Turkey Village- A Path Finder to Hope


Turkey Village- A Path Finder to Hope
Dr. Ilakshy Deka* and Dr. D.N.Kalita
Krishi Vigyan Kendra Kamrup, Assam Agricultural University,
Kahikuchi Campus


Kolongpur is a hilly village, 23 km south from Sonapur under Demoria Developmental Block of Kamrup district, bordering Meghalaya. The population of the village comprises the Karbi Tribe – a schedule tribe. Due to its hilly terrain and unreachable roads, till now no Government project is being implemented there. On realizing the suitability of Turkey farming both topographically and marketing potentiality this Turkey Village project was undertaken with the following objectives:

i. To establish a turkey village
ii. To Create awareness and popularize turkey and turkey meat among the people.
iii. To provide good quality lean meat.
iv. To develop entrepreneurships amongst the unemployed educated rural youths
v. To explore the possible market of Turkey meat in and around Kamrup District and adjoining state of Meghalaya.


After a benchmark survey of the village and on discussion with the villagers and the Headman, 20 numbers of beneficiaries were selected for the project. An initial discussion on turkey was conducted as turkey was totally unknown enterprise for the people of Kolongpur. This was followed by a training on house requirements and housing of turkey. The turkey houses were built by the respective farmer with their contribution. The houses were built with locally available materials like bamboo and thatch under the supervision of Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kamrup. To supervise all the related activities of the project a volunteer was selected from within the village.
The beneficiaries were given 10 numbers of 15 days old Turkey poults and a bag of starter feed (Crum chick, Godrej) each. Alongside, trainings were also imparted for management and feeding of turkey at different stages. An exposure visit to Poultry Expo- with international perspective held at Khanapara was arranged. Group discussion as well as a Field Day was also held.


Output and Outcome:

 The Turkeys have adapted well to the environment of Kolongpur.
 Keeping all the advantages of turkey rearing like low managemental activities, high disease resistance, faster growth rate with minimum feed expenditure, the scavenging nature of turkey leading to reduced feed expenditure etc., the farmers with zero previous knowledge on Turkeys have shown keen enthusiasm towards this venture.
 Being the eanest meat among poultry with nutritional and medicinal values of meat added to the acceptance by farmers as well as consumers. Earlier, very few know about turkey meat but now the demand for turkey meat at both farmer and consumer level is soaring high.


Upon introduction of Turkey to Kolongpur , the economical benefits of the rearer has crystallized. People within the village or nearby villages from Kamrup district as well as from Meghalaya are keen to go for Turkey farming. The new born turkey poults are being sold at Rs.500 per pair and meat are being sold at Rs.400-500/Kg live weight. Subsequently along with the core business of turkey, peripheral economic activities such as market linking, feed business has also spurred up.

Feed Back from Local People:

 Mr. Mohe Phangsho,a beneficiary of Turkey Village remarked “ This is the first ever government project implemented in our village. We are very happy with the results of turkey farming and would like to continue with this to make Kolongpur Turkey as a brand”
 Mr. Lalsing Ingti, another beneficiary of Turkey Village told “If Assam Agricultural University will support some more we can make a hallmark achievement”

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My sincere gratitude to Dr. Ashok Bhattacharya, Honorable Vice Chancellor (i/c) cum Director of Research (Agri), AAU , Dr. Mrinal Saikia, Associate Director of Research (Agri), AAU for their all time support which keep motivating me.


i. Turkey occupies a special position among the Christian population. During the thanks giving ceremony at Christmas, people take Turkey. Since Kolongpur is just 1 kg away from Meghalaya (with majority Christian population) it has the potential to market the products to Meghalaya which was explorer with this project.
ii. At the field day Dr. Ashok Bhattacharya Honorable Vice Chancellor (i/c) cum Director of Research (Agri), AAU, Dr. Niranjan Kalita,, Director of Research (Vety), AAU, Dr. Arun Sarmah, District Veterinary Officer, Kamrup, Dr. D.N.Kalita Principal Scientist and Head, KVK Kamrup, were present along with more than 150 farmers from Kolongpur and nearby villages.

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