What are The Benefits Of Dog Treats ?

Benefits Of Dog Treats
Benefits Of Dog Treats

What are The Benefits Of Dog Treats ?

There’s a saying that you’re what you eat, and the same can be applied to your pet. Diet has a very important role in shaping up your doggo’s life, and what they consume has a direct impact on their physical and mental health. Deciding to go natural with your pet’s food is an important and excellent step. Towards it.

One of the easiest ways to incorporate natural food into your pooch’s diet is by starting out with their most favorite thing – Treats! All-natural dog treats are of superior quality, with a lot of health benefits and no (Proven) adverse health effects.

Pet treats are dietary supplements given to cats and dogs just like we eat snacks. Pets especially dogs get bored very easily and quickly and to keep them active, engaged and get their attention, owner needs to give them dog treats. There are several types of pet treats available in the market and you can purchase the pet treats onlineas well.

Benefits and Importance of Pet Treats

– The pet treats or cat treat is given to the dogs or other pets as rewards for listening to you. Dogs are trained to do some trick or follow your command or go out to pee. Using dog treats for training dogs can be one great way. It is important that you understand which treats are preferred by the pet so that it can be happy when you feed it with the snack.

– There are varieties of pet treats available in pet stores as well as pet treats onlineBuying natural treats can have loads of benefits for the dogs. Natural and high-quality snacks are rich sources of proteins and low in fat contents. For instance, for little dogs or puppies of different breeds, you can try out the soft chicken or fish strips, and if they do not like dried up treats, then you can also try out the gravy varieties that are easily available online, in colorful packs.

– Natural treats are high in proteins which help improve immunity in the dogs. Also, the natural dog treats of good quality are gentle on stomach and can be digested properly unlike some low-quality ones. Better teeth and better health can be achieved from all-natural pet treats. For instance, those who have cats and kittens in their homes, can cook soft tuna and salmon and give their cats a daily or bi-weekly treat, to enhance the quality of their digestive system.

– Natural snacks for pets contain no added artificial items to improve the flavor and color. A wholesome nutrition can be achieved by introducing the natural and high-quality pet snack in the daily diet of the pets.

What to Consider and What to Avoid

A lot of things must be considered by the pet owner before giving the pets snacks. Questions like how many treats must be given, which treats can be given and which ones to be avoided etc. must be answered before buying pet treats.

– You need to understand that snacks and treats forms 10% of the pet’s daily calories. You must consider the things like whether the dog is overweight or not, if it has sensitive stomach and how much active it is.

READ MORE :  Health Issues of Pug Dog Breed

– The number of treats to be feed is also based on the size of the dog. It could be ideal if you consider giving vegetables and fruits to your pets as snacks like baby carrots, beans, broccoli, banana etc.

You can get the branded products of different varieties at an online store, and that too, at affordable rates. Generally, it is advisable to buy at least 1 kg or 2 kg packet for your pets. These last long and you do not have to buy time and again.


  • Add extra nutrition & healthy supplements to your pet’s diet
  • Use it as a part of training and as a positive reward for good behavior
  • Long-lasting chew treats can help relieve boredom and reduce destructive behavior
  • Dental treats and gnaws can promote healthy teeth and provide oral care
  • Dog’s love treats, and we love giving them! But remember: If you’re feeding treats, reduce the amount of kibble you give your dog so they stick to their energy intake for the day.

For optimum dog health, feeding a balanced, nutritional diet is key – and this extends to treats as well.  Natural dog treats are increasingly popular among conscientious pet owners who understand the importance of rewards that are both healthy and tasty.

Natural dog treats are usually rich in ingredients derived from natural sources and free from artificial additives, chemicals, and preservatives, combinations of good quality meats, vegetables, and gentle grains are prepared and packaged to national regulations for a treat your dog can enjoy with no adverse after-effects.

Dog Treats: The Dos And Don’ts For Every Situation

The best dog treats are healthy, delicious, and fun for your pet to eat. But not all treats are created equal. You must know what you’re getting when you buy a dog treats package, so check the label first! This guide will help you determine which type of treat is best for your pup by looking at calories and ingredients. We’ll also tell you how much is too much (or not enough). And if you’re looking for something that isn’t just delicious but good for their health? We’ve got some tips on how to make homemade treats instead!

Know what goes into your dog’s treats

The best dog treats are low-calorie and made with healthy, whole food ingredients. The worst dog treats may be high-calorie and overly processed or contain ingredients that could be harmful to your pet’s health.

The best rewards promote good behavior while reinforcing the training techniques you’ve taught your dog. There is no one right answer when it comes to choosing a brand of dog treats. Still, there are many things you can do to make sure you’re making healthy choices for your pup: look for brands that don’t use byproducts or fillers in their recipes; choose the right size treat (one too large could pose a choking hazard); and lastly, always keep an eye out for sales!


How many treats should you give your dog

The key to a healthy diet is balance. Just because a treat is considered healthy doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be careful with the amount of it you give your dog. Though treats are made from organic ingredients, they still contain calories and fat. If you give too many treats, your dog could gain weight or develop other health problems due to overeating fat or calories.

Even if treats are made with all-natural ingredients, they shouldn’t be given in excess because they can cause digestive problems and lead to obesity in dogs (and cats!). A good rule of thumb: don’t feed your pet more than 10% of their daily caloric intake in the form of snacks; this will ensure that they get all the nutrients they need without becoming overweight.

Things to remember when using treats with your dog

If your dog has a sensitive stomach, treats should be low in fiber and avoid grains like wheat, corn, and soy.

If your dog needs to lose weight, choose high-quality treats lower in calories (or even fat) than other brands.

If you have a diabetic dog, look for low-sugar treats to help regulate blood sugar levels. Because some ingredients like molasses and honey have natural sugars, check the labels carefully to ensure no added sugar is included.

Be careful about giving too many treats to puppies still growing—they can pack on weight fast!

Feed your dog nutritious and safe treats

If your dog has a sensitive stomach, only give them hypoallergenic treats that are safe for them to eat.

Because dogs have such different immune systems, there is no one food or treat that will work for all dogs. Some dogs are allergic to poultry products while others may be intolerant of certain grains. Check out some of the best hypoallergenic treats on the market right now and make sure you’re giving your dog something safe!

Some great brands out there focus on making treats that are all natural and free from common allergens like wheat, corn, soy and other additives. If you don’t see any ingredients listed on the package then it’s probably not recommended for your pup’s diet!

Not all treats are right for training

Much like people, dogs have different preferences when it comes to treats. Some are more motivated by crunchy food and others prefer soft; some want something savory and others want something sweet. You need to find out which kind of treat your dog likes best, so that you can better motivate them during training sessions. However, not all treats are right for training sessions as they may be too large or small for certain types of behavior modification.

Giving your dog homemade treats

Homemade treats are a great option if you’re looking for something healthy and wholesome to share with your dog. Make sure you keep in mind the following guidelines when making homemade dog treats:

Avoid using processed ingredients like refined flour, high fructose corn syrup, artificial sweeteners and preservatives. Instead, choose whole foods like oatmeal and applesauce as the base of your recipes (a quick Google search will yield many easy recipes).


Treats should not become a staple part of your dog’s diet. They should only be used sparingly as special rewards or training aids—and never more than 10% of their daily calories! The reason for this is simple: Dogs have evolved over thousands of years as hunters who need high-energy diets full of protein so they can hunt down prey regularly, so although most people think that “a little bit won’t hurt” when giving their pets human-sized portions of chips or candy bars…it actually does hurt quite significantly!

And with regard to calories…well…let’s say we wouldn’t want them eating too much either because it might make them obese which leads directly into diabetes type 2 (which means increased likelihood for heart disease). Finally there’s also some evidence suggesting that too many sweets might lead directly into pancreatitis which is terrible news considering how much pain dogs suffer from during this condition! So stick with low-calorie options such as fresh vegetables instead!

Categories of Dog Treats

There are different categories of dog treats that can be given at different times to boost up their health and behavior.

  • Reward Treats
  • Training Treats
  • Chew Treats
  • Dental Treats
  • Crunchy Treats
  • Freeze-dried
  • Soft Treats

Reward Treats

These are given as a reward to your dog when he achieves some goal assigned by the owner.

Training Treats

These treats are given for training purposes. These are generally small in size and easily breakable.

Chew Treats

Chew treats are long-lasting treats that are given to relieve boredom and reduce destructive behavior.

Dental Treats

These treats are given to improve the dental health of your dog. It reduces bad breath, plaque, and tartar. It also improves gums.


Freeze-dried and jerky treats are appetizing and are similar to human food. They regularly come in the form of poultry, liver, seafood flavors, chicken, and beef.

Soft Treats

Soft treats are chewy dog treats and are available in a range of flavors, sizes, and shapes. Soft treats are useful during training because they have a pleasant taste & texture, and are often made in very small sizes that are easy to carry around.

Crunchy Treats

Crunchy dog treats are present in a lot of sizes, flavors, and shapes. They encompass fitness bars, cookies, and biscuits. The size of the treat you buy for your dog should be appropriate for the dog’s health.


Knowing what you’re doing is the trick to ensuring your dog treats are safe and delicious. If you’re just starting out with them, there are a lot of things that can go wrong if you don’t know what they need. Always check the ingredients before buying any dog treats and make sure they’re good for your pooch!

Compiled  & Shared by- Team, LITD (Livestock Institute of Training & Development)




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