TREATMENT OF BOVINE MASTITIS THROUGH HOMEOPATHY, PART-3 By- Surjit singh Makker, Homeopathic veterinarian.


a) Arsenicum Album: 1M.Hourly for five doses. Mastitiswith sudden onset, Pyrexia, great prostration, debility, exhaustion, and marked Anorexia for concentrates. Thirst for small quantities of water at frequent intervals. Tendency for Gangrene or Septicaemia. Milk is thin, straw coloured without any clots. Last stript of Milk will be an ideal sample. 
b) Baptisia: 1x. Two hourly x four doses. 
All discharges are foetid. (Milk, breath, urine and faeces.) Low fevers, septic conditions of blood with extreme prostration. 
Can swallow only liquids. 
Septic conditions of blood with prostration. 
In whatever position animal lies, the parts rested upon feel sore and bruised.
Simple continued fever with gastric symptoms – Anorexia. (Compare Continued fever of a low typhoid type Echinacea:Q. 2 hourly, Arsenic: 3c. 3 hourly). 
It is advised in ulceration of teats and udder. 
N.B.:-Baptisia raises the natural body resistance to the disease 
c) Echinacea Angustifolia.: Q. 1 ml q.i.d. for three days, is effective for Mastitis with puerperal infection with tired feeling. 
• Acute auto-infection. 
• Symptoms of blood poisoning and septic conditions. 
• Tendency to Gangrene. 
• Lymphatics enlarged. 
• Carbuncles and boils. 
• Pyaemia – febrile symptoms like accelerated pulse, flushed 
face, enteritis, bronchitis and drowsiness. 
• Desire for cold water. 
N.B.:-Promotes lactoferrin production in goat milk in order to reduce inflammatory changes in the udder of goats, may be in other animals also 
d) Nux Vomica.: 1M. 4 doses per day for three to four days. 
Mastitis with Anorexia, Pyrexia with dung hard and constipated. Cows will be active and irritable with straining 
for small quantities of faeces and nervous with over sensitiveness to noises. Left flank will be hard, on palpation and pits on pressure. Alternate constipation with Diarrhoea.Hunger, with aversion to concentrates, loss of appetite and sudden satiety to green fodder. Thirst, sometimes with dislike to all drinks principally water. Toxaemia from conventional drugs, poisons, vaccines and spoiled food, Acetonaemia (Ketosis), deranged digestion with disorders of Liver or Abomasum. 
N.B:-Absence of all desires for defecation is a contraindication for 
Nux Vomica. 
e) Pyrogenium: 1M. t.i.d. x two days (At infrequent doses). Mastitis with Septic fevers especially with puerperal Metritis. 
• All discharges (milk, lochia and diarrhoea)are dark and horribly offensive. 
• Restlessness. 
• Constipation: Predominant, Obstinate and complete with inertia from impaction. 
• In fevers, Stool large, black carrion-like. 
• Diarrhoea: (brown or black) noticed in rare cases are horribly offensive, painless and involuntary. 
• Rapid pulse out of proportion to the temperature. 
• It is a dynamic remedy indicated when the well selected drug fails to act, due to lack of vital force in the patient. 
• History indicates use of much antibiotics in the past, 
including dry cow mastitis tubes. 
a) Conium Maculatum: 30cl200c. Four doses/two days. Udder induration with pain and hardness, ascending 
paralytic weakness of limbs, milk yellow/colostrum like, creamy, stringy, keeps head perfectly still. Worse lying down. 
b) Kali Mur: 3x/6x/30c. Two hourly for two to four days. 
Normal constituent of cells related to FIBRIN. Udder Catarrh (Sub acute/ chronic cases) with Diphtheritic/ white/ exudate in milk, with thin coagulated white layer on standing (FIBRINOUS). Complaints worse on movement and better from heat 
c) Mere Sol.: 30-1M. t.i.d. x two days. Moderate fever and slow onset, mouth and tongue moist, glistening with aphthae, saliva, slimy and stringy. Halitosis, Rhinitis, Conjunctivitis, teeth indented udder indurated, painful suppuration. Milk:Watery,fiothy, and stringy, with flakes or clots. Thirst: unquenchable for cold water, worse at night, wet damp weather, lying on right side, warm byre. Lower potencies promote suppuration and higher potencies abort. Once suppuration is imminent (threatening), Hepar will be ideal. Aggravation: Both heat and cold at night. Ulceration of teats. 
d) Phytolacca: 200cllM. Moderate fever with slow onset, grinding the teeth, lacrimation abundant, saliva stringy, refuses warm fluids, superficial Lymph glands indurated and painful, coronet inflamed, difficulty in getting up, tip of tongue red and mapped, indented. Teats: Sensitive and sore, udder indurated, sensitive, caked, neither heals nor suppurate with nodosities. Milk: Watery thick curdy with small flakes to large clots. Thirst: Desire for cold water. Symptoms, worse, when it rains and when exposed to damp cold weather. Causation: Drenching in rains or prolonged bathing of animals. A cancer remedy. A hard, painful udder with moderate fever is a keynote. The cow kicks when we attempt to milk the cow. 
Cowpea/Mustard seed). In a few cases the abscess may mature and burst open and heal. Acute exacerbation due to the unabsorbed indurations takes place, with recurrence of Mastitis at frequent intervals. 
Genetic, environmental (summer/ rains/ winter seasons) and Managemental factors (Bathing of hydrogenoid cows using Jet pumps, drenching the cows in rains and exposing to severe sun) may also predispose them to the recurrent attacks of Mastitis. In such cases, slow but deep acting constitutional remedies will have to be administered for a complete cure. 
Therapeutic hints (characteristic symptoms) of selection of remedies with dose are detailed below 
a) Calcarea Carbonica: 30c. Once a day for eight days and taper once a week I month. Mastitis that recur in obese cows of Leucophlegmatic constitution with large head and abdomen with stout limbs. Craving for indigestible things (Pica). Right sided Mastitis with swelling and tenderness. Dread of being bathed and in open air. Mastitis in every heat with tendency to prolapse of Vagina. Udder warts. 
b) Calcarea Fluor: 3c-30c. Once a week x four doses. Udder induration of stony hardness threatening suppuration. Knots in hardened udder. Acts favorably in indurations of udder, remaining after administration of Sulphur, Silicea and Conium. A “chronic” remedy that acts slowly. Should not be repeated too frequently 
c) Calcarea Phosphorica: 3x130cl200c. Three doses x three days. Mastitis with udder induration that recurs in thin anaemic, emaciated flabby animals, prone to glandular and bony disturbances. Craving for salt. Abdomen flabby. Milk salty. Aggravation: Exposure to damp, cold, changeable weather. Amelioration: In summer, warm dry, atmosphere. 
d) Calcarea Sulph: 12c. b.i.d. for two to three days. Udder abscesses that have burst with discharge of Yellow, thick and lumpy pus. Follows Hepar and Silicea. 
e) Myristica Sebifera: 3c. 20 drops daily for 10 to 15 days. 
Traumatic or Phlegmonous (Cellulitis) inflammation of udder. Fistula. Carbuncles. Laminitis. Hastens suppuration and shortens its duration. Often, does away with use of an abscess knife. A remedy with great antiseptic power, that acts powerfully often than Hepar or Silicea. Cures suppurative process affecting joints. Reduces udder indurations from the size of coconut to the size of gooseberry. Spavin in horses and corneal ulcerations have been influenced favourably by this remedy. 
a) Arnica Montana: 3c to 30c in acute cases frequently, and in chronic cases thrice daily for five to 10 days. Mastitis and induration due to traumatic/ mechanical injuries of udder due to fall or while in transit. Sore, lame, bruised udder. Parts rested upon feel sore and bruised. Animal moves continuously from place to place in search of a soft spot. Great fear of being touched on affected part or struck by persons coming near the animal. Aggravation: At motion, exertion and when lying on left side. Amelioration: 
Lying down and lying with head low. 
N.B.:-Locally Mother Tincture should not be used on bruised or cut skin. In such cases, use Calendula Mother Tincture 
b) Bellis Perennis.: Tincture to 3c130c three doses x three days. Mastitis with injuries to the deeper tissues and nerves with intense soreness with intolerance of cold bathing. Udder engorged. Joints, sore with muscular soreness. Remote effects of blows, falls and accidents. Deep seated Trauma. Worse: Cold bathing, cold wind, left side. 
c) Conium Maeulatum: 200c-1M. Mastitis chronic/subacute in older cows. Udder indurated with stony hardness. Trauma of the udder. Sore, hard and painful udder before and during heat. Milk: Yellow, watery/thick like honey. Clots: Creamy/stringy difficult to strip. Keeps the head perfectly still while lying down. Paralytic weakness of hind legs. Painful stiffness of legs. Swaying gait aggravated when turning the head. Many cases of indurations of udder have been influenced favorably by their remedy when alternated with Calc. Phos /Calc. Carb, according to the constitution of the animaL In paretic cases, 1M. (Infrequently) otherwise 6c-30c. 2 doses /day x 7 days. 
d) Hippozaenium (Glanderine-Mallein-Farcine): 30e. Six hourly. Deep seated abscesses in the udder with erysipelas. Sanguineous (serum, pus and blood) acrid discharge. 
a) Anthracinum: 200e. Udder black/ blue with septic inflammation, carbuncles and malignant ulcers. 
b) Arnica Montana 30e. Prevents suppuration, Septicaemia 
and promote absorption. 
c) Arsenieum: 6c. Tendency to become putrid. 
d) Bell: 3x. Swelling redness and pain in the first stage. 
e) Bry: 3x.Inflammation and hardness more severe than Bell 
f) Calcarea Sulph: 6e/30e. Abscess that has formed a vent. 
Discharges are yellow, thick and lumpy. 
g) Calendula: Q/30e.1:10 dilution. To irrigate udder absceses. 
h) Eehinaeea: Q. 10 drops.For stubborn cases of udder abscesss. 
i) Graphitis: 30c Hard Cicatrices remaining after mammary abscesses. 
j) Hepar Sulph: 6e. Cures Mastitis with Sinus formation. 
Potencies 3x /6c & 30e. Aborts abscess formation, and 2x & 3x. Matures abscesses or resolve or burst open. 
k) Hippozaenium30C:-For Abscesses that are deep seated. 
1) Lachesis: 30e/200e. Abscess with dark blue/ purple colour of udder. 
m) Mere. Sol: 6c. Suppuration is imminent (threatening or impending). 
n) Myristiea Sebifera:3x. Abscess to burst open without the 
use of a scalpeL 
0) Phytolaeea:2x.When Bryonia fails in long standing cases. 
p) Silieea:6e. For discharging Pus. 
q) Sulphur:30e. For repeated crops of Abscesses. 
r) Tarentula Cubensis:30e. Udder abscess with pain and blue colour with tendency to Gangrene. 
a) Anthracinum: 200e b.i.d. x two days. Malignant ulcers, Carbuncles, Septic inflammation of udder with discharge of offensive pus black in colour. 
b) Carcinosin: 30e/200e. At infrequent doses. Pain and induration of udder with offensive discharge. Pain and symptoms of cancerous affections of udder are seen relieved by this remedy. 
c) Psorinum: 200e/1M. 1 dose a day x two days. Udder swollen, painful with discharge that excoriate. Mastitis with extreme sensitiveness to cold. Lack of reactions when well¬chosen remedy fails to act or permanently improve. Offensive milk, dread ofleast cold air. Mastitis that recur constantly. Discharges offensive. 
d) Staphylococcin: 200c-1M. o.d. two to three doses. Mastitis where Staphylococcus is the chief bacterial factor with Abscesses, Empyaemia and Furuncles. 
e) Streptococcin: 200e/1M. o.d. x two days. Septic symptoms with Pyrexia in Mastitis where Streptococcus is the chief bacterial factor. 
f) Syphilinum: 1M. 1 dose o.d. x two days. Chronic recurrent mastitis with severe prostration and debility in the morning. Pains begins with twilight and end with daylight. Symptoms worse at night. When the well selected remedy fails to relieve or permanently improve in Syphilitic constitution. Succession of Abscesses in the udder 
g) Tuberculinum.: 200c!lM. Once a week x four doses. 
Mastitis due to Tuberculous Diathesis. Symptoms ever changing. Takes cold easily. Emaciation rapid and pronounced. Repeated attacks of Mastitis that fails to cure without reference to the name of the disease (Theileriosis, Anaplasmosis). 
h) Variolinum: 200c. Two doses a day x four days. Mastitis with painful cowpox vesicles over the udder and teats. Alternate with Antimony Tart: 200c. 2 doses a day x 4 days. 
a) Acetic Acid: 30c. Milk yellowish green/bluish in dropsical and debilitating cows. [Calc., Calc. p., Merc., Ph. acid, Sabal., Sil., Sul.] (Boericke) 
b) Calcarea Fluor: 6x/30c. Milk with yellowish granules and indurations and stony hardness in the udder, threatening 
suppuration. (Boericke) 
c) Calcarea Phos: 30c. Milk salty.


d) Kali Mur: 6x/12x/30c.Milk with white flakes. Sub-acute fibrinous mastitis with soft and tender udder. (Boericke) 
e) Kali Bichrom: 30c. t.i.d. x three days: Milk ropy, jelly with 
yellowish tinge. 
f) Lachesis: 200c. Milk curdled and greenish. 
g) Lecithin: 12c. Milk watery. 
h) Mag. Carb: 30c. Milk with white flakes. 
i) Natrum Sulph: 6x/30c. Milk yellowish green in hydrogenoid cows, housed in damp byres, worse in rainy weather. 
j) Phytolacca. D: 30c-1M. Milk stringy, coagulated and thick. 
k) Spiranthes: 3c. Milk watery. 
Rose milk, blood in milk, bloody milk in cows with nervous irritability and extreme sensitivity to pain. 
a) Arnica Montana: 30c-200c. Milk bright red due to traumatic injury to udder. 
b) Bufo Rana: 30c. Milk bloody and offensive with dropsy and induration of udder. 
c) Chamomilla: 30c. t.i.d. x three to four days: Milk thin and reduced in fat. 
d) China Off: 30c. Milk red due to passive postpartum 
haemorrhage with dehydration and Tympanites 
e) Hamamelis Vir: 6e/30c. Milk with dark venous blood. /) Ipecac: 30e/200c. Milk with bright red colour. 
f) Lycopodium: 30e/200c. Milk with discharge of blood with good appetite, but constant sensation of satiety. “A few mouthfuls fill up to the throat”. 
g) Millefolium: 3c-30c. Milk with bright red blood. 
h) Phosphorus: 30c-200c. Milk with dark red blood without clots. 
j) Secale Cornutum: 200e/1M. Three doses a day (Alternate with Pyrogen: 1M. in cases with Pyrexia): Skin .feels cold to touch yet the patient cannot tolerate covermg, ~Ith tendency to Gangrene. Small painful boils develop m the udder. Symptoms are worse from heat

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