What is E- Gopala App and Know how it is benefiting farmers!


What is E- Gopala App and Know how it is benefiting farmers!



e-GOPALA provides platform to farmers in the country for managing livestock including buying and selling of disease free germplasm in all forms (semen, embryos, etc); availability of quality breeding services (Artificial Insemination, veterinary first aid, vaccination, treatment etc) and guiding farmers for animal nutrition, treatment of animals using appropriate ayurvedic medicine/ethno veterinary medicine. There is a mechanism to send (on due date for vaccination, pregnancy diagnosis, calving etc) and inform farmers about various government schemes.


E-GOPALA, the web version developed by the National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) has been launched to aid dairy farmers. With it, the i-MAP web portal was also launched that provides real-time information to dairy farmers for better productivity of dairy animals.

Union Minister of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry, and Dairying, Parshottam Rupala, while launching the portal said that NDDB is promoting technology-driven activities for milk producers to help realize the dream of a digital India.

E-GOPALA & the benefits

E-GOPALA App is a comprehensive breed improvement marketplace and information portal for the direct use of farmers. While launching the app in 2020, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had said that the e-Gopala app will be a digital medium that would help livestock owners to choose advanced livestock. This app will give all information related to productivity, health, and diet to the cattle owners.

The e-Gopala digital platform let farmers manage livestock including buying and selling of disease-free germplasm in all forms; check the availability of quality breeding services (artificial insemination, veterinary first aid, vaccination, treatment, etc) and guiding farmers for animal nutrition, treatment of animals using appropriate ayurvedic medicine/ethnoveterinary medicine.


The e-Gopala App also provides a mechanism to send alerts (on the due date for vaccination, pregnancy diagnosis, calving, etc) and inform farmers about various government schemes and campaigns in the area.

Furthermore, increasing the yield of milch animals directly helps in increasing the income of the farmers.

Other support to Dairy & Animal Husbandary sector

The Government of India provides loans with interest facilities for promotion and development of the dairy and animal husbandry sector across the country- Animal Husbandry Infrastructure Development Fund (AHIDF), Dairy Processing and Infrastructure Development Fund(DIDF) and supporting Dairy Cooperatives and Farmer Producer Organizations engaged in dairy activities (SDC&FPO). The Government also extends credit flow in the form of Kisan Credit Card(KCC) to animal husbandry, dairy & fisheries farmers

Under AHIDF, the Government provides a 3% interest subvention to farmer producer organizations, private companies, individual entrepreneurs, section 8 companies, micro, small and medium enterprises.

Under DIDF, loan assistance with interest subvention @ 2.5% per annum is provided through NABARD, NDDB, and NCDC to the Eligible End Borrows (EEBs). The Eligible End Borrower (EEBs) under DIDF include cooperative milk unions, State cooperative milk federations, multi-state milk cooperatives, milk producer companies, NDDB subsidiaries, FPO/SHGs registered under the cooperatives/companies act.

Under SDC&FPO, a loan towards working capital to dairy cooperatives/FPOs is provided at a simple annual interest rate of 5%, calculated on a monthly basis.

In addition to this, schemes implemented by the Government to promote dairy and animal husbandry across the country include Rashtriya Gokul Mission(RGM), National Programme for Dairy Development (NPDD), National Livestock Mission(NLM), Livestock Health & Disease Control(LH&DC), and National Animal Disease Control Programme (NADCP).


These Government initiatives have been facilitating the promotion and development of the dairy and animal husbandry sector along with strengthening the farmers.


Click here to download e-Gopala App




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