Water Management in Poultry Farming in Summer


1. In summer water consumption is 3-4 times more than feed.

2. Even a slight shortfall of water can lead to heat stroke and mortality.

3. Supply of plenty of clean and cool water (60-70oF) must be ensured during summer months.

4. For day old chicks provide cool water and electrolytes on their arrival to farm before offering feed to avoid dehydration after transportation.

5. Cover water tanks with wet gunny bags to avoid direct exposure to sun.

6.Increase frequency of watering.

7. Do not withhold drinking water from the flock when vaccine is provided through drinking water.

8. Cover water tanks with wet gunny bags to avoid direct exposure to sun heat.

9. Sanitisation and cleaning of water pipe lines in poultry farm during summer.

10. The poultry industry uses various water sources ie
such as the municipal water, underground water, and to some extent surface water and rain water.

11. Regardless of the source, it is highly important that water provided should be free of microbial contamination to ensure flock health and performance ultimately ensures food safety.

12. Water pipes should be cleaned with detergent at least once in two weeks preferably to remove biofilms causing bacterial proliferation.

13. Long pipes, suitable temperatures and deposits in the pipes left by vaccines, probiotics, antibiotics and vitamins will promote biofilm growth in water pipelines.

14. Completely Flush the water lines with clean, fresh water prior to sanitation.

15. Please distribute the adequate detergent solution throughout the pipeline for one hour.

16. And afterwards rinse twice with water through pipelines
and allow birds to drink fresh water which are free from bacterial and viral contamination which makes your birds healthy and productive.👍

READ MORE :   Energy conservation in poultry farming

By -Dr V.Rajendra Prasad,Poultry consultant, Hyderabad.

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