Veterinary Doctors Response to Covid19 Crisis

Veterinary Doctors Response to Covid19 Crisis
Veterinary Doctors Response to Covid19 Crisis
Veterinary Doctors Response to Covid19 Crisis
by Field vet-Dr.M.S.Saravanan B.V.Sc.,M.A.,PGDCM.,LME., Madurai)
During days of complete lockdown:
After complete lock down announced from march 2020 veterinary Doctors allowed to reached the veterinary centres after received permission from local administration.
Following were the   Challenges during lockdown:
1.No public transport with own vehicles with proper permission from Authorities.Travelled around 50 to 100 km per day.
3.Roads were closed so not able to travel in the permitted routes.
4.Veterinary Institution Staffs were not able to reach the institution in time due to non availability of transport facilities.
5.During initial days of covid19 lock down
Face mask,hand sanitizers and disposable gloves were in great demand.veterinary Doctors and staff managed with the limited  Stock available in hand.
6.veterinary medicines scarcity after few days of covid19 lockdown were started.So veterinary Doctors were in a critical position to manage with available medicines and equipments.
7.All the private veterinary pet clinics were not permitted to operate.So Government veterinary centres were flooded with all type of emergency cases.
8.Lot of phone calls to veterinary Doctors regarding covid19 infection to pet animals, farm animals and poultry birds, Questions regarding Bats transmitting corona disease to humans.
Veterinary Doctors spend hours to explain the public regarding covid19
Human infection very specific to human beings and chances were very rare in animals.
Crisis at home:
Veterinary Doctor’s family in great concern about the safety of veterinary doctor in workplace. Seperate room for veterinary doctor were alloted in each home.Social distancing was the common practice in public places and veterinary doctors followed the house quarantine for the safety  of their family. Veterinary doctors took care of their family
Food and drinking water
Need, along with their professional service.
Village and street close down:
During Covid19 crisis lot of villages and streets were completely closed due to
More number of cases of Covid19.Veterinary doctors were called to attend emergency cases in these villages and streets.veterinary doctors risk their own life
and attended the cases with brave heart.These doctors were followed the quarantine rules when they return office and home.These veterinary doctors were tested for covid 19 at the end of their work in these places.
Feed and fodder scarcity:
Veterinary Doctors received complaints from dairy farm owners and poultry farm owners regarding non availability of feed supplies,because transport vehicles were only allowed to carry essential commodities with in districts.In  Some Districts due to more number of covid19 cases
Transport vehicles banned to operate. So feed and fodder scarcity started after first month of lockdown.Veterinary doctors assessed the feed and fodder crisis and reported the matter to Authorities. Special arrangements were made to supply the feed and fodder to scarcity areas.1000 of dairy farms and 1000 of poultry farms feed crisis and death due to starvation in animals and birds prevented by timely action by the veterinary Doctors and Authorities.
Milk supply crisis :
During covid19 milk became a important food item and more supply was needed. Veterinary doctors provided dedicated services to milch cows and ensured the needed milk supply. Milk production from lock down villages was a important challenge faced by authorities.
Clean milk production practices awareness camps were conducted by veterinary doctors in these covid19 affected places.
Feeding the abandoned Animals:
Veterinary Doctor’s important challenge during lockdown period was to take care of the abandoned street animals. Veterinary doctors represented the matter to District administration. Animal care volunteers were identified from different places and special pass issued with the permission of district officials, to these volunteers by veterinary doctors.Food for dogs,cattle, horses, donkeys and monkeys arranged by the help of sponsorship and thousands of street animals were saved from starvation.This services carried out during entire lock down period. 1000 of street dogs and other abandoned animals provided with feed and water daily during entire covid19 lock down period.
Vaccination for cattle:
During the beginning of lock down period foot and mouth disease vaccination program was carried out through out the Nation. Veterinary doctors vaccinated all cattle in their areas, even though covid19 crisis all around. Outbreak of foot and mouth disease in cattle was completed prevented due to periodical Vaccination instead of covid19 lock down crisis.
Helping hands to Nomadic families with Traditional cattle:
Veterinary Doctors provided their helping hands to nomadic cattle Rearing families.Due to covid19 lockdown cattle movements not allowed from village to village.Food and essential commodities not available in villages due to close down of shops.Veterinary Doctors with the local authorities permission arranged food and essential commodities to nomadic families.Dry fodder also arranged through sponsorship to their cattle.
Veterinary Doctor’s covid19 awareness campaign :
Veterinary Doctors during covid19 crisis period created awareness among common public regarding social distancing, hand washing
and face mask wearing.
They stood as role models to common public to follow the covid19 rules.
Veterinary doctors affected by covid 19:
Instead of all precautions 10-20 percent of veterinary doctors were attacked by covid19 end up in hospital for treatment.Family members of veterinary doctors also acquired infections.Death of veterinary doctors reported from different places increased the fear among practising veterinary doctors in the field.With the limited availability of human hospital facilities veterinary doctors saved their life from covid19, thanks to the prayers of animal owners, friends and family members.

Presentation by Field vet
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