Utility of Indian Cow Derived Products: Panchagavya

Utility of Indian Cow Derived Products: Panchagavya

Utility of Indian Cow Derived Products: Panchagavya


In India, the cow holds a special place in the cultural, spiritual, and agricultural heritage of the country. Known as the “Kamadhenu” or the “Mother of all Cows,” this revered animal is not only considered sacred but also plays a vital role in agriculture and everyday life. One of the most fascinating aspects of the cow’s utility is the traditional concoction known as “Panchagavya.” Derived from the five products of the cow – milk, curd, ghee, urine, and dung – Panchagavya has been utilized for centuries for its numerous applications in agriculture, medicine, and more. In this article, we will explore the diverse utility of Indian cow-derived products, with a special focus on the wonders of Panchagavya.

Panchagavya is a term used to describe five major substances, obtained from cow, which include cow’s urine, milk, ghee, curd and dung. Each ingredients of Panchagavya have many beneficial properties and used extensively in Ayurvedic preparations. This type of treatment is called Panchgavya therapy or cowpathy. Its antimicrobial properties have gained the attention of the medical and veterinary professionals. Cow dung and urine have excellent properties for making biofertilizers and biopesticides. Cow urine possesses antimicrobial, fungicide, anthelmintic, bioenhancer, antiseptic and anticancerous properties. Indigenous cows produce A2 type milk and is a rich source of Vitamin B2, B3, Omega-3 fatty acids with higher Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) and natural antioxidants. Cow curd is a best probiotic and is useful in gastro-intestinal ailments. Cow ghee has immunostimulatory properties, antioxidant property and prevent atherogenesis. In the past expected importance has not been given to the Panchagavya therapy which needs attention of scientific community.

Key wordsPanchagavya, ayurvedic preparations, A2 milk, immunostimulatory properties.


According to History, Maharshi Vasishtha served the divine “Kamdhenu” Cow and Maharshi Dhanvantari offered to human being a wonder medicine “Panchgavya” (a combination of cow urine, milk, dung, ghee and curd). ‘Panchagavya’ is a traditional product prepared by fermenting dung, urine, milk, curd and clarified butter (ghee) from Indian cow (Somasundaram et al., 2007). It is used as a medicine and as well as fertilizer for plants (Preethi et al. 1999). All the five product used for medicinal purpose,singly or combination with other herbs. In Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, has detail mentions of importance of cow’s milk, curd, ghee, urine in the treatment of various human aliments (Dhama et al., 2005).


Cow urine The cow’ is a mobile medical dispensary and cow urine is a panacea of all diseases (Pathak et al ., 2003). Used extensively in ayurvedic preparations. It′s value described in Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita, Atharva Veda, Amritasagar, etc. Gomutra is capable of curing blood pressure, blockage in arteries, arthritis, diabetes, heart attack, cancer, thyroid, asthma, psoriasis,eczema, prostrate, fits, AIDS, piles, migraine, ulcer, acidity, constipation, gynecological problems, ear and nose problems and several other diseases (Jain et al., 2010).


Antimicrobial propertyInhibitory activity against growth of both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria was evident (Yadav et al., 2008). Ex.- Antimicrobial activity was seen against bacterial pathogens Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella typhimurium, Aeromonas hydrophila, Enterobacter aerogenes, and Micrococcus luteus. Fungicide Fungicidal effect against Aspergillus fumigatus, Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus, Malassezia, C. tropicalis and C. glabrata has been observed in various studies (Kumar and Mali 2002). Potent bio fertilizer and bio pesticide Cow urine can kill a number of pesticide and herbicide resistant bacteria, viruses and fungi making it useful in agricultural operations. Prevention of antibiotic resistance Different study has been shown that CU (Cow Urine) is much effective against the drugs resistant bacteria and viruses. Ex- Vancomycin resistant Enterococcus, and ciprofloxacin resistance P. aeruginosa are some of the examples (Randhawa et al.,2015).

Anthelminthic Activity -Cow urine was found to be anthelmintic agent at both 1% and 5% concentrations (Kekuda et al., 2010). Bioenhancer-Cow urine is the only agent of animal origin which acts as bioenhancer of antimicrobial, antifungal, and anticancer agents ( Kekuda et al., 2010).

Antiseptic – It is observed the enhanced wound healing activity of Cow urine in Wistar albino rats. Anticancerus activity – Cow urine has antioxidant properties and is a free radical scavenger, and thus it neutralizes the oxidative stress. Cow urine effective as anticancer therapy because it helps the lymphocytes to survive by inhibiting their apoptosis and by repairing the damaged DNA ( Kumar et al.,2004 and Ambwani, 2004).

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Effect on Crop production

  • Increase plants growth and yield – Cow urine could be a potent source to improve soil fertility, crop productivity and quality. This can also be a potential alternative for fertigation which is becoming common in most of the crops (Pathak and Ram., 2013). A study was conducted on effect of two foliar sprays of different concentrations of cow urine (2%, 4%, 6%) at 25 and 40 days after sowing on soybean. Result showed a concentrations of 6% was more effective in enhancing the morpho-physiological, chemical biochemical and yield and yield contributing parameters when compared with control.

· Increase nutrient content and uptake in plants– The nutritional effect of cow urine on Trigonella foenum-graecum (Methi) and Abelmoschus esculentus (Bhindi) plants showed increased chlorophyll and protein content with increased concentration of urine as compared to control (Jandaik et al., 2015)

— Maintain soil physical and chemical properties

– Cow urine application has also reported to improve the soil texture and structure. High dose of Liquid Cow Manure application resulted in increased pH and EC values, nutrients and Dissolved Organic Carbon content of amended soils.

— Increase soil microbial population and crop yield

– Compost tea (cow dung+cow urine+water) contains high amounts of microbes which have complementary effect on the native microbes and also favour decomposition of organic matter at a faster rate which, result in better transformation of nutrients and their availability to crops (Pathak and Ram, 2002).

— Insect control

-In Ethiopia, the pest was controlled with water extract of neem, Nicotiana tabacum L., Capsicum annuum L. or Allium cepa L. mixed with fermented cow urine (Tesfaye and Gautam, 2003)

  • COW DUNG – The native Indian cow/cattle dung also has many useful properties. It is high in organic matter and rich in nutrients. It contains about 3% nitrogen, 2 % phosphorous and 1% potassium. Therefore, native cattle dung are excellent ingredients for making biofertilizers and bio pesticides (Compost, 2017). The Indian cow dung also contain higher amount of calcium, phosphorus, zinc and copper than the cross-breed (Garg and Mudgal 2007; Randhawa and Kullar 2011) . Cow dung harbours a rich microbial diversity, containing different species of bacteria (Bacillus spp., Corynebacterium spp. and Lactobacillus spp.), protozoa and yeast (Saccharomyces and Candida) (Nene 1999; Randhawa and Kullar 2011). Cow dung is antiseptic and have prophylactic (disease preventive) (Dhama et al 2005) Cow dung decreases the amount of pollutants in soil and also helpful in increasing nutrients of soil as well as helpful in enhancement of soil properties like water holding capacity, softness etc for enhances growth of plant .


— Indigenous cow milk possesses less cholesterol and high protein having high biological and nutritional value.

— It is easily digestible and extensively used in Ayurvedic medicines for treatment of various ailments.

— Milk from indigenous breed of cow is known to have better therapeutic values. — It is rich source of Vitamin B2 and B3 a natural antioxidant.

— Microbes like Lacto bacillus present in it, produce organic acids that promote crop growth and resists pathogens and a biotic stresses.

— It is a rich source of Omega-3 fatty acids with higher CLA (Conjugated Linoleic acid) (Pathak, 2013).

— Antimicrobial activity is due to immunoglobulins (IgA) ,lactoferrin, lysozyme ,lactoperoxidase and vitamin B12 binding protein.

— lactoferrin B shows marked antifungal activity (Bellamy et al.,1994).

— The amino acid proline has been found to systematically induce resistance in plants. Ex.-Chilli against leaf curl (Kumar and Mali, 2002).

— Indegenous cow produce only A2 type milk have benificial properties.


Cow Curd (dahi) or Matha (whey or butter milk) prepared from indigenous cow is milk is considered as digestive, nutritive and useful in gastrointestinal ailments by checking or controlling the growth of harmful organism. Whey/butter milk is very low in fat but has large amount of beneficial bacteria or their breakthrough products in the form of amino acids, peptides, vitamins, minerals etc., which are nutritionally useful in human and animal health. These bacteria attaich on the intestinal surface and further multiply there. Lactobacillus acidophilus bacteria plays vital role, making the whey more useful. It has been exploited as probiotic to control animal diseases: by improving in intestinal microbial balance (Dhama et al. ,2005) Cow curd and butter milk is reliable digestive nutrient and useful in gastroentestinal ailment (Singh and Chauhan, 2004) . Concentrated whey increase draught power in bullocks. (Singh and Chauhan, 2004) . Large amount of lactic acid producing bacteria present in curd and buttermilk produce antifungal metabolites (Schnurer and Magnusson, 2005). With the help of probiotics, there is a hope to control infections in a non-drug manner. It will also reduce the consumption of antibiotics in animal husbandry. The residues of antibiotics in milk, egg or poultry meat are the cause of several deleterious effects in man including allergy and resistance of infections. Such problems will bet reduced after the use of probiotics particularly in the form of cow curd. However, there is still need of a huge amount of research work to scientifically validate and revalidate the indigenous cow curd/matha as probiotics.

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Cow ghee (butter-fat) is traditionally believed to improve memory, voice, vision, intelligence and body’s resistance to infections. (Dhama et al., 2005) . Conjugated linoleic acid in ghee increased antioxidant activity and prevented atherogenesis. It has immunostimulant potential it increase neutrophil adhesion and delayed type hypersensitivity (DTH) responses in rats. (Fulzele et al., 2001) . Cow ghee fascilitate healing of wound when used in combination with honey (Kaur et al., 2001) . It exhibits antichollestric activity, and immunostimulant activity. Ayurvedic practitioners believe that cow’s milk and ghee are memory enhancers. The doctors recommend not to use any fat except cow ghee by a cholesterol patient. The use of cow ghee does not increase cholesterol and has no bad effect on heart. Cow butter is a blood purifier and increases the beauty. Cow ghee promotes healing of wounds. It is helpful in preventing and controlling paralysis and asthma. The ghee obtained from cow milk is very much useful for persons having weak eyesight.


  • The use of Gobar (cow dung) and Gomutra (cow urine) of indigenous breeds of cattle should be promoted extensively by educating farmers the benefits of different manures/bio-fertilisers, composts, pest-repellents, pesticides and biogas prepared by cow dung and urine. It can reduce the cost of production and as a long term measure for sustainable and healthy agriculture production.
  • · Centers should be established and recognized for promotion of the production and use of Panchagavya as an alternative source of energy, such as Gobar gas, alternative methods of farming and to initiate, undertake and promote research and innovations in the field of utility and contribution of cow, its progeny and other cattle to the agriculture and bio-diversity including bioenergy and biofertilizers etc. for bio-friendly environment. · Proper attention should be given on Panchagavya therapy for inducing protection against several diseases in the livestock/poultry populations. There should be requirement of more researches for the verification of clinical and medicinal claims made in ancient literature related to medicinal properties of Panchgavya products.

· Comparative chemical, microbiological and immunological analysis of Panchgavya of various indigenous cattle breeds with special reference to their agricultural, medicinal and nutritional importance should be evaluated scientifically.

· A sound data-base or data-collection system be developed for economic contribution of cattle products and bi-products.

· There is need to give more attention to Panchgavya in Veterinary College, Research Institutes Universities and Hospitals. Research programmes should be undertaken, encouraged and supported in national institutions, universities and non-government institutions. Krishi Vigyan Kendras and nongovernment organizations (NGOs) should be encouraged for promoting Panchgavya .

The Five Components of Panchagavya

Panchagavya is prepared by combining five essential cow-derived products:

  1. Milk (Ksheera): Milk is the primary ingredient, known for its rich nutrient content, including vitamins, minerals, and proteins.
  2. Curd (Dadhi): Curd or yogurt is a probiotic, containing beneficial bacteria that aid in digestion and overall gut health.
  3. Ghee (Ghritha): Ghee, or clarified butter, is highly regarded for its nutritional and medicinal properties.
  4. Urine (Mutra): Cow urine is believed to have various therapeutic and antiseptic properties.
  5. Dung (Mootra): Cow dung is a potent organic fertilizer, rich in beneficial microorganisms.

Agricultural Applications

  1. Organic Farming:
    • Panchagavya is a key component in organic farming, where it is used as a natural fertilizer and pest repellent. It enriches the soil and enhances its microbial activity.
  2. Pest Repellent:
    • Panchagavya can be sprayed on crops to deter pests, acting as a natural and eco-friendly alternative to chemical pesticides.
  3. Plant Growth Promoter:
    • It promotes healthy plant growth, increases crop yield, and improves the overall quality of agricultural produce.
  4. Seed Treatment:
    • Panchagavya can be used to treat seeds before sowing, enhancing germination and seedling vigor.
READ MORE :  Use of Cow Urine in the Field of Agriculture

III. Medicinal and Therapeutic Applications

  1. Ayurvedic Medicine:
    • In Ayurveda, an ancient Indian system of medicine, Panchagavya is used in various formulations to treat a range of ailments, including digestive issues, skin disorders, and respiratory problems.
  2. Antibacterial and Antifungal Properties:
    • Cow urine and dung are believed to possess antibacterial and antifungal properties, making them valuable in traditional medicine.
  3. Immune Booster:
    • Panchagavya is considered an immunity booster and is believed to aid in maintaining overall health and well-being.

Ritual and Spiritual Significance

  1. Religious Offerings:
    • Cow-derived products, including Panchagavya, are used in Hindu religious rituals and offerings to deities.
  2. Cow Worship:
    • The cow holds a sacred place in Hinduism, and its products are considered pure and divine, often associated with the divine energy of the cow.

Environmental and Sustainability Aspects

  1. Organic and Sustainable Agriculture:
    • The use of Panchagavya in agriculture promotes organic and sustainable farming practices, reducing the reliance on chemical inputs.
  2. Waste Utilization:
    • Panchagavya promotes the efficient utilization of cow-derived waste products, reducing environmental pollution.
  3. Biogas Production:
    • Cow dung can be used for biogas production, providing a renewable source of energy and reducing the dependence on fossil fuels.

Challenges and Controversies

  1. Scientific Validation:
    • While Panchagavya has a long history of traditional use, scientific validation of its claimed benefits is an ongoing area of research.
  2. Hygiene Concerns:
    • The preparation and use of Panchagavya must adhere to strict hygiene standards to ensure safety.
  3. Animal Welfare:
    • The collection of cow urine and dung for Panchagavya production must be done in a manner that prioritizes animal welfare and ethical practices.

VII. The Global Impact

  1. International Interest:
    • The utility of cow-derived products, including Panchagavya, has gained international attention, with global interest in organic and eco-friendly farming practices.
  2. Cross-Cultural Exchange:
    • The principles of sustainable agriculture and the use of natural fertilizers are now being embraced and integrated into farming practices worldwide.

VIII. Conclusion

The utility of Indian cow-derived products, especially Panchagavya, extends beyond cultural and spiritual significance. Its applications in agriculture, medicine, and sustainable practices are gaining recognition on a global scale. While there are ongoing debates about its scientific validation, there is no denying the profound impact these natural products have had on traditional Indian practices and the potential they hold for the future of eco-friendly and sustainable living. As the world seeks ways to protect the environment and promote sustainable practices, the age-old wisdom of Panchagavya provides a valuable blueprint for a more harmonious and sustainable future.Cow is Central to our life and part of bio- diversity. Its progeny and its Panchgavya have wide applications and have the potential for sustainable agriculture production, health and nutrition of humans, production of biofertilizers production of non-conventional energy and for maintaining the bio-diversity of the ecosystem. Thus it can be conclude that Panchgavya/Cowpathy, a new version of ancient science, is definitely a promising formulation in the years to come. However ,application of panchagavya in treating diseases needs much promotional activities since only limited researches are available. A combined effort of scientist, researchers and clinicians will definitely strengthen this alternate low cost therapy having no side effects, and thus can encourage confidence in the public about its good properties. Necessary support of scientists as well as researchers and clinicians is requires in order to strengthening the beneficial effects of cow urine therapy and other panchagavya elements, which will encourage both physicians and public to promote this wonderful therapy for the health benefits and help fighting various diseases and disorders of both animals and humans.


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