Use of homeopathic in veterinary science and welfare of livestock farmers and veterinarian in India


Use of homeopathic in veterinary science and welfare of livestock farmers and veterinarian in India

Dr. Alok Kumar Yadav

(B.V.Sc. &A.H., M.V.Sc. & A.H., Ph.D. ICAR-NDRI, Karnal-132001, Haryana, India)

Veterinary Officer, Central Cattle Breeding Farm, Andeshnagar, Lakhimpur-Kheri (U.P.)

Corresponding author: - Mob No: 9473917493


Homeopathy is a system of medicine discovered and developed in the late 1700’s and early 1800’s by a German physician by the name of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. It is a complete system of medicine that adheres to the philosophy of holism. The major principle of Homeopathy is Like Treats Like, which means that to treat a sick individual with particular symptoms, you use a remedy that producers similar symptoms in a healthy individual. Homeopathy works by stimulating the body to follow the natural healing process. Homeopathic remedies are prepared from mineral, plant and animal substances. Their high dilution renders them absolutely non-toxic. Once a remedy reaches a certain dilution, the healing power of these remedies is then purely.

Dr. John Martin Honigberger was the first person who is recognised to have brought homeopathy and the name of Hahnemann to India. Dr. Honigberger arrived at Lahore in 1829-30. The then ruler of Punjab, Maharaja Ranjit Singh, was impressed by him when he treated his favourite horse of its bad leg ulcers.

Symptoms of Cattle diseases and some recommended Homoeopathic treatments:


  • Abcess of foot :-  Belladona200, Hepar sulf, Silicea
  • Agalactia :-  Ricinus com+ Urtica urens+five phos gives very good results
  • Anthrax :-  Ars alb 1M, Lachesis, Echinacea
  • Abdominal Pain:-
Due to indigestion with constipation Nux vomica200
Due to bad quality of food Ars Alb200
Due to excess green food Colchicum200
Due to retention of urine Cantharis200
Due to flatulence Mag phos+Nux vomica

(e) Anoestrous:-  

Due to profuse leucorrhoea Calc phos6x
When ovaries are very small on rectal examination Iodum30
Due to retntion of placenta & in Silent heat Pulsatilla
To regulate oestous  Cycle Sepia200

(f) Burns & scald:-

Minor burns & scalds Cantharis200
Deep burns with loss of skin Kali Bich200
Suppuration after burns Hepar sulph30
After effects of burns Causticum200
When formation of gangrene Ars alb200
Relieving burn pains Capsicum200

(g) Babesiosis: – China offi, Ficus religiosa, Millefolium, Phos, Crotalus horridus, Pulsatilla.

(h)  Bronchitis: – Aconite, Bryonia, Kali brom, Ars alb, Antim tart, Kali bich.

(i) Blue tongue: – Aconite, Nat mur, Ars alb, Acid nit, Borax,Rhus tox,Mercurious.


Paralytic sypmptoms of throat, Difficult Swallowing Gelsemium200
Paralysis of fore limb muscles Plumbum met 30
Paralysis of hind legs Conium mac200
Muscular Stiffness Difficult in walking of fore limbs Curare30
Peripheral paralysis of throat & mouth Lathyrus Sativus 1M

(k) Black Quarter :- Hepar sulph, Rhus tox


Symptoms of Dog diseases and some recommended Homoeopathic treatments:

  • Abdominal Pain (Colic)


Symptoms Remedy Frequency And Doses
Violent pains; better hard pressure; umbilical region Colocynth. 30 3 hourly
Food lies like a stone in the stomach; tools hard, constipated; desire to lie quietly Bryonia 30 or 200 2 hourly (3)
Pain spasmodic; cutting, soon after eating Kalibich. 30 3 hourly
Pain after discharging flatus excessively; worse eating rich, fatty foods Pulsatilla 30 3 hourly
In upper abdomen; stools hard, constipated Graphites 30 3 hourly
In front portion of abdomen; tongue clean Ipecac 30 3 hourly
Pain suddenly shifts and appears in distant parts like paws and toes. Pet feels better by bending backwards  and stretching the body Dioscorea 30 3 hourly
After abdominal operation; indignation Staphysagria30, 200 4  hourly
After over eating; due to sedentary habits Nux vomica 30 3 hourly
Violent, spasmodic pain; better by hot  drinks / applications Magnesia phos. 6X or 30 2 hourly
 Biochemic remedy Bio-combination -No.3 3 hourly
  • Abscesses And Boils:-
In acute abscesses; blood boils, when pus develop with lightening rapidity (mammary,hepatic or glandular abscesses), when skin is hot ,red & painful. Belladonna 30 2 hourly
When pus has formed , useful for glandular abscesses with throbbing pain;  worse from warmth Mercurius sol. 30 and Belladonna 30  alternately. 3 hourly
In the beginning of suppuration; corroding, putrid, bloody pus formation with chill and sharp stitching pain; pus smells like old  cheese. Though the pet is chilly but feels better in wet weather, worse by slightest touch.  Hepar sulph. 30 4 hourly


 In the beginning when the part is red with shining. Stitching pain; worse by slightest  motion Bryonia 30 4 hourly
 Swelling very red with shining and  burning; fever with dry hot skin worse in warm room, evening, and night Aconite 6 or 30 2 hourly
 When Hepar sulph. fails and the pain is Unbearable Chamomilla 30 or 200 3 hourly
 To cut short the duration of suppuration , It often does the work of a knife. Abscesses on base of paws. Myristica seb. IX or 3X 2 hourly
   Small painful/sore boils in crops (summer  boils) . Arnica 30 or 200 4 hourly
 To hasten suppuration Hepar sulph.2X or 3X 2 hourly
 To check suppuration Hepar sulph.IM or10M 10min.(3)
When the suppuration continues and boil  does not heal. To bring the suppurative process to maturity; chilly Patient; better in dry and warm weather Silicea 6X or 6 3 hourly


 To form healthy granulation after Silicea Fluoric acid. 30 4 hourly
 When Silicea fails and the suppuration continues; better in open air and worse in  change of weather Calcarea sulph. 6X or 30 3 hourly


 Copious, bloody, yellowish or greenish pus; worse after taking rich food, and warmth; Pulsatilla 30 4 hourly
  When there is much redness and swelling around the abscess Apis Mel 30, 200 4 hourly (6)
  • Acidity
After taking rich & fatty foods , No thirst Pulsatilla 30  4  hourly
After over eating Nux-vom. 30  4  hourly
Slow and imperfect digestion With vomiting & retching Carbo veg 30, Rubinia 30,  4  hourly
Abdomen Bloated; easy satiety Lycopodium 30  4  hourly
Biochemic remedy Nat Phos 6x  4  hourly
  • Allergy
For runny ,redness eyes and runny nose with no other symptom Euphrasia 30 or 200 6  hourly
Sudden blochy rashes or swellings on the head or body Urtica urens 30,200 6  hourly
Early stage of contact dermatitis,for itching, for burning rashes and particularly for poison ivy exposure Rhus tox 30 6  hourly
 Allergic to warm boiled milk; fatty  pork (diarrhoea) Sepia 30 or 200 4 hourly
 Allergic to milk Magnesia carb 30 6  hourly
 Allergic to cod liver oil Hepar sulph.30 6  hourly
 Allergic to aspirin; salt butter, bad eggs, poultry items Carbo veg. 30 4 hourly
 Allergic to antibiotics, if any skin is rash when other remedies fail. Sulphur 30 or 200 6  hourly(3)
Rashes of fine dry bumps, especially on face,with pet irritable and wanting to be left alone . Bryonia alb. 30 6  hourly
Bee stings or allergic reactions that look like bee stings ,the skin is hot dry with angry red lesions and the cat or dog is depressed or irritable. Apis Mel 30 6  hourly
 Allergic to cold drinks; fruits, rotten food,   iodine Arsenic alb. 30 4 hourly
 Allergic to dampness Dulcamara 30 or 200 4 hourly
 Allergic to dust; smoke, strong perfumes Histamine 1M Weekly (3)
 Allergic to bread; acidic food Nat-mur. 30 or 200 4 hourly
 Allergic to dust (asthma) Pothos foe. 6 or 30 4 hourly
 Allergic to rice Tellurium 30 or 200 6 hourly
 Allergic to cabbage Petroleum 30 or 200 6 hourly
Allergic to decayed vegetables Carbo animalis 30 6 hourly
Allergic to unripe fruits; prunes Rheum 200 6 hourly
 Allergic to pastry; rich ice-cream, mixed     variety food Pulsatilla 30 4 hourly
Allergic to lemonade Selenium 30 or 200 6 hourly
Allergic to indigestible food; tongue clean,  constant nausea Ipecac 30 or 200 6 hourly
 Allergic to melons Zingiber 30 4 hourly
Allergic to sugar; bitter food Natrum phos. 6X or 30 4 hourly
Intercurrent remedy Psorinum 200 or 1M fortnightly (3)
Allergic to vinegar; pickles, sour foods, acids Lachesis 200 Weekly (3)
  • Amoebiasis
 Tongue clean; stools slimy, greenish or  like frothy molasses with gripping at naval Ipecac 30 or 0/5(and above) 4 hourly
 With despair, dejection and irritability; loss  of  weight Emetine 30 4 hourly
 Stools greenish bloody and slimy; worse at night with pain and tenesmus in abdomen; Mercurius sol. 30 4 hourly
 Fetid stools with flatus; great weakness/  after passing stool; involuntary stools, Phosphorus 30 4 hourly
  • Anaemia
 Anaemia due to loss of vital fluids; blood  loss,  semen loss, dysentery, etc., with much weakness;    extremities cold with dropsy China 6 or 30 4hourly
 Anaemia with breathlessness after slight  exertion. Sudden fiery flushing of face with paleness of parts with dropical swelling Ferrum met. 3X or 6 4hourly
 Anaemia with extreme prostration and    anxiety; due to – malarial and toxic   influence. Irritability and  restlessness;   thirst excessive, sips water frequently Arsenic alb. 30 4hourly
 Anaemia after prolonged”‘ nervous tension Phosphorus 200 4hourly
 Anaemia in fat and flabby persons who  crave for indigestible things Calcarea carbo 1M 4hourly
 Anaemia with palpitation and breath­ lessness Strophanthus Q, 5-10 drops 4hourly
 Progressive and pernicious anaemia; brain­   fag and sexual excitement in male dogs Picric acid. 30 4hourly
 Anaemia with extreme weakness and   throbbing all over the body; soft pulse; general depression; patient feels worse at 3 a.m. Kali carbo 30 or 200 4hourly
 Anaemia with breathlessness; patient   feels better lying flat and in warmth;desires warm clothings even in summer Psorinum 200 4hourly
 For aplastic anaemia T.N.T.2oo 4hourly
 Anaemia after long continued malaria.Emaciation inspite of eating well; excessive thirst;depression; consolation  of the aggravates the condition. Like to eat more salty food. Natrum mur.6X or 30 4hourly
 Pernicious or chlorotic anaemia in young pups with waxy coat Calcarea phos. 6X 4hourly
  • Anger
 Anger violent; strikes  attendants. owner, Anger easy; obstinate and   irritable Tarentula h. 200, 1M weekly (3)
 Anger with trembling; irritable, Kali carb 200 or 1M weekly (3)
 glandular affections; thyroid enlargement at puberty Acid-nit. 200 or 1M 10 min. (3)
 Anger; violent fits; faints and falls down Calcarea iod. 200 10 min. (3)
 Anger easy; hard to please; quarrelsome dogs and cats Hepar sulph. 1M Weekly (3)
Anger easy; irritable and obstinate,better in open,cold places Kali sulph. 200 10 min. (3)
 Anger after Coition; obstinate; fat and flabby dogs & cats Calcarea carb. 200 weekly (3)
 Anger during pregnancy Nux mosch 200 10 min. (3)
 Anger with changeable moods; Crocus sat. 200 10 min. (3)
oversensitive Staphysagria 1M Weekly (3)
Anger in pups; desires some new things  frequently and refuses it     when given; changeable moods  Chamomilla 200, 1M 10 min. (3)

(j) Appetite Loss

 Tongue thickly whitish coated; foul eructation; wind passes downwards Antim – Crud. 30 4 hourly
 Lack of appetite with simple Indigestion with constipation Carbo Veg & Nux Vomica30 4 hourly
 Complete loss of appetite in morning but  craving for food during noon and at night Abies nig. 30 4 hourly
 Hungry without appetite; digestion slow China off. 30 4 hourly
 Loss of appetite when totally exhausted  after prolonged work; fat and chilly patient Calcarea carbo 30 4 hourly
 Lack of appetite due to indigestion; bitter taste; tongue thickly coated at back Nux vomica 30 4 hourly
 Easily satisfied; appetite decreases after    few mouth full of food Lycopodium 30 4 hourly
 Complete loss of appetite for ordinary  food Craving for indigestible, acidic and variety   foods Ignatia 30 4 hourly
 With loss of thirst and desire for open, cool air Pulsatilla 30 4 hourly
Apetite Erratic, Fluctuates greatly with aversion to food; nausea and vomiting of undigested food Ferrum phose 6X or 6 4 hourly
 General tonic Alfalfa Q, 5-10 drops 4 hourly
 Intercurrent remedy Sulphur 30 3 hourly(3)

(k) Arthritis

 Acute attack of gout of joints of the feet. Pain with bright red swelling Aconite nap. 200 2 hourly
 Animal sore and stiff upon getting up , Pain with inflammation; worse by movements Bryonia alb. 200 or 1M 6 hourly
Animal sore and stiff upon getting up but move easiy after, worse after rest and exposure   to cold; better by-movements Rhus tox. 200 or 1M 4 hourly
Smaller joints are affected of feet and neck  especially of female animals with history of genital and reproductive problems. Caulophyllum 30 4 hourly
 When the origin of complaints is  gonorrheal  worse during day time Medorrhinum 1M fortnightly(3)
 When the origin of complaints is tubercular Tuberculinum k. 1M fortnightly(3)
In Advanced dysplacia, difficult movement of hind quarters,loss of body control, painfull stiffness, hind legs tend to sway. Conium Mac30,200 6 hourly(6
* When        When Rhux tox   cease to work; pain is  worse in cold damp weather and better by  movements Calcarea carb 200,1M 6 hourly(6)
 Nodosities in the joints with gastric   complaints. At last nodules become  painless  (Rheumatoid arthritis). Tongue whitish thickly coated Antim crud. 30 or 200 6 hourly (6)
 Complaints of long bones; contraction of  ligaments’ Causticum 4 hourly
 Pain worse at night; in wet weather; Arthritis and Rheumatism that affects whole body, joints as well as  large muscles,dog and cat movements are slow and heavy. Cimicifuga 30 4 hourly
 Rheumatism; worse in damp cold weather,  Gout. Pain in limbs arid hip joints Natrum sulph. 30 or 200 4 hourly
 Pains worse during rest, night, and warmth; better by cold, open air and movements Pulsatilla 30 or 200 4 hourly
 Pain violent; bruised or as if sprained; can not bear touch; feels somebody coming  near him may hit the affected part Arnica mont. 200 4 hourly
 Gout of great toe and joints with swelling;   feels pain on stepping; worse in warmth, pressure and by motion. Pain travels   upwards; better cold compresses Ledum pal. 200 4 hourly
 Gouty complaints with offensive urine Acid-benz. 6 or 30 4 hourly
When there is red sand in urine in gouty  patients Lycopodium 30 4 hourly
 Severe pain with enlargement of the joints;  worse during rest and when storm approaches Rhododendron 200       or 1M 10 min. (3)
 Almost a specific for gout (to drain out uric  acid and urates Urtica u. Q, 8-10 drops in hot water 4 hourly
 In weak dogs and cats pain with chilliness; feels better by heat, while eating, and worse in cold open air Capsicum 30 or 200 4 hourly
 Pain in long bones; may be due to iI\jury or rheumatism Ruta g. 200 6 hourly
   Pain worse on slightest touch specifically  after  loss of vital fluids like excessive bleeding,  iarrhoea vomiting, etc China off. 6 or 30 3 hourly
 Pain in the small joints of extremities with   swelling , worse in morning Staphysagria 30 or 200 4 hourly
 Rheumatic pain without swelling; pain joints; worse at night Iodium 30 4 hourly
 Osteo-arthritis of large joints with degeneration.  Pain, swelling, stiffness and tenderness of joints; worse .by motion (cracking joints) and, cold;    better by warmth O.A. Nosode, 1M or 1002 weekly (6)
 Chronic muscular rheumatism of  neck. Intense pain along the sciatic nerve.  Numbness alternates with pain Strychninum 3X or 6X 4 hourly
 Rheumatism accompanied with skin ailments and   itching;’ can not walk smoothly. Sulphur 200 10 min. (3)
 For defective bony growth; better by warmth and   worse by cold Calcarea fluor. 12X or 30 4 hourly
 (l) Ashthma:—
Dyspnoea aggravates during winter; worse  from exposure to dust change of weather, cold drinks, exertion, inhaling smoke and in the morning. Hoarseness of voice. Cough with pain in chest Cassia sophera Q or 30 4 hourly
 During acute attack when there is anxiety,  fear and dyspnoea Aconite. Q and IpecacQ, 5-10 drops alternate 1/2 hourly
 In Pups with spasm, secretion of  mucous and infection (as an intercurrent remedy) Bacilinium 1M fortnightly (6)
 In adults with spasm, secretion of mucous and infection (as an intercurrent remedy) Tuberculinum 1M fortnightly (6)
 In sycotic patients; worse during daytime;better knee-chest position and sea side Medorrhinum200                 or 1M fortnightly (6)
 For patients coming for homoeopathic  treatment after taking steroids, etc., bad  effects of vaccination; chilly patient Thuja 200 or 1M Weekly (3)
 For chilly patients; worse after taking cold drinks or being angry; anxiety, rest­lessness and unquenchable thirst Arsenic alb. 30 2 hourly
 In Pups with history of worms Cina 10M or 50M weekly (3)
 Bronchial asthma with high eosinophil count; thyroid disturbance Thyroidin. 1M weekly (3)
Excessive dyspnoea, cough and much  mucous  secretion; emphysema Antim   ars. 6 or 30 3 hourly (6)
Dyspnoea in middle of night and early  morning; wants windows open Sulpur 200 or 1M weekly (3)­
Patient can breathe properly only while  standing Cannabis sativa 200or 1M 4 hourly(6)
 Difficult and hurried breathing; loss of thrist Apis mel. 30, 4 hourly
Attacks during rainy season and  dampness with looseness of bowels at each attack Natrum sulph. 6 or 30 4 hourly
 Due to nervousness; spasm and  constriction of chest; better drinking water Cuprum met. 30 or 200 4 hourly
 Due to anger; suffocative,pet is whiney and restless Chamomilla 200 or 1M 4 hourly
 Worse in dry, cold weather and better in  damp weather Hepar sulph. 30 or 200 4 hourly
 Asthma worse at night; when well selected remedies fail Syphilinum 1M Weekly (3)
 Due to suppressed emotions; grief(Psycho­somatic); little expectoration; worse inhaling  smoke Ignatia 1M or 10M 4 hourly (3)
Collapse due to acute attack; paralysis of  lungs; cyanosis Acid-hydro. 30 or 200 1/2 hourly (3)
 Catarrhal asthma; desire for open air;  uterine disorders Sabina 30 or 200 4 hourly
Hysterical asthma; cough; ‘worse warmth  of bed Nux moch. 30 or 200 4 hourly
 Nervous, spasmodic asthma; chocking on  falling asleep,pet standsup hurriedly. Valeriana Q or 30 4 hourly
 Burns due to pouring of hot water or ‘hot oil;  when blisters has not formed Urlica urens. 30 2 hourly


Why Use Homoeopathy:–

The following points show the peculiarities of homoeopathy that make it a very sensible choice of treatment in animals:
1. No side effects.
2. No suppression of symptoms for later, more vicious reappearance.
3. No dependence on diagnosis but only a dependence on symptom observation.
4. No need for laboratory trials in animals for the proving of medicines.
5. Allowance for and Dependance on a patient’s individuality.
6. Whole patient treatment.
7. Homoeopathy appears to work with the body’s own disease-combating mechanisms to effect a cure and this constitutes a most natural, humane and effective method of cure.
8. No environmental pollution.

Storage of Remedies

1) Away from temperature extremes

2) Away from direct sunlight,

3) Away from strong chemical odors,

4) Away from strong electromagnetic influences (inside  the microwave, on top of the television set, etc).

5) Storing them in an organized fashion so they can be  easily found and kept clean.

Mode of Administration of Remedies:-

Dispense remedy into cap of vial, and then to one of the methods below.

Direct Dosing: The easiest way to administer remedies to an animal if they will take things from your hand. Animals who have never had remedies before may refuse them at first, but once they realize what they are, will willingly take them in the future.


In Food: Give one dose in meals or treats at recommended intervals.

  • Water Potency: Best used when an animal needs a remedy and you can’t be there to administer it at recommended intervals, or if they are unconscious, or unwilling to take pellets from your hand.
  • For use with lower to medium potencies only, and for limited time.
  • Put one dose (2-3 pellets) into their water bowl and fill with clean water.
  • Note: Give a second water bowl so that they may choose to take the remedy or not. They will dose themselves.
  • Rinse a clean glass bowl in very hot water for 2-3 minutes. Let cool. Put 1/2 teaspoon of milk or distilled water in the bowl, and then add a few pellets of the remedy. Swirl gently for 1 minute, and let your pet lap it up, or give with a clean spoon or syringe directly in mouth or on nostrils.
  • Refrigerate unused remedy with a lid, stirring briskly before next dosage is extracted with syringe.
  • Label syringe with Remedy name and potency. Do not use for any other remedy.
  • Note: Unconscious animals can NOT swallow!

Avoid choking by only placing 1 or 2 drops of the remedy in their mouth between lip and gums.

Mode of administration of medicine may be in globules form, or in liquid form, put 4 to 5 globules  of 30 no. size or 4 to 5 drops in 3 to 5 ml water, draw this medicated water with syringe or Sprayer and put directly on tongue or on nostrils or on mucous membrane of Vagina of pet.

Biochemic remedy is always given in Luke warm water or fresh water. Dissolve 8 to 10 tablet in 5 to 10 ml luke worm or fresh water and draw this medicated water with syringe and put directly in Mouth.

  • Olfactory, inhalation, through the skin

Dosing of Remedies

  •   Acute Care: Dose every 20 minutes to 1 hour for 3-4 hours. Decrease frequency as symptoms improve.
  • If no improvement is seen, you may have the wrong remedy –
  • Check your symptom picture again to choose another remedy.
  • If improvement is seen but fails to hold, go to 200C.
  • Never leave a remedy that’s working!
  • Dosing: Medium and Low Potencies (6C, 12C, 30C, 200C) 2-3 pills per dose is all that’s needed. The more severe the symptoms, the more frequent the dose is given in Acute Care First Aid Ailments.
  • The higher the potency, the less frequently you give the remedy. Always adjust remedy frequency up or down according to the symptoms.
  • Base Frequency of Doses According to Symptom Severity

Homeopathy heals holistically!

  • Homeopathic medicines stimulates the body’s inner strength and boost the immune system to work well i.e. to reduce the disease load and to improve the overall health.
  • The constitutional or individualized homeopathy is known to reduce to tendency to catch respiratory illnesses.
  • The prescription is dependent upon symptoms, signs, tendencies, history and causation.
  • The treatment can be curative, palliative or supportive depending upon state and staging of disease.
  • In every stage homeopathy has a definitive role to play.

Homeopathic medicines can be taken safely along with other /conventional medications (ADD-ON Therapy).

Optimum use of Homeopathic Remedies:-

Homeopathy effects cure in case of “Acute ailments” like cold, cough, fever, sore throat etc.

( eg: Belladona, Ferrum Phos ) Works wonders in “Chronic cases” , wherein it brings about complete cure in patients by eradicating the root cause of the ailments, when the right Simillimum remedy is chosen” .
Homeopathy can act as ” Prophylactic“, ie homeopathic remedies can be used to prevent diseases.  e.g. Borax 200 in FMD. Homeopathic remedies can be of great value in reducing the need for surgery in certain circumstances and at other times remedy proves invaluable in helping the wound heal fast after the surgery is completed. Remedies: Arnica, Staphisgeria, Hypericum and Complimentary medicines
We can go on and on illustrating the wonders that Homepathy and complimentary medicines can do when the right simillimum and the potency is used.

Arnica                                   Pain killer
Aurum Iodum                        Promotes follicular growth
Agnus castus                       Helps in expressing oestrous
Borax                                    To prevent ulcers in the mouth
Aur Mur Nat Nat                   Fibrolytic agent
Bryonia                                  Acts on muscular tissue
Cal Carb                               Constitutional drug, promotes milk yield

Cal Phos                               Constitutional drug, helps in bone calcification
Carboveg                              Constitutional drug
Caulophyllum                        Dilates ripened cervix
Cina                                       Dewormer
Colchicum                             Eructates gas
Colocynthis                            Reduces pain in stomach, abdomen.
Echinacea                             Blood purifier, immune modulator
Euphrasia                              Used in conjunctivitis

Ferrum Met                          Helps haemoglobin formation
Ferrum Phos                        Helps haemoglobin formation
Gun Powder                         Used in septic suppuration
Hamamelis                           To prevent bleeding
Hypericum                            Prevents pain at nerve end injury
Ignatia                                   Reduces excitability
Iodum                                    Specifically used in after effects of FMD
Ipecac                                   Used along with Arnica 6 in haemogalectia

Natrum sulph                        Used in oedema and cystic ovaries
Nux vomica                          Appetizer, used in downer cow
Opium                                   Prepartum prolapse
Podophyllum                        Used in eversion of uterus
Pulsatilla                               Helps in correcting oestrus in heifers
Pyrogenium                          Used in suppuration
Raphanus                             Promotes ruminal movements
Rhus tox                                Relieves joint pains
Ruta                                       Reduces inflammatory oedema

Sabal serrulata                     Specific for hydrosalphinx
Sabina                                   Action on uterine mucosa
Sepia                                     Uterine infection, utero ovarian relation
Selenium                                Action on muscles
Silicia                                     Chronic mastitis, corrects nutrition
Secale cornutum                   Helps uterine contraction (use along with caulophyllum)
Sulphur                                   Constitutional drug, skin infection, chronic mastitis

Symphytum                             Helps in bone union
Thiosinaminum                       Fibrolytic agent (see Aur mur nat nat)
Thyroidinum                            To induce heat, can reduce milk yield in normal animals
Viburnum op                            Reduces irritation to the uterus.



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