1. Hip displacia (dog) :


1) Calcaria phos 200 mixing in globules 40 Dose: 2 globules daily morning. 2) Silecea 200 mixing in globules 40 Dose: 2 globules daily evening. Continew both until recovery.


  1. Bone fracture (Dog):

Arnica 200 and symphytum 200 Mixing in globules 40 Dose: 2 globules twice daily until recovery.

** Apply 5 globules twice


3.Excess thirst and excess urine in dog.

Acetic acid 200. One drop once daily for 7 days.



4.Over weight in dog.

Calcarea carb 200. One drop every 2 days interval.


5.Skin infections on testis in dog.

Antim sulph 200. One drop once daily for 3 days then two days interval.



6.Inflammation with swelling of testicle in dog.

Rhododendron 200. One drop twice daily.


7.Undescended testicle in dog.

Arum met 200. One drop once every 3 days interval.


8.Posterior paralysis due to spinal injury in dog and cat.

Bellis perenis 200 + Hypericum 200 + Conium 200. One drop each mixing with little drinking water twice daily.


9.Cystitis with bloody urine in dog.

Cantharis 200 + Berberis 200. One drop each mixing with little drinking water twice daily.


10.Urinary Incontinence in Castrated Dog.

Causticum 200. One drop once daily.


11.Weakness in after effects of any disease (all species).

China 200.

Dose : Large animals 2 drops and small animals 1 drop twice daily.


12.Over production of saliva and always dropping in normal condition (Dog).

Merc sol 200 + Bryonia 200. One drop each mixing with little drinking water once daily for 7 days.


13.Sneezing with watery discharge (Dog).

Natrum mur 30 + Allium cepa 30 +Arsenic iodide 30. One drop each mixing with little drinking water thrice daily for 5 days.


14.Less appetite in dog.

Chelidonium 30 +Hydrastis 30 + Nux Vom 30 + Lycopodium 30.One drop each mixing with little drinking water thrice daily.


15.Anaemia wilh debility in dog.

China 30 + Ferrum phos 30 + Alfalfa 30. One drop each mixing with little drinking water thrice daily.


16.Conjunctivitis with reddish eye in dog.

Argentum nitricum 200 + Euphrasia 200 + Belladona 200. One drop each mixing with little drinking water twice daily.


17.Over weight in dog.

Calcarea carb 200. One drop every 2 days interval.


18.Excess thirst and excess urine in dog.


Acetic acid 200. One drop once daily for 7 days.


19.Skin infections on testis in dog.

Antim sulph 200. One drop once daily for 3 days then two days interval.


20.Inflammation with swelling of testicle in dog.

Rhododendron 200. One drop twice daily.


21.Undescended testicle in dog.

Arum met 200. One drop once every 3 days interval.


22.Posterior paralysis due to spinal injury in dog and cat.

Bellis perenis 200 + Hypericum 200 + Conium 200. One drop each mixing with little drinking water twice daily.


23.Cystitis with bloody urine in dog.

Cantharis 200 + Berberis 200. One drop each mixing with little drinking water twice daily.


24.Weakness in after effects of any disease (all species).

China 200.

Dose : Large animals 2 drops and small animals 1 drop twice daily.


25.Urinary Incontinence in Castrated Dog.

Causticum 200. One drop once daily.


26.Posterior Weakness mainly in hind legs, due to old age in dog.

Conium 200. One drop once daily until recovery.


27.Oedematus eyelids in dog.

Upper eyelid : Kali carb 200. One drop once daily.

Lower eyelids : Apis Mel 200. one drop once daily.


28.Pica in dog.

Cina 200 + Calcarea phos 200 +Alumina 200. One drop each mixing with little drinking water once daily.


29.Epilepsy in dog.

1) Kali brom 200 mixed with globules size 40. Two globules once daily morning. you can use one drop in liquid form instead of globules form.

2) Hyocyamas 200 mixed with globules size 40. Two globules once daily evening. you can use one drop in liquid form instead of globules form.

** 80 % cases of epilepsy in dog due to tape warm infection for which I used the following allopathy medicines along with above homeopathy medicines.

Zenvet (Closantel)
1gm bolus per 15 kg body weight 15 days interval for tape worm.

## In acute cases Allopathy and Homeopathy start on same day.

### In chronic cases Allopathy start on 1st day and Homeopathy start on 2nd day.


30.Chronic watery eye discharge due to blocking of lachrimal duct in dogs.

Rhustox 200. One drop once daily until recovery.


31.Ectoparasitic infection in dogs.

Staphysegria 200. One drop once daily until recovery..


32.Bad smell from body with or without hair fall (dog)


Merc sol 200 + Psorinum 200 +Arsenic iodide 200. One drop each mixing with little drinking water once on 1st day. Then repeat every 2 days interval.


33.Loss of balance due to ear infection (Dog)

Circles to right :
Causticum 200. One drop once daily for 3 days, then 2 days interval.

Circles to left :
Rhustox 200. One drop once daily.


34.Pseudo (False) pregnancy in Bitch.

1) Sepia 200 mixed with globules size 40. Two globules once daily for 3 days morning.

2) Lac caninum 200 mixed with globules size 40. Two globules once daily for 7 days evening.


35.Constipation (Dog).

1) urging for stool but difficult to pass the herd round marble like stool.
Alumina 200 mixed with globules size 40. Two globules twice daily until normal.

2) No urging for stool due to absence of peristaltic movement.

Opium 200 mixed with globules size 40. Two globules twice daily until normal.


36.Coccidiosis (all species).

Merc cor 200 +Kurchi 200 (combined) mixed with globules size 40.

Dose :
Poultry :2ml per 100 birds mixing with 2 hours drinking water for 5 days.

Other species :2 – 5 globules once daily for 5 days.


37.Abnormally rapid heart rate (Tachycardia) in dog.

Crataegus 200 mixed with globules size 40. Two globules twice daily.

**Once daily after improvement of symptoms. Stop medication after normal heart rate.


38.Haematoma in dog

1) Lachesis 1m mixed with globules size 40. Two globules once daily for 2 days morning.

2) Arnica 1m mixed with globules size 40. Two globules once daily noon (from 3rd day morning)

3) Hamamelis 200 + Ipecac 200 (combined) mixed with globules size 40. Two globules once daily evening.


39.Lameness due to faulty injection needle pushed (all species)

Ledum pal 200 mixed with globules size 40. Small animals 2 globules, large animals 5 globules twice daily.


40.Bad breath /smell from mouth (dog).

1) Merc sol 200 mixed with globules size 40. Two globules once daily morning for 7 days.

2) Heclalava 200 mixed with globules size 40. Two globules once daily evening.


41.Umbilical hernia (dog):

Nux 200 mixed with globules size 40. Two globules once daily.

** Same treatment for other species like sheep, goat, cattle etc. 2 to 5 globules once daily.


42.Sudden posterior paralysis in healthy condition mainly winter season (cattle).


Nux 200 + Bryonia 200 (combined) mixed with globules size 40. Five globules twice daily.


43.Increase of BUN and Creatinine (dog).

1) Apis Mel 200 +Cuprum ars 200 (combined) mixing in globules 40. Two globules once daily morning. ** If excess thirst use Apocynum can instead of Apis Mel.

2) Cantharis 200 +Berberis 200 (combined) mixing in globules 40. Two globules once daily noon.

3) Helleborus200 + Terebinthina200 (combined) mixing in globules 40. Two globules once daily evening.


44.Parvovirus disease (dog).

1) Apomorphine 200 +Ipecac 200 +Phosphorus 200 (combined) mixing in globules 40. Two globules thrice daily

2) Pyrogen 200 + Psorinum 200 + Arsenic alb 200 (combined) mixing in globules 40. Two globules thrice daily.

** Both have to continue until recovery.


45.Fear of sounds from crackers used in Diwali (Dog)

Argentum nitricum 30 + Gelsimium 30 (combined) mixing in globules 40. Two globules thrice daily.


46.Vaccination side effects of all species (Allergic reaction, etching, swelling of injection site, lameness, hard lump etc.)

Thuja 1m mixing in globules 40. Dose once daily for 2 days.

** large animals 5 globules /Small animals 2 globules /Poultry 1 globule / per dose.


47.Ricket disease (dog).

1) Calcaria phos 200 mixing in globules 40. Two globules one day interval.
2) Silicea 200 mixing in globules 40. Two globules one day interval.

** Start 1st day no 1. 2nd day no 2. Continue until Recovery.
*** In cattle 5 globules per dose.


48.Aggressive and biting habit (dog).
1) ignatia 1m globules 40. Two globules 3 days interval.
2) Cina 200 +Chamomilla 200 +Nux 200 (combined) mixing in globules 40. Two globules once daily.
** Continue both until satisfactory result.


49.Drenching pneumonia in dog

Arsenic album 200 mixing in globules 40. Dose 2 globules thrice daily until recovery.

** in cattle dose will be 5 globules.


50.Vomiting in dog

Apomorphin 200 + Ipecac 200 + phosphorus 200 mixing in globules 40, dose 2 globules thrice daily until recovery.


51.Pyometra (Dog):

1) Arum mur nat 200 mixing in globules 40 Dose 2 globules once daily morning.

2) Pyrogen 200 mixing in globules 40 Dose 2 globules once daily noon.

3) Kali bi 200 mixing in globes 40 Dose 2 globules once daily evening.

** Continew above until recovery.

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