Treatment and Control Strategies of Lumpy Skin Disease in Pakistan


Treatment and Control Strategies of Lumpy Skin Disease in Pakistan

Dr. Imaad Rashid , Dr. Mughees Aizaz Alvi, Samreen Sanawar, Hafiza Faseeha, Prof. (R) Dr. Ghulam Muhammad and Saba Rasheed

Department of Clinical Medicine and Surgery, University of Agriculture Faisalabad, Pakistan


Lumpy skin disease (LSD) is a viral disease (caused by a virus of the family Poxviridae and genus Capri poxvirus) there is no specific treatment for this contagious disease. Symptomatic treatment is the only tool for temporary relief. Moreover, antibiotics and supportive care lend a helping hand in avoiding secondary bacterial infections, and anti-inflammatory drugs act as analgesics and appetite inducers. Antihistaminic drugs tend to reduce the allergic reaction. Immunity boosters like zinc, calcium and vitamin-C augment the immunity along with the supplements and multivitamins cover the nutritional deficits. Iodides are useful against secondary bacterial and fungal infections (treating lumpy jaw, wooden tongue, and necrotic stomatitis). Tri-iodide injection provides iodine, an important mineral for thyroid functioning, which accelerates reactions in many organs, hence helping in maintaining metabolism and sustaining growth.

Allopathic treatment

Following proposed treatment protocols might help in lowering animals’ suffering:

Drug, Dose, Route ,Brand name, Mild Form ,Moderate Form ,Severe Form ,Days to be used

Iodine 900 mg per adult animal I.M Inj. Tri-iodide (research product by Department of Clinical Medicine and Surgery, University of Agriculture, FSD) Yes Yes Yes Administered alternate days for 4 times

Chlorpheniramine maleate 0.4-0.5 mg / kg b. wt I.M./I.V. Inj. Antil (Izfaar Pharmaceutical Pvt. Ltd, Lahore) Yes Yes Yes 6 to 7 days

Meloxicam 0.5 mg / kg b. wt I.M. Inj Meloxi-10 (Selmore Pharmaceutical Pvt. Ltd) Yes Yes Yes In case of fever

Enrofloxacin* 2.5 to 5 mg / kg b.wt I.M Inj Syvaqunol (Selmore Pharmaceutical Pvt. Ltd) No Yes Yes 4 to 5 days

Amoxicillin* 10 mg / kg b.wt I.M Inj. Primox 15 (Prix Pharmaceutica, Pvt. Ltd, Lahore) No Yes Yes 5 to 6 days

READ MORE :  Care and Management of Calf in Lumpy Skin Disease

Ivermectin 200 micro gram / kg b. wt S/C Inj. Primec-10 (Prix Pharmaceutica, Pvt. Ltd, Lahore) Yes No Yes

Vitamin AD3E 10 ml I.M. Inj VAD (ICI Pakistan) Yes Yes Yes On alternate days for 4 times

Vitamin C 10 g per day per adult animal P.O Tab Cecon 500 mg (Abbot Laboratories, Pakistan Yes Yes Yes 7 to 8 days

*Use only one antibiotic (either enrofloxacin or amoxicillin),

Use liver tonics on day-8 after the onset of the disease. To this end, use five Tab Silliver 200 mg daily for 4 to 5 days. Note: Avoid to use oxytetracycline, gentamycin, tylosin, streptomycin and steroids.


This medical procedure involves drawing blood from jugular vein of infected animal and infusing it back into the muscle. That would result in more macrophages being present in the body. They continually circulate through all organs with the sole purpose of locating and eliminating foreign substances.


Draw 30 ml of blood from jugular vein. Inject 15 ml blood subcutaneously in the neck region and Inject 15 ml blood deep intramuscularly in the gluteal region. The treatment is repeated once in a week for four weeks continuously.

Control and prevention strategies of lumpy skin disease

Vector Control

Controlling vectors also helps in controlling the disease.

a) Flies and ticks control chemicals

Seguvan: It contains Trichlorophon 98% w/w. 1.5 gm Seguvan powder to be added in 1litre of water and carefully spray on animals also spray on floors, walls, ceiling, nests windows, doors and the other sites where the parasites of flies gather. 10 g, 100 g & 1 kg packings are available.

Ectophon: Each gram of it contains Trichlorophon USP 980 mg. It is effective against a variety of ectoparasites including ticks and flies. 1.5 gm Ectophon powder to be added in 1litre of water and carefully spray on animals also spray on floors, walls, ceilings, nests windows, doors, and the other sites where the parasites of flies gather.100gm, 250gm, 500gm, and 1000gm packings are available.

READ MORE :  Lumpy Skin Disease in Bovines

I-DMeth Solution: Each ml contains Deltamethrin 2.5%. For usual Sanitation dilute 40 ml is 100 Liters of water. For Ticks and flies use 500 ml per 1000 liters of water. Ticks: The first 2 treatments will be days spaced then the interval will depend on the infestation. Flies: One treatment generally ensures 6 to 8 weeks of lasting protection.

Eco Fleece: Ecofleece is an emulsifiable concentrate containing the synthetic pyrethroid Cypermethrin. Eco fleece is effective against most of the important ectoparasites in animal husbandry. These include one-host ticks, multi-host ticks, cattle mange mites, nuisance and biting flies, etc. Ecofleece can be applied by dipping, spraying or brushing. For Spray on cattle (The whole body) 1 ml of Ecofleece to 1000 ml of water. For Spraying animal house 100 ml in 5-10 liters of water for each house 100 M3of floor or wall.

Regent: Regent 80%Wg contains Fipronil (80% W/W). It is an effective insecticide used for tick control in cattle and cattle housing.

Imidacloprid: Imidacloprid is a systemic insecticide that acts as an insect neurotoxin and targets flies.

Homemade fly spray recipe

  • 1 cup apple cider vinegar
  • 1 cup mineral oil
  • ½ teaspoon lemongrass essential oil
  • ½ teaspoon bitter orange oil essential oil
  • ½ teaspoon rosemary essential oil
  • ¼ teaspoon eucalyptus essential oil
  • ¼ teaspoon clove essential oil
  • 2 Tablespoons dish soap (for emulsifier)
  • Combine all of the ingredients for the concentrate together in a storage jar.
  • In a spray bottle mix it at 1 part Fly Spray Concentrate to 5 parts of water.
  • Shake well before and during use.
  • Re-apply daily.

b) Mosquito Control

Eliminate standing water, wastewater, and farmyard manure: Empty or remove containers that hold water – tires, birdbaths, lids, clogged gutters, planter trays, feed pans, water troughs, farm yard manure, urine etc. Drain and refill water buckets and troughs frequently with fresh water. Put lids on water storage barrels. Repair road ruts and potholes that fill with water. Farmyard manure is also the source of mosquitos.

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c) Vaccination

Two types of LSD vaccine are available in Pakistan viz heterologous (live attenuated strain of capri pox virus and live attenuated strain of sheep pox virus) vaccine and homologous vaccine (live attenuated Neethling strain). The most reliable vaccine is homologous vaccine comprised Neethling strain. The available vaccine products vary in terms of quality, efficacy, safety, side effects, and price.

The most reliable and only method for the control and prevention of lumpy skin disease is vaccination. Healthy cattle should be vaccinated before the outbreak start. Calves born from vaccinated cows should be vaccinated from 6 months of age. However, calves born from non-vaccinated cows may be vaccinated at any age. Immunity starts to develop about 7 to 10 days after vaccination. Nevertheless, vaccine may not necessarily confer absolute immunity to all animals.

It is concluded that vaccination is the best way to prevent the spread of the infection in endemic and newly affected regions. Yet, in the event of an outbreak, selection of the best vaccine is a major challenge for veterinary authorities and farmers. The only method for successful control is early diagnosis and efficient vaccination.

Courtesy-From the wall of  facebook pages of  veterinary knowledge/paravets of Punjab


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