Vetogen Animal Health: Leader in Indian Animal Health Market ,Offering Most Advanced Nutritional & Healthcare Solution For Poultry And Livestock


Vetogen Animal Health: Offering Most Advanced Nutritional & Healthcare Solution For Poultry And Livestock


Dr. Nilay Prasad, Director //Dr. Nilim Kumar Kakati, Director

Vetogen Animal Health is one of the fastest growing animal health company in India with rapidly expanding international businesses. We got an opportunity to interact with Dr. Nilay Prasad, founder and Director of the company to understand his views about future of animal nutrition & health.

Dr. Nilay, the Indian animal feed market is projected to reach INR 788 billion by 2023, at a cagr of 14.5 percent during 2018-2023. Considering this, what according to you are the potential opportunities for businesses working in this segment?

The Indian animal feed industry is almost five decades old and still in its infancy, with great dependence on imports. The opportunities have been growing consistently with large number of domestic and multinational companies striving to enter into the market.

Encouraging signs of growth in animal feed industry is that, while poultry feed industry is relatively heading towards maturity, dairy and aquaculture feed market is just beginning to shape up for a rapid growth path. I therefore observe that, in addition to consistent growth in poultry industry, aquaculture and dairy segment is likely to contribute in a significantly higher percentage increase towards the projected growth by 2023.

The growth is primarily driven by growing population, increased demand of protein, dairy products and significantly growing awareness about the science of nutrition among both producers and consumers. With growing livestock population, there is greater understanding about advanced methods of feeding practices which results in improved returns to producers as demand of superior quality and variants in meat and milk have surged.

The gain in popularity of organic ingredients, antibiotic free, animals reared under natural environment, differentiation of meat quality based on special features like lean, natural fats, antioxidants enriched, DHA etc. have led to newer feed formulation types and advancement in production technologies.

So, while the conventional feed formulation grows, special feed types meant for specific or premium meat and milk quality are also growing. Producers are excited about the concept of diversifying as they can see growing demand in this segment.

How Vetogen In Positioned In The Present Market. What Are The Key Differentiators As Far As Vetogen Offerings Are Related.

Vetogen Animal Health, a global animal health company based at Bangalore, manufactures and markets a wide range of animal healthcare and nutritional products for domestic and international markets.

We offer solutions for all the species like Dairy, Poultry, Aquaculture and Companion animals. With innovation at its core, Vetogen Animal Health has marked a significant presence in both Indian and International markets within a short span of time. Two fully equipped ISO 9001: 2015 and GMP certified state of the art manufacturing facility based at Bangalore is efficiently meeting present demands of both the markets.

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A fully equipped microbiology and biochemistry laboratory serves as backbone of the production facility and also as center for research on new product development.

Vetogen’s goal right from the foundation days is laid on the principle of enabling reach of high quality feed supplements at most affordable price to poultry and livestock producers. We believe that by doing this we will be strengthening the reach of quality protein and vital nutrients through improved meat and milk quality, deeper into the population.

We believe in significance of superior quality ingredients use during feed manufacturing process and at the same time eliminating many nonessential components which have unfortunately gained some popularity.

Highlight the key principles and processes of vetogen. What solution does the company offer and idea of brand building.

The producers have now understood that India is technologically, immensely capable of producing the finest ingredient and finest quality supplements. Vetogen, therefore directly benefits them by making quality affordable, resulting in a net lesser cost of production.

This further strengthens the livestock producer to withstand price fluctuation of vegetable or animal protein sources used in feed production.

With tremendous contribution from nutritionists, scientists, and researchers in the field of animal nutrition, Vetogen develops and arrives upon a few alternate ingredients and their combinations, which are economical and readily available.

Additionally, it formulates ingredients that complement each other in action, and usage in a combination of those has a clear advantage over individual uses.

Our different specialty enzymes coupled with coated probiotics has got immense popularity and overall acceptance. This one product serves the entire purpose of both enzymatic and microbial digestion, resulting in significant improvement in feed conversion by animals.

Dr. Nilim Kumar Kakati, serving as another director of the company with his vast experience in enzyme technology is the architect behind this success.

Animal health, performance, and productivity mainly depend on feed and water quality. Other parameters like management practices and environment also have their own significance. Vetogen believes in meeting the nutritional requirement with precision at respective growth stages and simultaneously building gut health and improved immunity, which will result in achieving the optimum deliverable from the animal to the extent their genetic potential is able to express.

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The company’s idea of brand building revolves around strategic and simplified communication of the key values that the solutions offer. Our marketing team connects closely with live animal producers globally to understand the present and emerging challenges. The ideas are then analyzed by the team of technical and marketing experts to arrive upon the most suitable solution to address those issues.


This finally leads to formulation of the product and then designing of marketing plan for positioning it most appropriately.

Vetogen’s products therefore are developed by an in-depth understanding of the actual field and farm realities, rather than just imposing a technology because we have it and then forcing to position it. This approach has always benefitted the company and on way forward, have made us close partners of farmers, nutritionists, and veterinarians.

We believe that for production animals, the initial stage of life is most critical. Health, nutrition, and resistance against diseases at an early stage of life are always factors determining productivity at the later stage of life. The company’s products stand out in crucial areas like immunomodulation, gut health management at different stages of life, and most advanced enzyme technology in combination with probiotics.

The immunity enhancer in the name of ImmuNex Plus is a unique combination of herbs potentiated with immunity-enhancing benefits of organic selenium and Vitamin E. Among probiotics, Vetogen has a combination of live microbes in a fashion that most closely matches the natural microbial population in guts of poultry, dairy, and aquatic animals.

So, for all species, the company has a tailor-made combination of microbes that results in increased efficiency of digestive functions and optimum utilization of nutrients. Besides this, Vetogen also offers a rich blend of nutrients exclusively for improved weight gain in broilers and for better egg production in layers.

What resources served as foundation of a successful company like vetogen animal health?

Vetogen never started as a company with huge capital resources in the beginning. The resources that powered our growth then and even now are our core values, in-depth market understanding, research and innovation.

An excellent team work of technical experts, researchers, marketing professionals, and production people together gave final shape to the products, which got accepted with great readiness at the marketplace. This is an indication of openness for acceptance of new and improved products by poultry and livestock producers.

Marching forward, Vetogen has established footprints in more than 11 countries and has strengthened its domestic presence across all species.

Dr.Nilay Prasad is a Veterinary Science professional with above 18 years of experience in the area of new product development, formulations and brand management for both domestic and international animal health market. He served at senior level management positions with some of the largest animal health companies in the world.

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Dr.Nilay is also recipient of many awards for his innovative ideas of product management and guiding R&D to develop solutions that emerged as leading brands in animal health industry. The total brand value of products developed by Dr. Nilay Prasad in Indian animal health care market is over 300 crores.

Dr. Prasad has in depth understanding of Poultry, Dairy, Aquaculture and Pet animal health market of India and abroad.

Dr. Nilim Kumar Kakati is a Veterinary Science professional and master’s in business administration with more than 14 years of experience in the animal health market. Dr. Nilim has extensive experience of working in international markets and his skills of establishing a robust international business has been one of the key factors driving growth of Vetogen business in exports.

In addition to this Dr. Nilim has in depth understanding of enzymes and their role in improving feed efficiency in poultry and livestock. He therefore is the architect behind Enzyme technology that lead Vetogen to develop some of the most innovative enzyme formulations.

Vetogen Poultry Solutions:
• ButyGen – Most Bioavailable Butyric Acid
• ImmuNex – Next Generation Immunity Booster
• LivoTrex – Building Robust Liver Health
• VetaDex – Meets the requirement of Vitamin A, D3, E & C along with Amino Acids in the poultry
• ToxiRex – The Intelligent Toxin Binder
• VetiLyteForte – Electrolytes with Natural Immunity Boosters
• VetoSel E – Anti- Stress Formula
• VetoSacc – Gut Health Revival and Immunity Booster Formula
• VetiMin Forte – Natural Growth Promoter
• Tylogen FS – Tylosin Phosphate 10 percent used as a poultry feed supplement

Vetogen Aqua Solutions:
• Biogel-AQ – Feed Attractant & Pellet Binder
• Minogen-AQ – Mineral Supplement with Growth Enhancer
• Planktoforte-AQ – Phytoplankton and Growth Enhancer
• Odocure-AQ – Odour Adsorption and Healthy Pond Ecosystem
• Probio-AQ – Feed Probiotic
• Probiosol-AQ – Soil and water Probiotic
• Supra Z-AQ – Superior Natural Zeolite
• Suprapro-AQ – Liquid Multi Probiotic
• LivoTrex-AQ – Robust Liver Health
• Anti V-AQ – For Prevention and Control of Viral and Bacterial Infections in Shrimp
• ImmuNex-AQ – Immunity Booster
• VibNil – Anti Vibrio Formula


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