DR.Rajesh Kumar Singh
Livestock Consultant, Jamshedpur.
Lumpy skin disease (LSD) is an infectious disease in cattle caused by a virus of the family poxviridae also known as Neethling virus. The disease is characterized by fever, enlarged superficial lymph nodes and multiple nodules (measuring 2–5 cm in diameter) on the skin and mucous membranes (including those of the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts).Infected cattle also may develop edematous swelling in their limbs and exhibit lameness.
Lumpy skin disease in nutshell:
Caused by family Poxviridae as known as Neethling Virus.
Infectious, eruptive, occasionally fatal disease of cattle characterized by nodules on the skin and other parts of the body.
The incubation period is 4–14 days.
Morbidity is 5%–50%; mortality is usually low.
Clinical Findings:-
A subcutaneous injection of infected material produces a painful swelling and then fever, lacrimation, nasal discharge, and hypersalivation, followed by the characteristic eruptions on the skin and other parts of the body in ~50% of susceptible cattle.
The nodules are well circumscribed, round, slightly raised, firm, and painful and involve the entire cutis and the mucosa of the GI, respiratory, and genital tracts.
Nodules may develop on the muzzle and within the nasal and buccal mucous membranes.
The skin nodules contain a firm, creamy-gray or yellow mass of tissue
Regional lymph nodes are swollen, and edema develops in the udder, brisket, and legs.
Reduced milk yield, loss of condition, and rejection or reduced value of the hide.
Isolation and identification of the virus
Histologic and ultrastructural examination of nodules.
Poxlike intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies or eosinophilic intranuclear herpesvirus inclusions may be seen in the nodules.
Differential diagnosis:–
Pseudo-lumpy skin disease, caused by a herpesvirus (bovine herpesvirus 2)
Till date in India ,there is no clear cut line of treatment for this disease.only the affected animals are being treated on the basis of symptoms.
Vaccine for this disease is not available in India till date.
Administration of antibiotics to control secondary infection.
Mostly vets at field level in India are using Anti histaminic, NSAID, Antibiotics etc.

There has been very promising result seen in the affected cattle with the treatment of using cocktail of Herbal mixture composed of Haldi, Aloevera gelly,Baking soda, Neem leaves, Betal leaves,Garlic & Peppers.Its coctail after grinding are fed to cattle BID for 14 days.Along with this the affected animals are moped/washed with water (which has been boiled with Neem leaves ,strained & aftet cooling use it to mope the whole body by using cotton cloath twice a week.)
Its treatment with application of Homeopathic medicine made by Goel Homeo vet pharma named LSD kit has shown marvellous result in many cases.
Livestock farmers are advised not to use antibiotics & other allopathy medication without advice of Registered veterinary practitioners.In this case they may use Homeopathic remedy or Herbal remedy because these remedies don’t have any side effects. Livestock farmers are also advised to report such cases to their nearest Govt.veterinary hospital, as central Givt.has already issued advisory regarding this disease to the respective state Animal husbandry department for serum sample collection.