Vaccination for Sheep & Goats


Vaccination for Sheep & Goats



  • Importance
  • Types
  • Available Vaccines
  • Prioritization
  • Vaccination Chart
  • Care & Tips
  • FAQ’s




Compiled by :


Asst.Director - V&AH Dept., Govt of Telangana

Certified Livestock Advisor –Sheep (MANAGE)

8500404016 /



  • Sheep & Goats frequently suffer with infectious diseases under many predisposing reasons.


  • Flock productivity is decreased with diseases, thereby significant decrease in farm profits is noticed


  • Diseases causes mortality also


  • The best way to deal with infectious diseases is to prevent them from occurring


  • Prevention is always better than cure


  • Health care is one of the 4 farming components of Sheep / Goat farming (Other three farming components are Breed, Nutrition & Management)


  • Preventive Health care (PHC) is part of Health care


  • Use of specific, scientific and proactive measures to prevent future disease / Illness or Injury is known as PHC


  • PHC means taking a medicine or care before the disease develops, which helps in prevention and control of disease


  • Cost of Preventive health care is nominal /minimum


  • Vaccination is part of preventive Health care


  • Vaccination :    means administration of a Vaccine


  1. is a practice of building immunity artificially against specific

Infectious diseases by injecting Vaccines


  • Vaccine :   1.  is a biological agent


  1.  is an antigenic substance prepared from the causative agent  of the disease


  1. Antigenic substance is


  • a microorganism or virus or ( in a weakened, live or killed state)


  • proteins or


  • toxins from the organism.



  • Vaccination help the immune system develop antibodies / protection from a particular disease.


  • Vaccination provides active Immunityfor a specific period


  • Immunity is the ability to resist a particular infection or toxin by the action of specific antibodies or sensitized white blood cells


  • Vaccination prevents further spread of disease
  • Vaccination is like insuring the flock


  • Vaccination is a form of risk management


  • Vaccinated flocks suffer less with infectious diseases than non-vaccinated


  • Vaccines are inexpensive and easy to apply


  • Better to apply all available Vaccines as per Epidemic History


  • In Telangana & AP Vaccines like PPR, Pox, HS & ET are inoculated on free of cost to all Sheep & Goats in a strategic manner ( Reg other States : data not available )


  • Vaccination is one area which looks confusing for many new entrepreneurs

( what, when & how). Many conflicts over prioritisation of Vaccination is another issue. Because of which Vaccination is mostly neglected / unattended

READ MORE :  Sheep Husbandry Status and Sheep Breed Improvement Programmes in India


  • An understanding on Vaccines & on their application helps new entrepreneurs a lot.

Types of Vaccine

  1. Vaccines are two types by antigen type: Viral & Bacterial


  1. Vaccines are two types by physical status


  1. Live Vaccines : Almost all Viral Vaccines are live Vaccines

( Except BT & FMD which are Inactivated/Killed) )

Ex :PPR, Pox


  • Attenuated
  • Freeze dried
  • Dilution/reconstitution required
  • Low virulent
  • more fragile
  • requires careful handling
  • requires a single dose for achieving full immunity.



  1. Killed Vaccines : Almost all Bacterial Vaccines are killed  & inactivated




  1. Inactivated Bacteria

           Ex :HS, ET


  1. Inactive Toxins of Bacteria ie Toxoids

                                 Ex : TT


  • Inactivated
  • Ready to use type
  • No dilution / reconstitution required
  • requires a booster dose, 14 days after primary vaccination for achieving full immunity

Available Vaccines

  • In India, Vaccines are not available for all diseases of Sheep & Goats
  • Viral Vaccines available for the diseases of Sheep & Goat are
    • PPR
    • Pox
    • Blue tongue
    • FMD
  • Bacterial Vaccines available for the diseases Sheep & Goats are
  • ET
  • HS
  • Tetanus
  • Brucellosis
  • Anthrax


Vaccination prioritisation depends only

  1. on the contagious diseases prevalence in farming area
  2. Severity of challenge


Vaccination Chart

  • There is no general or seasonal vaccination chart to be followed
  • Available schedule / Calendar of Vaccination is just suggestive and is to understand about type of Vaccines, route of administration and interval of Vaccination
Month Vaccine to be applied Route Repeat time
January PPR S/C 3  Years
Pox I/D Annually or as per  manufacturer
April HS & ET S/C 6 months
July BT S/C Annually
FMD I/M As per manufacturer
day of birth TT I/M Annually
Anthrax & Brucellosis Vaccination As per local Vet advise
Note : Manufacturers instructions are to be followed with reg to Age, Site

of inoculation, dose and repetition

Care & Tips ( for effective Vaccination )



  1. Read the instructions issued with Vaccine by manufacturer very carefully


  1. Keep Vaccines & Diluent stored /refrigerated between 2-8 centigrade


  1. A day before, keep Syringes & needles stored /refrigerated between 2-8 centigrade degrees.


  1. Throw away freezed bacterial Vaccines
  2. Do not  used freezed diluents
  1. Ensure source, storage and transportation care of Vaccine


  1. Ensure non-expiry of Vaccine
  2. Plan vaccination as per epidemic need/urgency
  3. Ensure proper deworming of flock
  1. Plan for vaccination within 28 days after deworming for effective immunity development.


  1. Ensure shaded area for vaccination
  2. Reconstitute Vaccine just before application


During Vaccination :


  1. Ensure shade for reconstituted Vaccine also
  1. Vaccinate S/G during early morning cool hours only
  2. Ensure cold chain from first to last inoculation
  3. Follow route of administration as indicated.
  • Generally most Vaccines are injected by SC method only. Few are by I/Dermal & by IM
  • For Subcutaneous injection :Caudolateral neck region is preferred or behind the elbow over the ribs or at flank region as shown in pic
  • Do not administer Vaccines over the loin or hindquarters
  1. Use prescribed size & length needles only. Length of needle should not be more than 0.5 inch


  1. Keep changing needles& syringes for every 20-25 S/G


  • Needle used to withdraw Vaccine from the bottle should not be used for vaccination


  1. Always use sterile / disposable Syringes and needles.


  1. Ensure to avoid contamination of Vaccine while drawing.


  1. If Vaccine is contaminated, discard it


  1. Give exact dose as indicated
  2. Ensure proper delivery of the full dose of Vaccine


  1. Dose of Vaccine is same for all ages and all bodyweights


  1. Ensure no under dosage
  2. Vaccinate healthy Sheep /Goats only
  3. Do not vaccinate ailing


  1. Do not vaccinate adult Ewes 2-3 weeks before lambing
  2. Do not vaccinate adult Ewes 2-3 weeks post delivery


  1. Do not vaccinate 0-2 months age lambs/Kids


  1. Vaccinate whole flock and not just individual Sheep/Goats.


  1. Make sure that site of injection is dry & clean


  1. Handle Sheep/Goats carefully while applying the Vaccine
  2. Try to minimize any stress of handling, particularly pregnant
  3. Plan to vaccinate in small groups & in tight pens so that S/G can’t run & move here and there. Plan to vaccinate lambs first and adults later.


  1. Plan to utilise Vaccine within 60 minutes after reconstitution

Post -Vaccination :


  1. Do not touch or rub the site of injection after vaccination
  2. Do not wipe the injected area with disinfectant or cloth or palm
  3. Do not disturb vaccinated flock 3-4 hours post vaccination
  4. Discard vaccine if any balance left 60 minutes after reconstitution
  5. Discard left over Vaccine by pouring in to hot/boiling water
  6. Discrad used syringes and needles also by dropping in hot/boiling water


  1. 14 days after vaccination observe at site of Vaccine for any lesion.

Effective application of Vaccine indicates


  1. Viral Vaccines : no lesion/Mark should be observed
  2. Bacterial Vaccines : a small gram sized nodule felt on palpation
  3. Pox Vaccine by ID route: Lesions/takes should be clearly visible in not less than 65 % of flock


  1. Faulty/Wrong inoculation : shows abscess /Nodules formation or subcutaneous   inflammation at site of injection as shown in pic


  1. Repetation of vaccination as per Immunity period


  1. Booster dose is to be applied 14 days after first vaccination if required


  1. Booster dose for all bacterial vaccines is must


  1. Booster dose is mandatory in lambs vaccinated first time


  1. Keep record of all vaccination activities for future reference

Frequently Asked Questions


  1. At what age lambs / Kids are to be vaccinated first time ?

Ans : at 2 months of age


  1. Which vaccine is to be applied first time to lambs / Kids ?

Ans : ET followed by HS


  1. What should be the minimum gap between two subsequent vaccinations ?

Ans : 14 days


  1. Till what age Sheep / Goats are to be vaccinated ?

Ans : as long as they are in the farm


  1. Is deworming mandatory before vaccination ?

Ans : Yes. Vaccine is to be applied between 4th – 28 th day post deworming


  1. Should all available Vaccines be applied to Sheep & Goats ?

Ans : Not necessary. Vaccination should be as per infection threat in farming  Area


  1. Can two vaccines be applied at a time ?

Ans : Generally “No”. But in emergency – Yes. In such case ensure to prevent stress on animals with proper care


  1. What are the reasons for failure of vaccination ?

Ans : a. Break of cold chain between point of manufacture to inoculation

  1. Faulty reconstitution
  2. Contamination of vaccine during vaccination
  3. Under dosage
  4. Vaccinating Sick animals
  5.   Worm load


  1. If Pox lesions/takes do not appear under I/D ear inoculations of Pox vaccine should vaccine be inoculated again ?

Ans : Yes. If Pox lesions/takes do not appear in not less than 65% of flock  between 7-21 days post vaccination, Vaccine is to be applied again


  1. Shall vaccine be applied in Outbreak flock ?

Ans : a. All ailing and sick are to be separated from flock

  1. Healthy Sheep & Goats only shall be vaccinated.
  2. S/G in incubation may not respond for Vaccine .
  3. Hence a close watch post-vaccination till 14-21 days is mandatory to identify symptomatic
  1. If no new cases are found within 14-21 days,it shall be treated as S/G are protected & safe
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