Incredible Camel Facts
Incredible Camel Facts


The camel is an extremely resilient mammal that is recognized by its characteristic humps and fuzzy exterior.They are sometimes referred to as ‘ships of the desert’, as they are capable of smoothly traversing across sands and dry environments.

Camel Facts Overview

Habitat: Desert
Location: China, Mongolia, North Africa, Middle East, Australia
Lifespan: 40-50 years
Size: Bactrian camel : 10-12 ft tall
Dromedary camel : 7-11 ft tall
Weight: 650-2,200 pounds (300-1,000 kg)
Color: Light brown to tan
Diet: Grass, plants, grains, oats, leaves
Predators: Wolves, lions
Top Speed: 65 kph (40 mph)
No. of Species: 3
Conservation Status: Critically endangered

Camels are from the same family as ‘New World’ camelids, such as llama, alpaca, guanaco, and vicuña.

Over 3000 years ago, camels were domesticated and, today, they serve as a method of transport in several areas across the globe. They can move as fast as a horse and carry up to 600 pounds on their backs.

Camels have some incredible adaptations to live in the desert. To protect their toes from the hot sands, camels have fat pads on their two-toed feet. Despite living under scorching conditions, their coats can grow quite thick and serve as insulation from the heat.

Camels also possess a third clear eyelid, long eyelashes, bushy eyebrows and hairy ears to guard from sandstorms and gusts of wind. Their nostrils can close and prevent any dust from getting in.

Camels are herbivores and like to diet on grass, plants, grains, wheat and oats.

They have thick lips that allow them to eat prickly plants without hurting themselves. They will spend their days grazing and searching for food in their harsh desert surroundings.

While domesticated camel populations are thriving, Wild Bactrian camel are sadly critically endangered. They are hunted for sport and their meat, and they are suffering from habitat loss due to human activities, such as illegal mining in their region.

Interesting Camel Facts

  1. Their humps are not for storing water

Contrary to popular belief, camel humps do not contain water—they contain fat.

When food is scarce, camels will eat to grow and store fat in their humps, which can then be used as a source of energy later on (when food is lacking). 1

  1. Camels can go for long stretches of time without food

Using their humps, camels can survive for four to five months without food.

As their fat stores are used up, their humps will flop over to the side.

  1. Camels can be divided into three species

There are three species of camel – the Dromedary (known as the Arabian camel), the Bactrian (known as Asian camels) and the Wild Bactrian (which is a separate species).

Both the Dromedary and Bactrian camel species are domesticated.

Dromedary camels make up 90% of the world’s camels. To distinguish them from the others, count their humps—Bactrians have two humps while dromedaries have one.

  1. They are born without humps

Newborn camels are called calves. They are born without humps and it is not until they are approximately 10 months old that their first humps begin to form.

Fast learners, calves learn how to walk within an hour of being born. They reach full maturity between the ages of three to seven depending on the species and whether the camel is male or female.

  1. They walk like horses

Camels engage in a specific type of gait called pacing.

This means that the legs on one side of the body move at the same time. Horses, giraffes, and elephants display a similar pacing walk.

  1. Their blood cells are uniquely oval-shaped

Unlike humans, who possess circular red blood cells, camels have red blood cells that are oval-shaped.

Their unique structure helps encourage blood flow when water is scarce and the camel’s blood is thicker. The long side of their blood cells will travel in the same direction that their blood flows.

  1. Camels can survive for weeks without drinking water

They have many adaptations that help them survive, one of which is specialised kidneys that produce highly concentrated urine, with very little water wasted.

When they do drink, they are able to gulp down 200 litres in under 3mins!

  1. Their thick fur coats protect them from heat

Their coats actually act as insulation from the hot desert, meaning camels rarely ever sweat.Shorn camels (those that have had their fur shaved) tend to sweat more than thick fur camels.Their fur also helps them keep warm in colder regions and at night.

  1. Their milk is very nutritious!

In India, camel milk is growing in popularity due to its nutrition properties.

According to dieticians, it is low in sugar and also contains a high level of beneficial vitamins and minerals.

  1. Camels can sleep standing up.

While they usually sleep in a kneeling position with legs folded under their body and head resting on the ground, camels can sleep when standing.


In the wild this helps keep them safe from predators.

  1. Camel herding is on the decline

In parts of India, the development of new roads has brought about an increased use of motor vehicles over the past few decades.

Fewer groups are using camels as a mode of transportation, and so, there has been a reduced demand, impacting local herding industries—many of which are family-run businesses.

  1. They can carry up to 600 pounds (270 kg) on their backs

That’s approx. the weight of two grown men, although they are often used to transport goods as well.

  1. Camels ‘spit’ when bothered

It is true that camels spit when troubled or when they feel threatened.

The “spit” is actually regurgitated stomach contents. A camel will fill its cheeks with the contents and eject it at the object or animal that is scaring it.

  1. Their coats change based on the environment

Bactrian camels that live in the Gobi Desert and Mongolia have bushy coats that thicken up in the winter to help insulate against freezing temperatures.

Then, in the summer, these camels shed their coats.

Camels can endure an exceptionally wide range of temperatures, from minus 29 °C to positive 50 °C.

  1. They are ruminants

Ruminants are animals, such as cows, that regurgitate food from their stomachs and chew it to further break it down.

In addition to food, stomach contents also contain digestive juices which can make camel breath quite stinky.

  1. Camels are very social animals

Like cows and sheep, camels live in herds.

This may be because the majority of populations are domesticated. Each herd will have an alpha male at the top of its hierarchal chain.

  1. They are great communicators

Along with a variety of verbal cues, including groans, moans, bleats, and roars, camels communicate through body cues.

For example, their ears will face forwards when they are at high alert.

  1. Camels are expert foragers

Camels are diurnal, meaning they are most active during the daytime.

When the sun is out, they employ their excellent foraging skills to find food in the desert. Their lips are extremely dextrous and allow them to isolate and pick off vegetation (leaves and grasses).

  1. They mate sitting down

Camels mate with both the male and female sitting down, with the male behind.

In fact, they are the only hooved mammal known in the world to sit while mating.

  1. Their are under 1,000 Wild Bactrian Camel alive today

The Wild Bactrian camel are critically endangered.

50 Interesting Facts About Camels

Camels are the ships of the desert. These colossal creatures can stand 8 feet high, span 12 feet long, and weigh up to 2,200 pounds. They can bear heavy cargo on their humped backs, helping people transport goods for commerce and conquests. Their physical adaptations ensure survival even in the harshest conditions imaginable. Communities also depend on them for food, shelter, and clothing. Camels have been reliable human companions for millennia, creating a solid bond embedded in cultures and traditions. Read on to learn 50 interesting facts about camels.


  1. Camel ancestors came from North America. Around 50 million years ago, the rabbit-sized Protylopus roamed South Dakota and fed on soft forest plants. The hind legs of this hooved animal were longer than the front.
  2. Then came the deer-sized Poebrotherium, which looked more like modern camels. The grass-eating beast lived in Nebraskaand surrounding regions. The 10-foot tall Aepycamelus appeared later, walking on its toes from Montana to Florida.
  3. We think of camels as desert dwellers, but their ancestors ventured as far north as the Canadian High Arctic.A forest covered the region around 3.5 million years ago. It was not as cold as today, but they likely experienced harsh winters with snowstorms and subzero temperatures.
  4. Modern camels trace their roots to the Paracamelus. About 7 million years ago, the adventurous creature migrated from North America to Eurasia by crossing the Bering land bridge. It reached as far as Chad in Africa and Shanxi Province in China.
  5. While their descendants thrived in other continents, the original wild camels of North America vanished about 15,000 years ago, along with mammoths and sabertooth cats. Only distant relatives survived in South America, including llamas, alpacas, guanacos, and vicunas.


  1. Camel legs are long and powerful. These thin poles put ample distance between their bodies and the hot ground, which may reach 70 degrees Celsius.Their gait prevents them from sinking into the sand, spreading their weight to maintain balance.
  2. Thick coats are not exclusive to arctic animals.Camels cover their bodies with substantial insulation. It turns into a lighter shade in the summer to reflect more light and reduce surface heat.
  3. Camels can survive up to 10 days without drinking.Their humps store fatty tissue that can metabolize into water and energy. The humps shrink in sizeas they consume the fat.
  4. The red blood cells of camels are oval, not circular. The streamlined shape ensures steady flow despite dehydration. It also prevents rupture after drinking large amountsof water. Some camels may consume 200 liters in as fast as 3 minutes.
  5. Sandstorms are common in the desert. Camels cope by closing their nostrils and third eyelid until these subside. They also have long eyelashes and thick ear hair,providing extra protection against tiny particles.
  6. A leather lining in their mouths helps camels chew thorny desert plants.In mild conditions, they can get enough hydration by eating greens. They don’t need to drink water separately.
  7. Camels are lean and meanwater recycling machines. When they exhale, their nostrils trap the water vapor in the expelled air and reabsorbs it into their body. Every breath counts.
  8. Camels rarely sweat.When they pee, the urine comes out as a thick syrup. When they poop, the solid waste is so dry it can fuel a fire. Hence,they only lose 1.3 liters of water daily, whereas other livestock loses up to 40 liters.
  9. Passive cooling works wonders.Camels have a thick pad of tissue over their breastbone. It raises the body from the hot surface when resting on the ground, allowing air to pass under the body and cool them down.
  10. Brain temperature management is critical. Camelskeep their heads cool using countercurrent blood flow in nearby veins and arteries called rete mirabile.
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  1. Camels may look haggard from time to time. Up to five pounds of fur peel off in late spring.After washing, people can spin the hair into yarn suitable for knitting or weaving.
  2. Camels are docile creatures that don’t usually harm people.However, they may kick or bite when annoyed. Adults have wide mouths that can fit a human head.
  3. Unpleasant habits like sudden sneezing can turn off passersby.Excited camels huff so sharply that they often spit. They may even regurgitate and throw up on people if threatened.
  4. Camels are not picky eaters. After all, they live in regions where food is scarce. They consume things that others avoid, like dry leaves, saltbush, and salty water.They overeat when food is abundant to form their fatty humps.
  5. Males establish dominance through skirmishes.They circle each other with low heads, waiting for an opening to bite or topple their opponent. Winners roll on the ground to celebrate their victory.


  1. Camels live up to the age of 50 in captivity.These social animals stay together in herds of females led by a single mature male. Young males may also form a bachelor herd. When they meet, they greet each other by blowing air on their faces.
  2. A female in heat may attract several males.Only the fittest bulls earn the right to reproduce. Some males have an inflatable sac on the throat that attracts females and asserts dominance.
  3. Camel pregnancy lasts between 12 and 14 months.Mothers move away from the herd to find a private spot to give birth. They often have only one baby at a time, but some may have twins.
  4. Newborn camels can walk within 30 minutes.However, they are still weak and timid. The mother and her baby will remain in their spot for two weeks before rejoining the herd. Young camels reach maturity at the age of 7.
  5. Mothers may reject their calvesfor various reasons. Babies cry out for food and attention, but it doesn’t always work. The weeping camel may starve unless the mother changes her mind, often through human intervention.

Food Consumption

  1. Camel milk is a complete meal.Nomads can survive solely on this drink for nearly a month. Dairy farming with camels is an eco-friendly alternative to cows. Some can produce up to 30 liters of milk per day.
  2. Different regions process camel milkinto other dairy products, like yogurt, butter, cheese, and ice cream. In Sudan, tribes ferment and pulverize surplus milk for long-term storage. When food is scarce, they add water to create a nutritious drink.
  3. Camel meat is rich in protein and vitamins.It tastes like coarse beef and can be tough to eat. It requires a long tenderizing process. Ancient Persians and Romans enjoyed the meat at banquets.
  4. In Northern Kenya, pastoral communities drink camel blood with milk. The mixture provides iron, salts, and essential nutrients. High levels of Vitamin D also encourage bone growth.
  5. In Australia, camel meat is popular among East African migrants. They export the product to the Middle East, the US, and Europe. Some companies also use camel milk in cheese and skincare products.

Random Facts

  1. Only three species of camel remain.The one-hump Dromedary camels are in the Middle East, the Sahara Desert, South Asia, and Australia. The two-hump Bactrian camels live in Central Asia, while the Wild Bactrian camels thrive in the remote areas of China and Mongolia.
  2. In the 1800s, Australia imported camels from Asia for outback transport.Machines made them obsolete, prompting release into the wild. The lack of natural predators allowed their population to reach hundreds of thousands, causing ecological and agricultural damage. Culling has become a controversial solution.
  3. Climate change is coming for the camels. Camel herding is central to Somali culture, but a series of cyclones and severe droughts are taking their toll. Livestock depletion is forcing herders to consider alternative livelihoods for their families.
  4. The Cariboo Gold Rush of the 1860s brought countless prospectors to Canada. The rough terrain made travel difficult. Some people brought camels from the Gobi desert to carry supplies. The handlers and animals didn’t get along, so the camels soon found themselves in the wild.
  5. Camel caravans carried commerce on their backs. From antiquity to the early 20th century, these animal trains moved goods and passengers on established trade routes like the Silk Road, the Arabian Peninsula, and the Sahara Desert. Some had as many as 20,000 camels, accompanied by a team of handlers.
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Culture and Religion

  1. Although Muslims consider camel meat halal, a few Islamic schools say consuming it brings impurity, requiring ritual cleansing before prayer.
  2. According to Islamic texts, the Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) migrated from Mecca to Medina with his camel. Upon reaching their destination, he let the camel roam. He eventually built his house on its chosen resting spot.
  3. Jewish tradition prohibits the consumption of camel milk and meat. Camels do not pass one of the kosher criteria according to the Torah. Despite chewing their cud, they don’t have full cloven hooves.
  4. Researchers found 8,000-year-old life-size camel sculptures carved into rocks in Saudi Arabia. Many are high above the ground, which means creators used scaffolding. Nomadic tribes might have used art to mark their meeting place. These are much older than the Pyramids at Giza, which are only 4,500 years old.
  5. In Siberia, archeologists found some of the earliest drawings of animals on a five-foot mammoth tusk. The 13,000-year-old artifact featured fighting camels, with the images consistent with cave paintings of the era.

Camel Competitions

  1. Camel pageantsare widely held across the Middle East. Candidates parade wearing jewels and gems while judges consider their lips and humps. The prize and prestige pushed owners to try questionable tactics, but cosmetic enhancements like Botox injections have resulted in disqualification.
  2. Camel milking competitionsusually accompany beauty contests. It is a more functional affair, with the top prize going to the animal which produces the most milk within the allotted time.
  3. The centuries-old sport of camel racingused to favor child jockeys for lighter loads. Remote-controlled robotic whips now ride the humps in the UAE and Qatar. Camels can sustain 40 kph and reach 65 kph for sprints.
  4. Wild camel wrestlingis a natural part of dominance display. Ancient Turkic tribes turned it into a sport over 1,000 years ago. The Turkish government discouraged the practice in the 1920s, but it experienced a cultural resurgence in the 1980s. Most of the fighting camels today come from Iran and Afghanistan.
  5. In 2009, the Reproductive Biology Center in Dubai produced the world’s first cloned camel.She successfully gave birth to healthy babies. Established by the crown prince, the facility clones dozens of racing champions, top milk producers, pageant winners, and treasured pets.

Military Applications

  1. The Roman Empire stretched to Syria. Lacking soldiers and horses, officials recruited men from the provinces and gave them camels, as these are suited to desert terrain. The Dromedarii auxiliary unit excelled in combat because enemy horses fled after sensing the foul camel scent.
  2. In 547 BC, Cyrus the Great led the Persians to victory against the Lydian Kingdom. Cyrus used baggage camels to shield his archers. When the enemy attacked, their horses scattered upon smelling the camels, allowing Persian archers to shoot them at will.
  3. In 1856, the US began importing camels for Southwest military expeditions.Funding stopped when rumors linked the project to a pro-slavery plot by Jefferson Davis, who later became the president of the Confederacy. The outbreak of the Civil War led to the abandonment of the US Camel Corps, with the animals sold at auction.
  4. In 1916, Britain establishedthe Imperial Camel Corps. It fought in Sinai and Palestine during World War I. An Egyptian unit also supported the British army, using camels to send military supplies across the desert.
  5. In 1942, theSoviets in Southern Russia faced a horse and truck shortage. They solved the problem by using local camels as draft animals. They continued using these long after moving out of the region, eventually reaching Berlin.

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