By Dr Surjit Singh Makker,

International acclaimed Veterinary Homeopathic physician.


Foot and Mouth Disease(FMD) :–
It is an acute febrile, highly contagious disease, characterized by vesicular eruptions in the epithelium of buccal cavity, tongue, muzzle, feet, teats and udder.
Foot and Mouth Disease(FMD) is a severe, highly contagious viral disease of cattle and swine. It also affects sheep, goats, deer, and other animas. The disease spreads very quickly if not controlled and because of its reportable nature.

1. Incubation period is 2 to 8 days
2. Fever from 104 to 106 degree F
3. Depression
4. Dejection & Apathy to food and water
5. Reduction in milk yield
6. Formation of vesicles on oral mucosa, interdigital space and udder.
7. In later stages reduction of temperature, profuse salivation and lameness
8. Drooling of foamy, roapy salivation, protrusion of the tongue.
9. Erosion and ulceration of oral mucosa and tongue
10. Vesicles produce severe pain, lameness, mastitis and
11. Abortion.
Homeopathic Treatment:—–

1. Arsenic alb 30 : It is effective at the initial stage Dose : 4 times / 1 day
2. Mercsol 200 : For curative BID / 2 days, Prophylactic BID / 1 day
3. Rhustox 30 : When there is stiffness and lameness. It follows Merc. sol Dose : 4 times / 2-3 days
4. Nat. Mur 30 : When there is debility and weakness and can be given after 2 weeks. It follows Rhustox Dose : Q.I.D. / day
5. Fer. Phos 6x + Kali mur 6x : When there is pyrexia and respiratory signs, Repeated every 3 hrs at initial stage
6. Borax : When weakness, debility and inflammation Dose : Q.I.D
7. Five phos 6x + Alfaalfa 6 + Ipeca 30 : for speedy recovery and panters Dose : BID for 7 to 10 days


Active Foot and Mouth Disease:——

– Mouth has to be washed 4 times in a day with 1 tea spoonful of sodium bicarb (cooking soda) in 2 liters of water or one tablespoon of washing soda (sodium carbonate) in a bucket of water.
– Merck sol 30, Rhus tox 30, Borax 30, Q. Echinacea, Variolinum 200, Nitric acid 200, Zincum metallicum 200, and each 10 drops in two teaspoonfuls of water 4 times in a day can be used.
– Q. Hydrastasis 1 part 9 parts water as mouthwash helps quick healing.
– Castor equi 200: Helps in hardening the soft hooves, but reduces the milk yield. Hence Calcaria Phos 200 is used along with this.

To prevent FMD 20 pills of Borax 200 can be fed once a week till vaccination.
After effects of Foot and Mouth Disease:——

Iodum 200, Ipecac 200 each 15 pills, Selenium 30, Echinacea 30, Calcaria Phos 30, each 10 pills TID are advised for 7 – 10 days. Can be repeated after 1 week.


Ethnoveterinary medicinal plants used extensively and quite effectively for primary health care treatment to make domestic animals productive and healthy. The indigenous knowledge of the veterinary health care system acquired by traditional herbal healers is orally transformed from one generation to other . Economic dependence on livestock, lack of veterinary infrastructure has forced the local farmers even today to apply their indigenous knowledge to look after and maintain their livestock population. The interest in medicinal plants has been shown all over the world because of safe and effective constituents of plant products (active principles of medicinal plants).In India, many livestock owners, especially those who are poor and live in remote areas, use ethnoveterinary medicine for the primary healthcare of their animals. Foot and Mouth Disease has been the great concern for the local livestock owners as they completely depend upon their domestic animals for their economic needs. The indigenous knowledge and practice based on locally available bioresources are effective to cure diseases and they don’t have financial cost and are easily administrable

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Ethnovet prevention practice:—

When there is a outbreak in the nearby villages /surroundings take tulasi (Ocimum sp) leaves 100 gm, a pinch of common salt and turmeric rhizome 2 pieces and grind them. This has to be squeezed to obtain extract and administered orally. The residues left over can be used for smearing over the mouth region, foot region. This is repeated.

2. Ethnovet prevention practice:—

Ingredients required:—
Haldi(Turmeric) 200 gm (freshly harvested rhizome is preferred), coconut kernel extract (from 1 coconut), gheekumari (Aloe vera) – 200 gm, palm jaggery 200 gm, common salt 100 gm, garlic 100 gm, pepper 50 gm, cumin 50 gm, fenugreek 50 gm. The above ingredients viz. turmeric, gheekumari (Aloe vera), garlic, grated coconuts are ground well through grinder/ mixi by using sufficient water and collected in a vessel. Then make powder of pepper, cumin, fenugreek and all ingredients are mixed together thoroughly and add sufficient water to make it about 1 liter. Then filter it and administered orally.

Dose: 100 ml at a time for adult animals or 50 ml for young ones or sheep or goats. Before giving the treatment the animals are to be fed with banana (2 number) soaked in sesame oil(Til ka tel) 50 ml. This is to be continued for 3 days.

For treatment of wounds in the foot region:——

A special wound healing thaila can be prepared by using following ingredients: 1.Sesame oil(Til ka tel) 1 lit, haldi(freshly harvested preferred or turmeric powder 50gm) 100gm, garlic – 50gm; neem leaves 10 gm, leaves of mehanthi (Lawsonia inermis ) 10 gm, kuppi (Acalypa indica)10 gm. Ground the herbal items and mix with the oil and boil the oil well and filtered. The oil can be stored in a bottle. This thaila can be applied over the affected foot region of animals for 3 days continuously or till the point of cure. OR 2. Coconut oil 500 ml. and Datura leaf extract 500ml are taken together and boiled in a vessel till about one hour so as to get oily texture. Then put off the fire and add tuutiya (copper sulphate) 5 gm and stir it well. Now this thaila is stored in a bottle and used for all types of wounds including maggot wounds in animals Also feed the animal with gruel prepared by boiling with ragi, wheat and bajra flour each 100 gm -200gm with sufficient water in a vessel. This is given twice a day for 3 days.

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Reference:On request.

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