards; India has around 300 million numbers of cows and buffalos in dairy production and is the global leader in milk production: about 135 million tones a year. But productivity per cattle is comparatively less. The best run farms in the world produce 1.6 kg of milk for every kg of feed, in India it’s less than a kg.  Scientific breeding, feeding and management practices along with quality inputs and extension support services are required for achieving better productivity. There exists a wide deficit in the supply of feeds and fodders countrywide. Strategic programmes are required for reaching out among small holder population for facilitating technology transfer and extension support.

Startups in Livestock and Agri allied sectors

India is emerging as a global destination for Innovation, Incubation and Start-ups and provides great opportunities. Government of India has come up with exciting programmes to support startup ecosystem and to nurture innovations and  launched Startup India action Plan for bringing in policies and frameworks that can support and nurture the start up eco-system.  India ranks third in Start up ecosystem after United States and UK and is emerging as a hub for innovation and has a large population of youth with untapped ideas. Innovations can trigger social change and solve problems faced by contemporary India. Bangalore ranks first in innovation and start-up destination in the Country. Recent findings reveal that success rate in start-ups are only 30 percent. International trading system, economic impact, policies, technology solutions and digital innovations are the major areas which facilitates Startups in the country.

Agri Incubators are breakthrough simulation game that helps disruptive entrepreneurs to create break through innovations, develop stronger business models and entrepreneurial strategies. The presence of vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystem is one of the key features of developed nation and a critical enabler for finding solutions to the regional problems. Precision agriculture, aimed at increasing productivity from the land is acquiring momentum across the globe. There are systems in which Irrigation, dispersion of nutrients and fertilizers are being done by drones which are emerging as third dimension mode of transportation.

While thinking of innovation we should keep in mind why we need to innovate? More than 52 percent companies among the Fortune 500 companies disappear because of poor sustainability. Need of the hour is to identify technologies which can be scaled up across the growing population. Internet of things, Sensors, solutions, transactions, transportation, online platform and social entrepreneurship are gaining momentum across the world. India is still an agrarian economy and has more than 50% of the working population involved in agriculture. This sector had shown significant fall in growth from 25 to 14%. This has resulted in widening of growth inequities between urban and rural areas. Improving productivity, quality of crops and value addition of agriculture produce would boost farm incomes and promote agribusiness industries which can provide gainful employment to rural youth. Innovative technologies will help to improve farm productivity.

Livelihood issues, Entrepreneurship, Food security and food safety issues, One health and public health issues, Demographic dividend towards youth and  Increasing consumerism are some of the recent trends in agriculture. Prospects for Ready to cook and ready to eat products are emerging at a time when Women are working as home managers and started outsourcing foods. Programmes to prevent Protein malnutrition with Consumer awareness programme have immense prospects for scaling up. The National dream is clean air, clean water and clean India. India ranks 69 in the world in gross development index.

Today youth is emerging as job creators rather than job seekers. There are ample opportunities for innovation in information technology and Biotechnology. In India services sector supersedes all other sectors. Now there are no services available in India without ICT or online. The number of internet users in India is likely to more than double to 730 million by 2020 of which more than 75 percent of new users would come from rural areas. Interestingly 75 percent of new users are expected to consume data in local languages. E commerce market in India is expected to double to 34 billion US dollars by 2020.The number of online shoppers is likely to more than triple to 175 million from current 50 million. By 2020 India will have an estimated 702 million smart phones in use and mobile phones will emerge as the preferred device for shopping, accounting for 70 percent of total online shopping. Two Billion people in the world are using internet. One Billion people are regularly browsing Face book. Power of innovation is changing day by day. Future business is going to be through social media. We will have to think of next generation IT solution for 2030. By 2030 consumer, expectations and innovations will change.

In India basic challenge is between automation and skilled labour, documenting Vs knowing and advanced manufacturing vs jugaad. Capacity building will create talent pool. Genomics, food production, health and hydrogenation are important. In the Agriculture sector farm to fork is acquiring momentum. 30% production loss occurs in agriculture sector. Innovation needs to be linked to market need. Learn and experimentation is more important. India has 126 million hectare of arable land. Cultivable lands are 185 million hectares. More than 50% land is for primary food production. Agriculture is the largest private enterprise. Initially it was ship to food or ship to mouth. Now it is aimed at self sufficient in food production. Innovation is changing in the context. Average Indian consumer is looking for convenience, quality and safety. Agriculture should focus on demand driven value chain. There are huge prospects for organic and safe to eat products in Agriculture, Dairying, livestock and allied sectors. Recently consumers realised the deleterious effect of foods with excess antibiotics and pesticides. It has been projected to double the income of farmers by 2022 which will facilitate technologies. Irrigation, soil health and water conservation were given due coverage in the recent budget. Organic farming has been identified as one of the key areas for sustainable agriculture. Value addition, connectivity to market and e commerce are some of the recommendations in the budget which facilitates market led production. 100 percent foreign direct investment has been allowed in e commerce &food processing sector. Innovation has volatility, uncertainty, ambiguity and complexity. It is the process of dreaming and doing. How fast we are implementing the dream is important in innovation decision making process. Cloud, mobile, data, design and flat world are part of innovation. Cloud involves architecture changes, open source and new business models.

It has been envisaged that by 2030 number of students in the higher education sector will increase from 30 million to 70 million with the GER of 50 percent. It has been forecasted that 23 Universities will reach the top 200 of the World by 2030. The coming years will witness spectacular employment opportunities in E commerce, Innovation, communication, new media, Business analytics, Entrepreneurship, cloud services, biosciences, Retail industry, Agribusiness and Food processing sectors. India needs to create 1.5 Crore jobs per year for the next ten years to provide employment to youngsters. India is second largest smart phone market in the World and third largest country for downloads in 2015 within the Google Play Store. 66 Apps installed per user, 23 used daily.

Mobile, the low cost technology with hi speed self service and fastest growth is emerging as the Flat world platform for distribution and monetization. There are huge opportunities for digital led innovations in marketing. It can be ICT or smart phone based. Digital led deliverables are required for knowledge, production and marketing since knowledge is production. In order to increase production and to increase productivity with market led approach startups with appropriate innovations are required. In agriculture sector success depends on integration or convergence of different sectors like dairying, livestock, fisheries, etc.

TheLivestock &  Agri startups in India are providing information, techniques and efficiencies to farmers.

Based on a Nasscom report in 2019, India already has over 450 agritech startups, and the number is still increasing, with a growth rate of 25% yearly. Each agritech startup uses its own way to help farmers increase their productivity and revenue, some focus on supply chain process optimization, some focus on online market trading, while many of them focus on precision farming. At present there are 103 Livestock Tech startups in India. Here is a list of the 10 most exciting ones.

Disclaimer: Note that the provided top 10  Livestock/Agritech companies are not based on any ranking, but on the discretion of the writer. 

Licious   |

Online platform for delivery of meat and seafood

Licious is an online platform for the delivery of meat and seafood. The company delivers hand-cut individually vacuum-sealed, packed fresh, marinated, or cold cut meat. Has a central processing plant and a number of storage units in multiple cities. Works on a zero inventory model. It offers fresh meat, chicken, fish, eggs, mutton & seafood, and more. It also offers a subscription model that allows pre-set delivery dates and products. Its app is available on Android and iOS platforms.

Company Overview

Founded Year 2015


Location Bangalore (India)


Funding USD 351M [Funding Details]


Investors Akshay Ghulati, Ankita Vashistha, Innoven Capital and 32 Other Investors [Investor Details]


FreshToHome Foods FreshToHome Foods   |

App-based platform offering raw seafood & meat delivery

Fresh to home is an app-based platform offering raw seafood & meat delivery. It offers chicken, naturally raised mutton, duck, and other meats. The company claims no-preservative added marinades and offers ready-to-cook products. It provides delivery at the customer’s doorstep through its own logistics team. The company available in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, Bangalore, Delhi, Chennai, Mumbai, Pune, Hyderabad, Cochin, Trivandrum, Calicut, and Thrissur.

Company Overview

Founded Year 2015


Location Bangalore (India)


Funding USD 169M [Funding Details]


Investors Louis Selincourt, Marcus Uri Segal, M&S Partners and 64 Other Investors [Investor Details]


Stellapps   |

Provider of farm optimization and monitoring support

Stellapps Technologies provides end to end farm optimization and monitoring solutions for farmers. For this technology used in IoT, mobility, and data analytics in order to improve Agri- supply chain parameters including milk production, milk procurement, cold chain, animal insurance, and farmer payments. They provide platform SmartMoo, which gathers data via sensors that are embedded in milking systems, animal wearable, milk chilling equipment, and provides management of cattle, organization of dairy farms, and for logistics management.

Company Overview

Founded Year 2011


Location Bangalore (India)


Funding USD 19M [Funding Details]


Investors Raghavendra Joshi, Harish Ananthamurthy, WRVI and 29 Other Investors [Investor Details]


Animall |

Online P2P livestock listing and trading platform

Animall is an online P2P livestock listing and trading platform. It allows the user to buy and sell their cattle and buffaloes online.

Company Overview

Founded Year 2019


Location Bangalore (India)


Funding USD 10M [Funding Details]


Investors Omnivore Partners, Amit Kumar, WEH Ventures and 17 Other Investors [Investor Details]


ZappFresh   |

Online fresh meat delivery service

Developing an online platform offering fresh meat delivery service. Sells fresh meat procured from partnering farms in and around the city. Using hygienic packing depending upon the quality of meat. Starting operation from Gurgaon and also operates in South Delhi. Claims to have achieved the operational breakeven point in Feb 2016, delivering nearly 12,000 orders per month. Recently raised undisclosed funding in Aug 2016 from Ashvin Chadha (IAN) and another undisclosed investor.

Company Overview

Founded Year 2015


Location Delhi (India)


Funding USD 9M [Funding Details]


Investors Siddharth Bhavnani, Samir Saran, Oscar De Lima Pereira and 16 Other Investors [Investor Details]


Tropical Animal Genetics |

Developer of in-vitro animal breeding platform

Tropical Animal Genetics is a developer of the in-vitro animal breeding platform. It developed In Vitro, a species agnostic breeding platform that allows the breeding of animals at the cellular level within the laboratory. It also allows breeders to add all desirable traits at the gene level to develop desired species of poultry, livestock, and aquatic animals.

Company Overview

Founded Year 2014


Location Gurgaon (India)


Funding USD 7M [Funding Details]


Investors Krishna Shyamsunder Kumar, Srinivas Cherukuri, Anil Prabhakar and 25 Other Investors [Investor Details]


Eggoz   |

Producer of eggs through innovative technology

Eggoz is a producer of eggs through innovative technology. The company supplies fresh eggs to households, local shops, and markets. The company also provides services to the farmer with technical and veterinarian advisory support, backed with IoT based tech.

Company Overview

Founded Year 2017


Location Bihar Sharif (India)


Funding USD 2M [Funding Details]


Investors Vishal Sharma, Anant Gupta, Abhishek Gupta and 32 Other Investors [Investor Details]


Krimanshi   |

Developer and supplier of sustainable feed for livestock animals

Krimanshi is a developer and supplier of sustainable feed for livestock animals. The company focuses on providing better nutrition. Some of the product materials provided by the company include cottonseed cake, mineral mixture, silage & fruit powder, etc. The company is also coming up with feeding products for poultry and fishery.

Company Overview

Founded Year 2015


Location Jodhpur (India)


Funding USD 736K [Funding Details]


Investors Villgro, AIM Smart City Accelerator, Rajasthan Venture Capital Fund and 5 Other Investors [Investor Details]


MoooFarm   |

Provider of an app-based platform for cattle farm management

Provider of an app-based platform for cattle farm management. The platform calculates farmer’s cost and revenue and maps the breeding life cycle of cattle, sends need-based alerts, manages accounts, and offers smart learning solutions. The application also provides e-learning video content where farmers can stream videos on topics such as calf rearing, health, and diseases, silage making, balanced ration, breed improvement, clean milk production. The application is available for android users.

Company Overview

Founded Year 2018


Location Gurgaon (India)


Funding USD 684K [Funding Details]


Investors Navus Ventures, Rockstart, Microsoft [Investor Details]


Identis  |

RFID tags manufacturer and provider for livestock animals

Identis is a manufacturer and provider of RFID tags for animal identification and tracking. The company provides LF, HF, and UHF passive tags for livestock animals such as cattle, sheep, goats, etc. It also provides glass tags, ear tags, and bolus tags for animal identification. In addition, the company also manufactures and sells handheld, fixed, integrated & USB RFID tags readers.

Company Overview

Founded Year 2010


Location Hyderabad (India)


Funding USD 564K [Funding Details]


Investors Hyderabad Angels, Suresh Challa, Murali Bakkapatnam and 7 Other Investors [Investor Details]


 5 Top Livestock Monitoring Startups

Anitrack – Cattle Monitoring

Cattle provide humans with valuable resources like dairy, beef, and grazers for agriculture. Growing concerns regarding the treatment and maintenance of cattle are being answered by many startups. Smart tracking and health monitoring solutions have ensured that the animals are given individual attention right from their birth, creating high-quality end products. Ghanaian startup Anitrack develops smart collars for cattle to monitor their health and activity. Notifications are sent to the farmers immediately upon detection of anything unusual. They also link cattle farmers with the necessary animal services. These services have an amplified impact in Africa, where cattle stealing and cattle deaths due to disease are common.

Ewetrack – Sheep Monitoring

Sheep herds face many issues today with regards to their health, movement, and safety. Sheep can occasionally get lost, bitten by dogs or other predators, and even get stolen. Farmers are understanding the importance of keeping the herds happy as a disturbed sheep may not breed properly and this may even lead to deaths. British startup Ewetrack is set to launch a series of smart Internet of Things (IoT) devices for tracking and monitoring sheep. They offer comprehensive solutions for the sheep farmer. Their devices, which are geo-fenced, will alert the farmer when sheep get out of a virtually fenced zone. They reduce sheep worrying and lameness by analyzing simple movement and location data. They also alert the farmers about any lambing activity, especially when birthing outdoors, so that they can ensure the survival of lambs after birth.

Faromatics – Poultry Monitoring

If tracking large animals is a tough task, tracking smaller animals like chicken or flock can be even more trying. Chicken farms, or broiler farms, usually have to employ more labor than in other livestock farms. It is a tough task to manually tag, let alone monitor, all the chicken in the pen. Moreover, collecting accurate data from the chicken farm can be impossible to do manually. Video, image, and sensor technologies have allowed for great improvements in tracking and monitoring chicken. Spanish startup Faromatics develops ChickenBoy, an air-suspended robot to observe chicken, litter, and equipment 24×7. The robot monitors air quality, health, and welfare using a multitude of sensors and cameras to inspect equipment operations and informs farmers, stock persons or vets via mobile alarms. Their solution saves valuable resources that may have to be spent on treatment or disposal of chicken.

Serket – Pig Monitoring

As for pig farming, smart farming applications range from acoustic sensors that signal higher frequencies in the coughing of pigs – a sign of respiratory infection – to more sophisticated forms of information on birthing and fertility, while feed probes enable farmers to optimize rations. Such technology allows farmers to spend less on medicines as well. Dutch startup Serket uses readily available technology to help pig farms become more cost-efficient. They provide a 24×7 live feed of the livestock that can be viewed from anywhere. They help farmers track even the smallest changes to behavior patterns in pigs, at an individual level. Any abnormalities in animal health are notified immediately to the farmer, saving time in delivering aid. In addition, they allow farmers to keep a record of historical data in digital formats.

Eruvaka Technologies – Fish Monitoring

Fish and other aquaculture produce like shrimps and prawns are heavily dependant on their environment or ecosystem for survival. Smart solutions in fish technology have paved the way for enhancing fish health, safety, and movements. Aquaculture farm monitoring not only involves tracking fish but also in maintaining water quality. Such systems enable farmers to automate certain tasks that previously involved high labor requirements. Indian company Eruvaka Technologies develops cloud-based aquaculture and pond management solutions. They offer three main products: the PondGuard, for real-time monitoring of ponds with intelligent control of aerators, the PondMother, automated and intelligent feeder systems, and PondLogs, a platform to integrate and analyze the data collected. They aim to reduce production costs and increase yields by making fish farming more sustainable.


Top 10 Promising Agritech Startup Companies In India In 2021

As per the media report by FNB News, As of 2020, the India Agritech Market contains 600-700 agritech startups. Based on revenue in FY2020, startups in the supply chain & output linkage category such as Ninjacart leads the business. Precision farming, consulting, and analytics startups are still in their infancy and confront the problem of revenue at scale.

Cropin is the market leader in precision farming. Agrostar was identified as the market leader in the input market linkage and farming as a service category.

By FY2025, the market is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 32.0 per cent in terms of revenue. Rising rural smartphone and internet penetration is projected to boost the country’s adoption of agritech solutions. By 2025, 410 million additional smartphone users are anticipated to join India’s present user base, with rural regions accounting for the majority of demand.

Geographical growth of agritech players to various states is also predicted in the future years. New competitors offering end-to-end solutions along the agricultural value chain are expected to enter the market in the future.

Here, we have the top 10 Agritech startups that one must look out for in 2021-


  • Ninjacart

Source: LinkedIn

India’s largest Fresh Produce Supply Chain platform, Ninjacart is a pioneer in getting solutions to one of the toughest supply chain problems globally through its innovative technology. This startup facilitates a medium to connect producers of food directly with retailers, restaurants, and service providers that drive end to end operations.

Currently, their supply chain enables the movement of vegetables and fruits from farmers to retailers and businesses across 7 Indian cities, every day in less than 12 hours.  Their model is designed in such a way that it cuts down the intermediaries by taking control of the Supply Chain by using technology and analytics.

This agritech is reliable, cost-effective, and has high-speed logistics and infrastructure that solves inefficiencies and reduces food wastage in the Supply Chain.

Headquartered in Bangalore, and founded in 2015 by Sharath Loganathan, Thirukumaran Nagarajan, Vasudevan Chinnathambi, Kartheeswaran KK, Ashutosh Vikram and Sachin Jose, this startup aims to build India’s most efficient and largest Supply Chain platform that works tirelessly to improve the lives of producers, businesses, and consumers. In such a short span, their investors include Accel US, Syngenta Ventures, Neoplux, HR Capital, Trifecta Capital, Jo Hirao, Founder of ZIGExN, Accel India, Nandan Nilekani, Mistletoe, Qualcomm Ventures, Tiger Global, Flipkart and Walmart.

  • CropIn

Source: Crunchbase

Headquartered in Bangalore and founded in 2010 by Krishna Kumar, CropIn delivers future-ready farming solutions and decision-making tools that bring consistency, dependability and sustainability to the agri-businesses. It is an Earth Observation & AI-led AgTech organization that has enabled the farmers to  ‘Re-imagine Agriculture with Data’.  This agritech startup aims to make the world’s ag-ecosystem players sustainably “maximize their per-acre value” with the help of pixel-level data derived from satellite imagery,  along with IoT and field intelligence.

CropIn is well-positioned to take a multi-disciplinary approach to AI, Earth Observation, Agriculture, Meteorology, and Computer Sciences, all of which will work together to provide valuable knowledge to improve the ag-ecosystem and influence a farmer’s livelihood. CropIn’s SaaS solutions are used by 225 agribusinesses, as well as several governments and non-governmental organisations in more than 52 countries.

CropIn allows organisations to successfully advance their objectives around Digitization, Compliance, Predictability, Sustainability, and Traceability by leveraging technology. CropIn has digitised more than 13 million acres of agriculture, improved the lives of more than 4 million farmers, and collected data on 388 crops and 9,500 crop types. CropIn has a 92 per cent adaptation score and a 98 per cent client retention rate.

At the beginning of 2021, as per media reports, CropIn, secured $20 million in a Series C investment round headed by ABC World Asia, an Asia-focused private equity firm devoted to evidence-based impact investing. This round of investment was also supported by existing investors Chiratae Ventures, Invested Development, and Ankur Capital.

CropIn is also investing to expand its reach in its target areas throughout the world. CropIn has launched its office in Amsterdam and plans to hire local professionals to help drive development in the European market.


  • AgroStar


AgroStar is India’s leading AgTech start-up, founded in 2013 and located in Pune, with the aim of #HelpingFarmersWin by putting a comprehensive spectrum of agro solutions at farmers’ fingertips. AgroStar’s technology platform combines agronomy guidance with service and agri input goods to help farmers increase their productivity and revenue considerably.

They use an extensive amount of data, technology and agronomy knowledge to give the right solutions (advice+products) to Indian farmers. They employ a large quantity of data, technology, and agronomy experience to provide Indian farmers with the best solutions (advice+products).

AgroStar presently has over 5 lakh farmers on their digital service in the states of Gujarat, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, and Uttar Pradesh. Farmers in these states may get agro solutions during their whole crop life cycle by ringing a simple “missed call” or downloading the company’s Android app, which is one of the highest-rated farming-related applications in the country.

AgroStar overcomes the typical farmer concerns of duplication, adulteration, and product unavailability by providing a large selection of high-quality items to the farmer via a simple missed call! Farmers now suffer a massive problem in the form of a lack of real-time and reliable agronomy guidance. Farmers may obtain expert agronomy guidance from AgroStar’s “Agri Doctor,” which addresses this problem for them. Leading venture capital companies such as Aavishkaar Capital, Chiratae Ventures, Accel Partners, Bertelsmann India, and Rabo Frontier Ventures have backed this startup.


  • DeHaat

Source: LinkedIn

DeHaat, founded in 2012 and headquartered in Gurugram, is one of the fastest-growing Agri Tech start-ups and one of the few firms in India that provides end-to-end solutions and services to the agricultural community. The firm believes that AI-enabled technology will change the agriculture sector’s supply chain and production efficiency. They now have 350,000 farmers in their service network in Bihar, UP, Odisha, and West Bengal, and their objective is to reach 5 million farmers by 2024.

DeHaat is currently a fully financed start-up with a growth rate of 3-4x yearly, founded by graduates from IIT Delhi, IIT Kharagpur, IIM Ahmedabad, and other premier universities. NASSCOM, Forbes, ET, Niti Aayog, and the Bill Gates Foundation, among others, have acknowledged and praised the efforts made at the grassroots level.


  • Stellapps


Stellapps is an end-to-end dairy technology solutions company, the first of its kind in India, founded in 2011 by a group of IITians and technologists with a strong industry background and rich experience, including IIT-Madras, IIT-Kharagpur, and IIM-Ahmedabad alumni Jinesh Shah, Praveen Nale, Ramakrishna Adukuri, Ranjith Mukundan, and Ravishankar Shiroor, Stellapps creates dairy management software solutions that use technology to enhance the dynamics of the dairy supply chain. The company’s apps use IoT, big data, cloud, mobility, and data analytics to improve agri-supply chain parameters like milk production, milk procurement, cold chain animal insurance, and farmer payments, allowing dairy farms, dairy farmers, and cooperatives to maximise profits while minimising effort.

  • Bijak

Source: Yourstory

Bijak, a B2B platform for suppliers and consumers across India’s Agri value chain, was launched in April 2019. Bijak attempts to address the asymmetry of knowledge and lack of responsibility in the agricultural commodity trade. Bijak has grown to cover 22 states, 400 areas, and 80+ commodities since its inception. Now, they have a  staff of around 60 people and are rapidly expanding.

B2B merchants have limited access to technology, information, and financing, yet control 80% of India’s $300 billion Agri value chain. Bijak assists these consumers/MSMEs in discovering each other as well as the rating of the counterparty, allowing customers to trade with little friction thanks to Bijak’s layer of trust and dependability.

Suppliers and buyers may use the programme not just to trade or discover each other, but also to find out meta-data about each other to conduct a faster and more reliable transaction. In the past, the founding team worked with J.P.Morgan, Avendus Capital, Rocket Internet, Asia Innovations Group, Transit Capital, ZS Associates, and other companies as entrepreneurs, investment bankers, and venture capitalists. They’ve led and managed start-ups supported by global firms including Index Ventures, KPCB, and Matrix Partners, among others.

Bijak is supported by well-known international investors that have funded unicorns and helped firms go public throughout the world. RTP Global, Sequoia Capital, Omidyar Network, Omnivore Partners, Better Capital, AngelList, and Tempo have all invested in Bijak, which has raised $14.5 million (INR 110 crores) in two stages.

  • BharatAgri

Source: Deccan Herald

BharatAgri, founded in 2017 by Sai Gole and Siddharth Dialani, is an agricultural technology platform where we engage directly with farmers. BharatAgri aims to close the gap between technology and agriculture in India, to reach as many Indian farmers as possible.

With a purpose to “Empower every farmer & Digitize every farm,” they help farmers “Grow Efficient, Grow More” by methodically using scientific approaches and delivering vital information at the right moment, as well as frequent monitoring. At BharatAgri, they strive to meet each farmer’s needs because they think that every farmer deserves a shot at a prosperous future.

  • Gold Farm

Source: LinkedIn

Gold Farm is an Indian Agri-Tech start-up located in Bangalore. They provide farmers in India with a tractor booking platform based on a smartphone app. They also supply solar water pumps to farmers in India’s power-scarce areas.

Their offices are located in Bangalore, Kolar, Hubli, Coimbatore, and Trichy. They employ over 100 people across various sites. They are passionate about agriculture and the fact that their work benefits the farmers. Gold Farm seeks to improve farmer growth and sustainability by constructing efficient ecosystems via innovation and technology. They have a vision that Gold Farm would help a million farmers in India double their farm revenue by 2022.

  • Villageagro

Source: BW Business World

Villageagro Agritech Private Limited is an online marketplace for fresh and organic fruits, vegetables, poultry, and dairy goods that is both F2B (Farmer to Business) and F2C (Farmer to Customer). Villageagro collects fresh and organic vegetables, fruits, poultry, and dairy products straight from farms and delivers them to companies’ doors. Founded by a group of IITians with the goal of “giving back” to society.

Villageagro Agritech Private Limited is one of India’s fastest-growing Agritech firms. Along with smart farming, it serves as a technological, scientific, and managerial link in the agricultural supply chain. Villageagro delivers fresh and nutritious organic goods while keeping consumers’ health in mind, while also improving farmer income to help support a sustainable ecology. Villageagro can offer fresh and organic, quality tested Agri, poultry, and dairy products to small, medium, and big food sector enterprises using modern supply chain optimization technologies, logistical management, and a pleasant approach to farmers.

Their platform is intended to use smart inventory management and quick logistics to decrease food waste, reduce the risk for farmers and companies, and promote smart farming to solve the nutrition crisis and upgrade the food value chain to next-generation nutritious foods.


  • Fasal

Source: LinkedIn

Fasal, based in Bangalore and launched in 2018, recognised that many concerns plagued farmers’ minds not only during certain crop phases, but every minute, hour, and day that the crop stood in their fields. Only data-driven farming, Fasal recognised, could take the uncertainty out of farming by pinpointing exactly what works and what doesn’t.

So, they started with just four team members and are now on their way to making a significant effect on Indian agriculture! Fasal’s AI-powered horticulture platform has helped countless farmers decrease cultivation costs while increasing quality and output since its start, offering farm-specific, crop-specific, crop-stage-specific, actionable advice.

They promote sustainable agriculture and solutions that have a positive influence on social, economic, and environmental aspects, thereby contributing significantly to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

Fasal is a horticulture farmer’s end-to-end farming app. It makes it straightforward to plan, monitor, and evaluate all operations on the farm. Planting, spraying, fertilising, irrigation, harvesting, crop sale, and all other processes can be controlled with a single click.

Fasal also offers Fasal Sense, an IoT sensor device that monitors farm data continually once deployed. The system then utilises artificial intelligence and data science to generate on-farm forecasts regarding disease and pests and delivers actionable information and suggestions in regional languages to your smartphone.


There are 20 Livestock Tech startups in Israel. Here is a list of the 10 most exciting ones

Afimilk   |

Developer of multiple products for dairy farm management

Afimilk has developed multiple products to address problems across various planning and operations activity of dairy farms. The products include dairy farm management software that collects data across parameters from onfield sensors, analyzes and offers pre-created solution sets, milking parlor automation systems (including machines for cow identification, weighing, milk meters and analyzer, etc.), cow monitoring systems (including neck collars monitoring for cow’s health), etc. The company claims to be targeting the dairy markets in more than 50 countries.

Company Overview

Founded Year 1977


Location Tiberias (Israel)


Funding USD 11M [Funding Details]


Investors LIC, Fortissimo Capital, Kibbutz Afikim [Investor Details]



Solution provider for egg determination and conversion

Soos is a solution provider for egg determination & conversion. The platform provides an incubation system that helps users to determine pre-mature eggs and turn genetic males into functional female chicks. The system operates the incubation protocol and manages a combination of temperature, humidity, CO2 levels & sound vibration, etc.

Company Overview

Founded Year 2017


Location Beersheba (Israel)


Funding USD 2M [Funding Details]


Investors SparkLabs Cultiv8, X-Europe, Takwin Labs and 2 Other Investors [Investor Details]


OlfaGuard  |

Nano-tech sensors for identifying pathogens in food

OlfaGuard is a bio-nanotech company focussed on developing sensors capable of sensing pathogens in the food. Its product called E-Nose uses nano-tech gas sensors is a pathogen-specific solution which sniffs the food samples to test on the spot whether they’re infected with pathogens such as Salmonella and E.coli. Its business model is bi-folded and is based on income from the unit as well as disposable sensors. The company is targeting four segments of the food supply chain – slaughter houses/factories, food transport, food retailers and restaurants/fast food.

Company Overview

Founded Year 2016


Location Haifa (Israel)


Funding USD 400K [Funding Details]


Investors Takwin Labs [Investor Details]


MiRobot  |

Provider of innovative add-on robotic solution that automates the pre and post-milking procedure

MiRobot provider of innovative add-on robotic solutions that automates the pre and post-milking procedure integrating with the existing milking system to bring full automation. The technology allows farmers to milk stalls simultaneously, with only one supervisor overseeing the whole parlor. Its system includes robotic arms which replace humans in the activity of stimulating the cows for initiating the milking process fitting of the milking equipment and sanitizing the teats after the milking is done. This reduces the labor involved in the milking process and one farmer can remote control the operations. The system can fit into every type of parlor, stall, and milking system

Company Overview

Founded Year 2011


Location Tel Aviv (Israel)


Investors The Trendlines Group, Startup Nation Central [Investor Details]


Metabolic Robots   |

Automated feed distribution system for poultry houses

Metabolic Robots is a developer of automated system for feed distribution in poultry houses. The system works based on real time tracking of actual demand. The system uses proprietary algorithms and is operated by a master controller with a touch screen. Data, which is collected by standard sensors in the feeding trays, is analyzed and compiled into reports that the farmer accesses on a mobile device or computer. Claims that the system can integrate into any existing or new broiler house feeding system.

Company Overview

Founded Year 2011


Location Hadera (Israel)


Investors The Trendlines Group [Investor Details]



Developer, manufacturer, and supplier of dairy cow monitoring and herd management solutions

SCR is a company engaged in the development, manufacturing, and supply of dairy cow monitoring and herd management solutions. It offers cow monitoring systems such as electronic ear or neck tags, heat time systems for reproduction and health monitoring in dairy cattle, and automatic milking solutions such as patented milk sensors, etc. It also offers a mobile application for real-time update of the herd and control various parameters of the cattle herd.

Company Overview

Founded Year 1976


Location Netanya (Israel)


LifeCodes  |

IoT-based data analytics solution for disease predictions in equine

Lifecodes is an early stage company focussed on developing an IoT-based data analytics healthcare solution for the equine. As of Jun 2017, the company is operating in stealth mode and is developing its undisclosed product that allows prediction of disorders and diseases to improve horses’ healthcare, livelihood, and performance.

Company Overview

Founded Year 2017


Location Tel Aviv (Israel)


Syrinjector  |

Automatic and computerized injector for bulk veterinary injection

Syrinjector is developing an automatic and computerized injector device for rapid mass vaccination of livestock animals. The injector device also collects the data of vaccination which can be used later for analysis purposes. The company claims that its device eliminates the risk of self-injection and increase the efficiency of vaccination process. The company also claims that its device can be used for injecting live or inactive vaccines and medicines for various types including drinking water, spray, in feed, injection, and in-ovo.

Company Overview

Founded Year 2013


Location Petah Tikva (Israel)


Agrowiz |

Provider of management and decision support software platform for poultry integrators

Agrowiz is a technology company that provides management and decision support software platform for poultry integrators. It offers various modules which include strategic decision support, planning support, production & operations optimization, cost & budget control, performance projection algorithms, and more.

Company Overview

Founded Year 2018


Location Caesarea (Israel)


Moonitor |

Integrated platform for the continuous monitoring and behavioral tracking of cow herds

Moonitor provides an integrated hardware and software platform for continuous monitoring and behavioral tracking of cow herd for the detection of health-related issues. The hardware is a wearable collar device fitted with sensors to track daily activities such as grazing. The data is transferred to the herd management system through satellite. The system processes the data according to the latest research available and calculates the herd’s energy balance and pasture quality. The company claims that the system detects estrus and sickness in the individual animal and sends the notifications to the system owner on a daily basis.

Company Overview

Founded Year 2014


Location Ra’anana (Israel)


There are 43 Livestock Tech startups in Netherlands. Here is a list of the 10 most exciting ones

Connecterra   |

Provider of integrated cattle health tracking platform for dairy farmers

Connecterra provides an integrated cattle health tracking platform for dairy farmers. The company has developed sensor cubes that capture data and device management platform & enables full control of cube devices, capturing and processing the raw data and transferring it to the cloud for data processing. End-users can access the raw data from any connected display device. The company’s technology enables locating, assessing, and detecting.

Company Overview

Founded Year 2015


Location Amsterdam (Netherlands)


Funding USD 14M [Funding Details]


Investors 7percent, Breed Reply, Elias Tabet and 12 Other Investors [Investor Details]


Serket  |

Develops and offers livestock health management solutions

Serket develops and offers livestock health management solutions. It offers a recognition software that helps the user to automatically trace and monitor the pigs individually. Also, helps to manage the usage of antibiotics and expensive hardware solutions Also help to manage the livestock mortality rate. Claims to use deep learning technology and computer vision technology for picture and video documentation that allows the user to track and analyze the data. The platform is available as a mobile application for Android users on play store.

Company Overview

Founded Year 2016


Location Amsterdam (Netherlands)


Funding USD 18K [Funding Details]


Investors Deep Learning, THRIVE, StartLife and 1 Other Investors [Investor Details]


MastiLine BV  |

Hardware and software solutions for cattle health monitoring

Mastiline provides hardware and software solutions for cattle health monitoring. The Sensor provides somatic cell count(SCC) which is transferred to the cloud on the real time basis. Somatic cell counts are considered the indicator of mastitis in cattle. The farmer can see the recording history in the software platform for decision-making purposes.

Company Overview

Founded Year 2015


Location Maarsbergen (Netherlands)


Investors SHIFT Invest, Frisian Development and 1 Other Investors [Investor Details]


Livestock Robotics   |

Robotic equipment for livestock farmers

Livestock Robotics, a spinoff of Wageningen University, is developing robots for livestock farmers. The first product, a poultry bot, is a product for the poultry farmers that navigates around the stable, collects the floor eggs, and collects the relevant information of animals. The technology is focused towards the development of products for animal husbandry and transfer of dull & dirty tasks from farmer to the robot.

Company Overview

Founded Year 2016


Location Wageningen (Netherlands)


Investors StartLife [Investor Details]


Direct Dairy Holding  |

Provider of fully-automatic systems for direct milk pasteurization, filling and sorting

Provider of fully-automatic systems for direct milk pasteurization, filling and sorting. The company provides plug-and-play solutions for mixed and individual milk. The product offering includes DirectFlow (for mixed milk from milking system and cooling tanks)and DirectDairy(for individual milk from milking robots).

Company Overview

Founded Year 2016


Location Leeuwarden (Netherlands)


Investors X-Europe [Investor Details]


RedVan   |

Pork production optimization solution provider

RedVan specializes in providing pig production optimization solutions. It utilizes UHF ear tags, readers, scales, sensors, and electronic slow feeders to collect the livestock data. The data is then analyzed and provided to the farmers for optimizing the pork production.

Company Overview

Founded Year 2016


Location (Netherlands)


Investors Oost NL, StartLife [Investor Details]



Manufacturer of innovative feeding systems for the cattle and veal sector

Manufacturer of innovative feeding systems for the cattle and veal sector. The company develops and produces feeding systems such as mix dosing buckets and wagons, stationary mixers, and feeding robots. The product catalog includes a mixing container, dispenser, milling gear, spreader, and more.

Company Overview

Founded Year 2006


Location Lunteren (Netherlands)


Investors Oost NL [Investor Details]


Dairy Applications BV  |

Software for livestock feed control in the Netherlands

Dairy Applications provide Total Mixed Ration(TMR) software for the livestock farmers in the Netherlands. The software provides a detailed description of the quantity ingredients that needs to be mixed for the animal and navigates the user through the feeding process. Users have to enter the recipes of feeds for the animals. Users can also include the weight of ingredients in case of availability of a weighbridge. Trends and graphs for the historical feeding data will be generated and will be sent to users either through the email or on the dashboard. Technology is focused towards the optimization of feed for the reduction of the future diseases.

Company Overview

Founded Year 2009


Location Garyp (Netherlands)


Investors BeStart [Investor Details]


FeedCalculator |

Feed formulation software for formulating the food ingredient proportion

Feed Calculator is a feed formulation software for formulating the food ingredient proportion. The application offers various features such as feed recipes formulation, cost calculation & feed requirements, etc. Users can select livestock, include age & feed quantity & ingredients, and get the recipes & their current price. The application is available on the Android platform.

Company Overview

Founded Year 2016


Location Utrecht (Netherlands)


Boehringer Ingelheim |

Provider of drinking water vaccination solutions against PIA

Provider of drinking water vaccination solutions against PIA. It has developed a vaccination pump that ensures that the right number of doses are delivered to the pigs at the right time. Users need to create a solid pre-solution and then pump functions on itself.

Company Overview

Founded Year 2014


Location Alkmaar (Netherlands)


There are 29 Livestock Tech startups in Brazil. Here is a list of the 10 most exciting ones

Intergado   |

Develops and offers an integrated herd management system

Intergado develops and offers an integrated herd management system. The system Intergado collects the animal data from electronic troughs, weighing scales, feeder systems etc. The automatic drinking troughs, weighing stations automatically generate accurate data on individual live animal weights and water consumption to evaluate daily weight gain, feed conversion, ideal slaughter point, economic efficiency points etc. It also enables the user to identify diseased and inefficient animals and monitor the livestock. Also, provides reports on behavioral, physiological and productive parameters of the animals and provides assistance in decision making.

Company Overview

Founded Year 2013


Location Betim (Brazil)


Funding USD 3M [Funding Details]


Investors KPTL [Investor Details]


JetBov   |

Software for livestock farm management and agronomy advice

JetBov is a cloud-based software platform for recording data of livestock farms. The data related to feeding and health related activities such as vaccination can be maintained on the platform. The platform does the predictive analysis and provides cost related insights for every step of the farming process of livestock animals. The data can be accessed and edited from anywhere through the mobile application.

Company Overview

Founded Year 2014


Location Joinville (Brazil)


Funding USD 886K [Funding Details]


Investors SP Ventures, Gulfill Stream Partners, Inovativa Brasil and 2 Other Investors [Investor Details]


Chip Inside   |

Precision animal husbandry & livestock management technology

Chip Inside offers a precision animal husbandry & livestock management technology. Its product C-Tech is a collar used to monitor rumination, health and enables heat detection in dairy cattle to proactively prevent diseases in herds. The product can be bought or rented at R$ 20,00 per animal/month which includes C-Tech Health Cow for equipment and software updates on loan, CowMedAssistant, and other technical support. Clients include TechVetJr, Sebrae, Agittec, CNPq, etc.

Company Overview

Founded Year 2010


Location Santa Maria (Brazil)


Funding USD 638K [Funding Details]


Investors Inseed Investimentos [Investor Details]


Cowmed  |

Provider of cattle health and nutrition monitoring solutions

CowMed provides cattle health and nutrition monitoring solutions. It offers a C-Tech system consisting of an antenna and animal collars to collect and transmit herd data to the cloud database. It analyses the estrus behaviour of cattle and sends alerts and notifications to the user to plan insemination activities. Also, allows users to provide a precise nutrition plan based on the animal’s responses. Also, notifies the user at the breach of animal behaviour parameters and helps them in monitoring its health. Additionally, generates reports on herd health, behaviour, reproduction, production abilities.

Company Overview

Founded Year 2010


Location Santa Maria (Brazil)


Investors KPTL [Investor Details]


Agrisolus  |

Provider of farm management solution using IoT for rural producers

Provider of farm management solution using IoT for rural producers. The company uses IoT (Internet of Things) the producers to manage costs, organize processes, and connect with the production chain.

Company Overview

Founded Year 2015


Location Sao Paulo (Brazil)


Investors KPTL [Investor Details]


Scanner Bovino  |

Herd management platform

Scanner Bovino is a herd management platform that offers traceability and identification solutions for livestock management. It uses the OCR (Optical Character Recognition) algorithms to identify animals. Allows users to manage animals offline using the smartphone camera. The app is available for the Android platform.

Company Overview

Founded Year 2017


Location Juiz De Fora (Brazil)


Investors BMG UpTech [Investor Details]


Kajoo  |

Provider of egg counting equipment

Kajoo is a provider of egg counting equipment. The company claims that its products can separate count per side and has wifi integration facilities with the internet and other systems. It also claims that its products can be plugged into the cloud-based system from where the production can be monitored and also provides performance charts.

Company Overview

Founded Year 2012


Location Campinas (Brazil)


Investors Start-Up Brasil [Investor Details]


Leigado  |

Development of web-based dairy farm management software

Leigado is a Brazilian company engaged in the development of a web-based dairy farm management software for livestock farmers. Its software includes different modules such as production module, reproduction module, management & monitoring of animals, financials including receivables & payables, animal medical history, medications, etc. The software is web based and can be assessed from a remote location and is available for free as of Dec 2017.

Company Overview

Founded Year 2015


Location Dois Vizinhos (Brazil)


Investors Ventiur [Investor Details]


LabMet  |

Provider of monitoring and sensing solutions for agriculture and livestock

LabMet is a technology company that provides monitoring and sensing solutions for agriculture and livestock. It provides solutions in four scopes such as consulting, software, hardware, and monitoring. It offers agrometeorology and bioclimatology consulting, customized software solutions, and provides solutions in sensing & automation.

Company Overview

Founded Year 2014


Location Sao Paulo (Brazil)


Investors SEVNA [Investor Details]


Agriness   |

Develops and offers a swine farm managemnet system

Agriness develops and offers a swine farm management system. It offers Agriness S2 of different versions with various specifications. S2 commercial enables the user to manage the swine farm operations by providing performance reports. S2 Multiplier provides an additional feature that enables the user to manage the selection of pigs based on its genetic characteristics. S2 CIA is targeted for enhanced male production and S2 Room Room for female production management. S2 Partnership enables the partnered firms for an integrated swine management. S2 Animal Food Factory enables the user for an efficient feed mill management.

Company Overview

Founded Year 2001


Location Florianopolis (Brazil)


Investors Cargill [Investor Details]


There are 27 Livestock Tech startups in France. Here is a list of the 10 most exciting ones

TIBOT Technologies   |

Robotic solutions for poultry farming businesses

Tibot Technologies develops and offers robotic solutions for poultry farming businesses. It offers Spoutnic, an autonomous rechargeable robot for poultry farming that assists in controlled egg laying and reduces hardness. Also, assists in other tedious poultry farm operations. Claims to be resistant over water, dust and ammonia.

Company Overview

Founded Year 2016


Location Cesson-Sévigné (France)


Funding USD 3M [Funding Details]


Investors Seventure Partners, CMB and 3 Other Investors [Investor Details]


Carredeboeuf   |

Online retailer of meat products

Carré de Boeuf  is an online butcher that delivers fresh meat throughout France. The online catalog is provides 200 products of beef, skewers, rabbit, veal, lamb and pork. To ensure the freshness ships orders in insulated box equipped with refrigerated gels. The average shopping basket is around 100 euros, delivery is offered from 50 euros order.

Company Overview

Founded Year 2009


Location Paris (France)


Funding USD 3M [Funding Details]


Investors Fa Diese, Paris Business Angels, CM-CIC Capital Prive [Investor Details]



Provider of connected collar and decision support service for cattle farms

Lituus is a technology company that provides a connected collar and decision support service for cattle farms. Features of connected collar include heat detection, the anticipation of health problems, and the evaluation of the comfort of cattle. The data is analyzed by algorithms and informs the breeder about cattle.

Company Overview

Founded Year 2015


Location Lille (France)


Investors Le Village by CA [Investor Details]



Provider of end-to-end technology solution for livestock farming

Provider of end-to-end technology solution for livestock farming. The solution features health monitoring, planning, and labor management. It also offers a traceability solution.

Company Overview

Founded Year 2020


Location Clermont-ferrand (France)


Investors Le Village by CA [Investor Details]


Circul’Egg   |

Provider of technology solution for the separation of the shell and the shell membrane at poultry farming

Provider of technology solution for the separation of the shell and the shell membrane at poultry farming. It transforms the eggshells by preparing 4 ranges of eggshell and membrane-based products which can be used as new raw materials for the pet food, animal feed, nutraceutical, and cosmetics industry.

Company Overview

Founded Year 2019


Location Paris (France)


Investors Agoranov [Investor Details]



Provider of livestock farm management solution

Provider of livestock farm management solution. It also offers tools for managing herds, plots, buildings, and equipment. It also offers data analyzing solution for farm data. It offers polyculture-mixed breeding solutions for cattle and suckler sheep, poultry.

Company Overview

Founded Year 2018


Location Plaisir (France)


Investors Le Village by CA [Investor Details]



Designs and develops monitoring solutions for smart agriculture

Designs and develops monitoring solutions for smart agriculture. The company offers a device that uses sensors to measure data from the animal and sends alert which is received by the gateway and then sent to the breeder on his mobile phone by SMS.

Company Overview

Founded Year 2011


Location Caen (France)


Investors Normandie Incubation [Investor Details]


CowNotes |

Software for monitoring condition of cattle animals

CowNotes is a software platform for assessing cow health and growth condition in livestock farms. The platform provides individual animal-wise assessment and data recording module and also provides visual SOPs for the assessment procedure. Animals can be segregated and aggregated on the basis of lifecycle stage, lactation cycle, tags, and many other criteria for data collection and subsequent analytics.

Company Overview

Founded Year 2014


Location Macon (France)


Ardes |

Visual and electronic tags for animal identification

Ardes is a manufacturer and supplier of visual and electronic tags for animal identification. It provides a wide range of visual tags for cattle, sheep, goat and swine. It provides electronic tags in two technologies – HDX & FDX for RFID and helping in implementing solutions such as herd management software, automatic weighing systems, etc. In addition, it provides accessories such as metal applicator, ovitag applicator, and electronic readers from 2 partner companies Biocontrol and Gallagher.

Company Overview

Founded Year 2001


Location Saint-chef (France)


Medria   |

Develops integrated hardware and software platform for health monitoring and reproduction management in bovine animals

Medria has developed integrated hardware and software platform for health monitoring and reproduction management in livestock animals especially cows. The company has developed a set of sensors named Vel’Phone, FeedPhone and San’Phone. Vel’Phone is a vaginal temperature sensor, FeedPhone is a wearable collar that records and streams animal movement and body temperature data, San’Phone records and streams ruminal temperature data. The company also provides supporting telecommunication system and a software platform that enables data collection, analytics and interpretation. The platform can be used for detection of best time for calving, reproduction management and health and nutrition management. As of Oct, 2016, the company was acquired by a consortium of four companies including itka, CCPA Groupe, Groupe Seenergi and SOFIPOTREOL.

Company Overview

Founded Year 2004


Location Chateaubourg (France)

Reference-On Request.

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