Vaccination In Cattle

vaccination in cattle

Vaccination In Cattle

Vaccination is the administration of an antigen (in-activated organisms used as an antigen) to stimulate a protective immune response against an infection agent. The initial scientific approach of biological products was established by Jenner’s work on effectiveness of cowpox in immunization of human beings on effectiveness of cowpox. But now a days this phenomenon of immunization by vaccines is also used in animals to control various diseases which can occur in a herd & can decrease the production capacity.


Immunity produced as a result of administration of an antigen, thus triggering an immune response


Vaccination is one of the most effective way of preventing specific disease by inducing immunity in animals. All vaccines are not capable of providing lifelong immunity. Thus it is essential to know period of effectiveness of particular vaccine, the dosage and route of vaccination & storage conditions for stocking vaccines. Following aspects can help to make vaccination program a success

  1. Perform vaccination in healthy stock 2. Cows in advanced pregnancy should notbe vaccinated 3. Calves between 4-6 months be vaccinated. 4. During outbreak-vaccination program should not be carried out 5. Keep all vaccines under refrigeration until ready to use. 6. At time of vaccination, the reconstituted vaccines, particularly live viral vaccines, should keep on ice. 7. Follow manufactures’s directions 8. Destroy all unused vaccines which could not be used within validity period 9. Clean up & disinfect all equipments & cloathing after vaccination performed by trained & qualified personnel10. Keep a record of brand, kind & batch number of vaccines used for various animal species with dated.


Nature of vaccine–A suspension of living culture of Brucella abortus strain -19 Indian Immunologicals

Days & season—female calves of 4-6 months of age Although older animals may be vaccinated

Immunity——-Once in life time Durable immunity which persists satisfactory over first or second pregnancies, boosted by natural in-apparent infection.

Dose———-2 ml s/c


Nature of vaccine– Spore vaccine made by nonvirulent non-capsulated strain of bacillus anthracis of 50% glycerine sol. (intervet)

Days & season— All ages, 4-6 months onwards, in endemic areas feb to may

Immunity——- Immunity is established in 10 days after vaccination & last about one year

Dose———- 2 ml s/c

3.Haemorrhagic septicaemia

Nature of vaccine– Alum Precipitated (HVVI, Hisar) & Oil Adjuvant (HVVI, Hisar)

Days & season— All ages, 4-6 months onwards, May to june

Immunity——- 1st time at six months of age, then every six months (May/June and October/ November) .In case of Oil Adjuvant- Immunity last about one yea

Dose———- 5 ml s/c & 3 ml Deep I/M (In case of Oil Adjuvant)

  1. Black quarter

Nature of vaccine– From clostrium species after formalinisation HVVI, Hisar

Days & season— All ages, 4-6 months onwards, All seasons but usually carried out before rainy seasons.

Immunity——- Immunity last about one year

Dose———- 5 ml s/c

  1. H.S. & B.Q. Combined vaccine

Nature of vaccine– (intervet)

Days & season— 1st vaccination 6 months and above

Immunity——- annually

Dose———- 5 ml s/c

  1. Foot & mouth disease FMD

Nature of vaccine– Aluminum hydroxide adsorbed gel FMD vaccine (Intervet, Indian Immunologicals)

Days & season— All ages 4-6 month onwards, although younger than 4 nonths can also be vaccinated Nov to December.

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Immunity——- Immunity established after 15 days & persists for 6-8 months 1st time at 3 months of age, booster at 9 months of age and then every six months

Dose———- 5 ml s/c

Nature of vaccine—Oil adjuvant vaccine (Intervet)

Immunity——- Duration of immunity is 8-9 months

Dose———- 3 ml s/c

Nature of vaccine– Raksha oil adjuvant Indian Immunological

Immunity——- Duration of immunity is 8-9 months

Dose———- 2 ml Deep I/M

  1. Rabies

Nature of vaccine– Only post exposer

Days & season— Six doses 0,3,7,14,30,90

Dose———- 1 ml i/m, s/c

  1. Theileria

Nature of vaccine– Theilaria vaccine Rakshavac-T (Indian immunologicals)

Days & season— 1st vaccination 2months and above

Immunity——- Revaccination after every 3 years

Dose———- 3 ml s/c


Compiled  & Shared by- This paper is a compilation of groupwork provided by the

Team, LITD (Livestock Institute of Training & Development)


 Reference-On Request.

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