Sterility hump in Cows-
Sterility hump is observed in cows having chronic cystic ovarian degeneration problem. In affected cows, the tail is raised because of relaxation of pelvic ligaments due to chronic exposure to estrogn hormone, which gives an appearance of hump. As the condition is mostly seen with chronic follicular cyst, other signs associated with follicular cyst are also evident in cows with sterility hump.
Predisposing factors:
There are several factors leads to sterility hump
Follicular cyst due to single or multiple unovulatory follicles, on one or both ovaries
Cows in 2 to 5 lactation are more prone within 1st to 4th month of parturition.
Failure to ovulation due to insufficient LH level or less responsive LH receptors
Predisposition due to heredity
Nutritional imbalance like high protein diet (particularly high in soluble protein) and deficiency in Selenium
Postpartum uterine infection
Prolonged feeding with estrogenic fodder like, Alfa alfa, red clover, pea silage etc.
High milk production
Clinical signs:
Nymphomania along with aggressive sexual behavior (referred as “Buller”)
Relaxation of sacrociatic ligaments and upward displacement of coccygeal bones leading to tipping of pelvis.
Aggressive sexual behavior may cause hip dislocation and pelvic fracture.
Tough, tenacious and opaque mucus discharge during estrus
Increased incidence of pneumovagina and urovagina
Tendency of vaginal prolapse due relaxation of ligament
In chronic cases, the cow becomes heavy, coarse and thick necked like a steer due to prolonged gonadal steroid stimulation (Adrenal virilism)
In rectal palpation multiple cysts in one or both the ovaries and relaxed pelvic ligaments is observed.
Hydrometra and mucometra in chronic cases
A qualified veterinarian should examine the suspected animal and he should only attempt treatment.
To avoid this condition farmer must give emphasis to the following
Balanced ration, with special consideration to the amount of soluble protein
Mineral mixture supplementation with special consideration to Selenium.
Prolonged Feeding with estrogenic plants should be avoided.
Conditions like endometritic, pyometra and metritis should be treated at earliest to avoid cystic condition
Treatment or Handling Cystic Ovarian In the CATTLE-

Cystic Ovari is The development of large follicles in the ovaries with the pathological symptoms of nymphomania or anestrus.
Incidence of cystic ovaries can be caused when the anterior pituitary gland fails to release the hormone LH in the blood with sufficient levels, but FSH is produced in the normal levels, then it will happen in the ovarian follicle growth is not normal. Follicles did not grow up to achieve de Graaf follicles and ovulation. Ovulated follicle will not grow much, and the formation of multiple follicles in the ovary surface. Can occur on one ovary or both ovaries. Can occur in the luteinizing follicle cells or may not have. Cases of cystic ovaries are often found in dairy cows and pigs, and rarely in cattle or livestock of other nations. In cattle, there are three factors that cause decreased levels of LH hormone in the blood. Factor is due to hypothalamic-pituitary axis is not responsive to the hormone estradiol 17 beta snapping produced by the developing follicles during the first week after birth in cattle. As a result of the failure of the anterior pituitary gland to release LH, followed by failure of ovulation. In addition to the cystic ovaries can be caused by an imbalance of FSH and LH or increased production of prolactin and growth hormone.
- Is a disease of dairy cows, although there is sometimes in beef cattle
- Often the animals are caged
- All ages dr puberty to old (birth to more frequent follow-2-5)
- Associated with high milk production
- Predisposing factors: a good ration conditions especially high protein, combined with lack of exercise and sunlight
- Events are often 1-4 months post parturition, most often 2-3 months post parturition (high milk production)
Another factor that may influence the disruption of LH release from anterior pituitary gland that followed the occurrence of cystic ovaries is: - High doses of the hormone estrogen.
Estrogen such as 40 mg stilbestrol or 4 mg estradiol 17 beta can lead to the development of cystic ovaries in cows that previously had a normal estrus cycle. Similarly, low-dose estrogen treatment but administered repeatedly or given in the form of repositol or pellets can produce cystic ovaries with nympomania signs in cattle after the birth parent. - Age
Cystic ovaries can be found in cattle, especially dairy cattle of all ages, but most are between the ages of 4-6 years. The data showed 13.9% of cases of cystic ovaries occurred at age 1-3 years is 1% of them are heifers, 54.2% occurred between the ages of 4-6 years, 25.1% occurred at age 7-9 years and the parent 6.8% occurred in the parent over the age of 10 years. - Milk production
Data reported 45% of cases of cystic ovarian suffered by high milk producing cows, 48% of cows are producing milk and 7% lower milk producing cows. - Feed
Allegedly obtained dairy cow rations with high protein content, encourage high milk production with the development of cystic ovaries. - Genetic
Cows suffering from cystic ovaries, which might be pregnant and have children, tend to arise more cases of cystic ovaries in the next estrus cycle. Similarly, males who have the genes of the nature of these cystic ovaries, cystic ovaries will occur in young females derivatives. - Stress
Stress that occurs before and after parturition as trauma due to a retained sekundinarum or hypocalcemia can be followed by the onset of cystic ovaries in the parent.
Genesis mechanism of follicles:
a. LH deficiency or failure of LH release mechanism
b. Not only the failure of ovulation, but other large follicles causing retention
c. More often multiple than single cystic .
Cystic Follicle
Cystic Follicle——-
Signs of Cystic follicles (Nympomania)
- Frekuen estrus, irregular and continuous
- Often try to climb the other females, but refused to ride
- Aggressive as males (Buller)
- Relaxation lig. Sacrosciatic
- Odematoes genital organs and atonic (different from estrus)
- female animals genitals swelling and relaxation
- Increased mucus, the mucus is more turbid than at estrus
- External os of the cervix, dilatation and relaxation
- Enlargement of the uterus and the walls but not erect
comparison CL with Follicular Cyst
Perform Cattle’s Ovarian Cysts
Due to relaxation of the pelvic ligamentum2 cause pelvic area are turn and there elevation / bending of the cranial tail higher due to relaxation of Sacro sciatic ligament.
Elevation / bending of the cranial tail is known as the Sterility hump”
Nympomania is a state of female animals that show symptoms of lust more than once in one cycle, but not ovulation. While the cattle anestrus females who showed no symptoms of lust more than one cycle of lust.
Cystic follicles in each follicle capable of producing the hormone estrogen, although in low levels. Nympomania cysticnya seen in cattle that consists of many follicles at a given time the accumulation of hormones the results of each follicle, resulting in symptoms of lust that is, when the accumulation of the hormone estrogen in the blood. This situation is called Nymfonia.
Nympomania incident occurred because of a lack of LH while FSH levels are quite in the blood, encouraging the formation of young follicles, but these follicles never ovulate. So follicles are formed ovulatory follicles that never (anovular folicle), which are respectively formed, thus forming multiple follicles (multiple folicle) that never grow up. The palpability of the ovary through the rectal exploration, cystic follicles felt as a rounded lump on the surface of the ovary, the surface is smooth and soft as cysts filled with fluid. amounted to one or more and located on one ovary or both ovaries.
At the parent who suffered from cystic follicles with symptoms such behavior shows Nympomania stud. Sometimes people with cystic follicles is accompanied by mukometra, prolapsis female animals genitals and stem showed enlarged udder. Subsequently the patient has an irregular cycle of lust, short or completely anestrus. Nympomania parent shows symptoms of homosexuality, which like other females, or clamber up the other females.
Luteal cystic mechanism————
Ovulation occurs, but the CL failed to develop due to LH deficiency, another common atretic follicles, growing on the influence of FSH and LH enough, a partial cause of the luteinizing follicle earlier.
LH is not sufficient to induce ovulation cause a partial luteinizing follicle, functions as well as lutein cells that produce progesterone
Cystic Luteal—————–
Signs of Cystic Luteal (anestrus)
- Estrus was very weak until anestrus
- female animals genitals not show enlargement
- Little mucus
- Tends fat and lazy, often perceived to pregnant
- Supported the relaxation of the pelvic ligamnetum
Treatment or HANDLING cystic ovarian In the Cattle——–
Prevention of cystic ovaries can be used various preparations of hormones such as LH, GnRH, Progesterone, Prostaglandin PGF2 alfa. LH preparations will encourage the growth of follicles to follicle de Graaf and followed by ovulation and corpus luteum formation is normal. While the provision of Prostaglandin PGF2 alfa in the case of cystic ovaries followed by injection of LH will be followed by the destruction process of cystic woven lutein, followed by ovulation and normal cycles of lust is the parent of the patient. The recommended dose for use is 2500 iu HCG preparations are administered intravenously, whereas prostaglandin PGF2 alfa at a dose of 20-25 mg given intramuscularly or 5-6 mg when administered intrauterine. Provision to tackle cystic ovarian GnRH was as effective as giving preparation LH.
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