Unlocking the Potential: Indian Pennywort’s Vital Role in Veterinary Medicine

 Indigenous Technical Knowledge in Dairying

Unlocking the Potential: Indian Pennywort’s Vital Role in Veterinary Medicine


Indian Pennywort (Centella asiatica), a perennial herb native to various regions including India, has been extensively utilized in traditional Ayurvedic medicine for centuries due to its versatile medicinal properties. Rich in active compounds such as triterpenoids and saponins, Indian Pennywort exhibits a wide range of therapeutic effects including wound healing, cognitive enhancement, and anti inflammatory actions. This paper explores various medicinal applications of Indian Pennywort in veterinary medicine. Through an overview of its chemical constituents and therapeutic benefits,the paper highlights the herb’s potential in treating various ailments in livestock as well as pets. Furthermore, the abstract discusses the safety of Indian Pennywort for pets and its incorporation into vet formulated supplements designed to enhance immune function, alleviate symptoms of thyroid disorders, and promote overall well being in animals.

Indian Pennywort's


Indian Pennywort medicinal herb which is commonly known as Centella asiatica,Asiatic pennywort or, spadeleaf, coinwort, (Manimuni in Assamese)which can be used to treat a wide variety of ailments and diseases.It is a perennial creeping plant found along marshes, ponds and wetlands. This herbaceous and frost-tender perennial plant belongs to the Apiaceae family. Stems are slender, creeping stolons ,green to reddish green in colour, connecting plants to each other. Leaves are rounded and 2 to 9 cm in diameter, arranged in group of 4 to 5. Flower are white or crimson in colour. It is native to India, Sri Lanka, China, Indonesia, Madagascar, South Africa and Eastern Europe. Pennywort is both food and medicine. It has been cultivated for food flavoring, essential oil, and use in traditional medicines.It mostly contains flavonoids, terpenoids, and vitamins A and C. Chemical components depend on irrigation, soil type, and environmental conditions.It also contains several active triterpenoids, saponins, including madecassoside, asiaticoside, centelloside, and asiatic acid, which have been reported to increase cellular hyperplasia, collagen production, granulation tissue levels of DNA, protein, total collagen, hexosamine, rapid maturation, and crosslinking of collagen.

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Veterinary importance:

Antimicrobial Properties: One of the most valuable aspects of Indian Pennywort in veterinary medicine is its antimicrobial properties. Studies have shown that extracts from this plant exhibit antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral activities. These properties make it a promising natural alternative to conventional antibiotics in treating infections in animals. Whether it’s skin infections, respiratory illnesses, or gastrointestinal issues, Indian Pennywort could offer a gentler yet effective solution for veterinary practitioners.

Wound Healing: Indian Pennywort has been traditionally used to promote wound healing in humans, and its benefits extend to animals as well. The plant contains compounds that stimulate the production of collagen, a protein essential for tissue repair. Veterinary applications include treating wounds, cuts, and abrasions in various animals, including livestock, pets, and wildlife. Incorporating Indian Pennywort into wound care regimens could accelerate healing and reduce the risk of complications.

Anti-inflammatory Effects: Chronic inflammation is a common concern in veterinary medicine, often contributing to conditions such as arthritis, dermatitis, and inflammatory bowel disease in animals. Indian Pennywort contains active compounds that possess anti-inflammatory properties, which can help alleviate pain and discomfort in affected animals. Integrating Indian Pennywort supplements or extracts into treatment plans may offer relief and improve the quality of life for animals suffering from inflammatory conditions.

Stress Reduction: Animals, like humans, can experience stress due to various factors such as environmental changes, social interactions, or health issues. Indian Pennywort has been studied for its adaptogenic properties, which help the body cope with stress and maintain homeostasis. By reducing stress levels in animals, Indian Pennywort supplementation could support overall health and resilience, particularly in situations such as transportation, relocation, or veterinary procedures.

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Digestive Health: Maintaining optimal digestive health is crucial for animals’ overall well-being. Indian Pennywort has been traditionally used to support gastrointestinal health in humans, and its potential benefits for animals are being increasingly recognized. The plant contains compounds that may aid digestion, soothe inflammation, and promote gut motility. Incorporating Indian Pennywort into dietary supplements or herbal formulations could contribute to digestive wellness in animals, reducing the risk of gastrointestinal disorders.

Uses of Indian Pennywort for pets: Indian Pennywort is a herb also known as “herb of longevity”.In Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine, the Indian Pennywort is considered one of the most powerful herbs. It has been used for a long time to manage conditions like epilepsy, asthma, circulation, skin problems, inflammation, intestinal disorders and it also helps to improve quality of life and enhance longevity. And this herb is not only used by Eastern medicine, but Western also recognizes some powerful properties that help to improve circulation and make the blood vessels stronger and help to decrease stress and also reduce anxiety and stress, cognitive function.

Indian Pennywort is safe for pets when given in doses appropriate for their size. In veterinary natural medicine,Indian Pennywort has been showing good results when used for pets for a more natural Indian Pennywort has chemicals known as triterpenoids that help to reduce anxiety and stress and also helps cognitive function. Because it is high in antioxidants, this powerful herb is also used to help treat heart conditions, epilepsy, and joint disorders like arthritis (reduces muscle and joint inflammation). Another ability that Indian Pennywort has is wound healing. It is high in collagen and helps to improve skin health and to soothe numerous nervous disorders. It can also be used as a tonic, which helps to balance hormones.


 Vet-Formulated Supplements With Indian Pennywort

Indian Pennywort is used in four of known herbal supplement blends for pets:

  • BK-Detox— is a supplement that supports a healthy immune system and Indian Pennywort is included in this blend helps to improve circulation, promotes strengthening of the blood vessels, and supports detoxification of the blood.
  • Felimm— is formulated to help fight viral and bacterial infections, and promote detoxification of the lymphatic system. Indian Pennywort is used in Felimm for its immune system strengthening and antioxidant properties which help the body to fight off potential infections.
  • Resthyro— has been formulated to help pets with hyperthyroidism. Resthyro supports balanced thyroid activity and can help with symptoms associated with an overactive thyroid gland. Indian Pennywort a part of this blend as it helps with inflammation and balancing hormones, including thyroid hormones.
  • Thyro-Up— is a herbal formula to support pets with hypothyroidism. Thyro-up helps promote balanced thyroid activity for an underactive thyroid gland and the symptoms associated with it. Indian Pennywort is part of this blend for its anti-inflammatory and hormone-balancing properties.

Acknowledgement :

I extend my heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Biju Borah, PhD assistant professor, Department of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Extension Education , Lakhimpur College of Veterinary Science for providing me with the invaluable opportunity to publish this article . Your encouragement and support has been instrumental in shaping my academic journey. I am deeply appreciate of your mentorship and guidance. Thank you sir for believing in me.


Priyanka Das

Third professional year,BVSc & AH

Lakhimpur College Of Veterinary Science

Joyhing, North Lakhimpur 787051






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