By-Abhishek Rai, President-PAWSJ & Founder of Doggy Shoggy, jamshedpur

All pets feel cold, be it a dog, cat, birds or rabbits. It’s better to protect them from being exposed to the chill, lest they catch cold. Many of us also have stray pets (cats and dogs) around our homes that tend to snuggle and sleep under the cars. Ensure that you check before starting the car engine and bring them inside.
Winter is a time when you have to shield your furry friend carefully. Change in weather conditions, decreasing temperature and other dangers of winter may pose a number of expected and unexpected health threats to them.
Therefore, being a responsible pet parent, you have to take care of your best friend just as you would for yourself with proper clothes, food and restriction from unnecessary outdoor activities.

Many dog owners have this misconception that because their pets have a coat of fur, they are able to tolerate cold better than human beings. That isn’t necessarily the case. Like many of us, these fur coated creatures are used to the warm and cozy indoor spaces and shelter. Cold weather can be as hard on them as it is on us.
Pets care expert Abhishek Rai , President of PAWSJ & Founder at Doggy Shoggy, share tips on winter care for pets:

Keep your pets indoors

The best prescription for winter’s woes is to keep your dog or cat inside with you and your family. Pets are sensitive to severe cold. So, don’t leave pets outdoors when the temperature drops.

Cats, wildlife and cars

Warm engines in parked cars attract cats and small wildlife, who may crawl up under the hood or snuggle up under the cars. To avoid injuring any hidden animals, bang on your car’s hood to scare them away before starting your engine.

Warm clothing

These days we can find sweaters and jackets for animals in pet supply shops. Pick up the right size for your pet and keep him warm when you take him for a walk.

Fur is a natural warmer

Dogs and cats are blessed with thick fur that keeps them warm naturally. Hence, avoid shaving off their coat during winter. Also, don’t take your dog for a walk immediately after giving him a bath. Let his coat dry completely before taking him outdoors.

Cozy bedding

Don’t let your cat or dog sleep on the floor during winter. Beds and mattresses for pets come in various shapes and sizes. Get one and see how your pet loves snuggling up on it. Also, place the bedding in a warm spot (carpeted area) preferably where he sleeps every day so that the area doesn’t feel unfamiliar.

Keep heaters out of reach

Ensure that you keep them away from room heaters, lamps or any other heating source. Pets who get too close to such radiators may get a burn.


Give your pets plenty of food and water

Pets need more food in the winter because keeping warm depletes energy. Routinely check your pet’s water dish to make certain the water is fresh and unfrozen. When the drinking water in their bowl is ice-cold, they can’t drink it. It’s advisable to replenish the old water with fresh, room-temperature water every 2-3 hours.

Get a health check-up in winter

Dogs which are prone to arthritis might have a hard time during the winter months. It is therefore important for you to pay extra attention to their exercise routines. Consult with your veterinarian for health supplements and other medication if your pet experiences joint pain.

Our furry buddies have different coats – thicker than our skin. But it doesn’t matter because they feel cold like we humans do. While buying warmers, make sure the clothing is not too tight, and have correct measurements. Use shoes to protect paws of our buddies and apply coconut oil daily before going to bed. This helps to keep the paws moisturised. Make sure you have proper bedding in place. The material should be of cotton or microfibre. Nylon or polyester can make your pet very uncomfortable, which can lead to itchiness or skin irritation.

Water, quench the thirst

No matter which season, keep your pet hydrated. Make sure the furry buddies have access to clean water every time. Make sure the pet food and water bowl are washed twice a day.

Do not overfeed

Pets put on pounds this season. Shedding is a big challenge. Always feed them the right quantity. If your pet is a foodie, make 3-4 parts of food and feed it over the day.


Make sure your pet exercises in the warmer part of the day. We also need to compensate for their less ourdoor time by indulging them with indoor activities or games like running up-down the stairs, hide and seek, fetch and throw, etc. This keeps them alert, active, and helps burn calories.

Daily grooming

Grooming on a daily basis is essential. Every pet has a different coat and needs different attention.
Short coat – Comb the pet at least twice daily. If there’s a lot of hairfall, use a fine comb or furminator comb. Always brush the coat starting from tail to head.
Long coat – Comb your pet’s fur twice a day. Use a tick and flea comb or a narrow comb. Use a hair serum to keep the coat soft and untangled.
Eye cleaning – Use rosewater on cotton ball to remove the dirt near the eyes.
Oral care – Use oral spray daily to control plaque and odour.
Paws – Wash the paws every time the pet returns from his walks. Apply coconut oil on paw-pads before bed. This will help keep the paw-pads moisturised, and prevent them from cracking and hardening.



One can groom the pet at home or opt for a spa service. Proper grooming from a professional is a must at least once every alternate month. Nail clipping is imperative too, keep the nails short – there is high chance of getting nails chipped or getting curled into the skin if grown very long.
Use Epiotic solution on cotton ball to clean the ears. For dental hygiene, use the oral spray or denta paste. Trim the hair near anal sac and behind the paws using a pet trimmer. Long coat pets can have a shorter coat to prevent it from getting matted or tangled. But never opt for zero shave. Make sure you are using a mild pet shampoo and conditioner. Avoid any kind of fur whitening shampoos and chemical wash. Make sure you wash the pet thoroughly with plenty of water. If not washed properly, pets might feel itchy which can cause skin infection. Blow-dry the pet after the wash. Avoid using deodorants or deo powders within 24 hours of bathing. For ticks and flea, consult your vet.

Daily checklist

– See to it that all vaccinations are up to date.
– Deworm your pet every four months.
– Feed pets on time.
-Pet should always have access to clean water.
– Dress the pet in T-shirts or warm clothes.

– Keep medicine and unsafe things secured and out of reach.

-Comb the pets in opposite direction (tail to head).

-Wash paws after walk.

-Engage your pet in indoor activities for at least 20-30 mins.

-Have a first-aid kit at home for pet and a vet’s number handy.
-* If your dog doesn’t sleep in your bed, make a comfortable warm bed for the pet.
* Keep them warm with jackets, sweatshirts and coats. But make them wear it only at evening till morning when it’s cold. Remember to take them off when it gets warmer in the afternoon.

* Bathing your pooches can get difficult and can make them fall ill as well, so try dry bathing them. You can also use dog perfumes and deodorants if they get smelly.
* Make sure to remove the dog clothing daily and nicely brush the hair to keep the fur from matting.
* Keep them away from electric heaters and blowers. Do not let them sit next to it.
* Virgin, organic and cold pressed coconut oil hydrates the skin and coat. A massage with it not only relaxes your pet but also leaves your pet’s coat with a lovely glossy finish. As an additional benefit, coconut oil on the skin helps small scrapes heal and eases irritation from fleabite allergies.
* Do not overfeed the dog. Make sure to give the dog warm food and avoid food like curd and rice at night. Do not give them cold water to drink.
* After giving your pet a bath, be careful to use conditioner to leave the coat protected. The general dryness of the season leads to static and your pet may get an unpleasant shock when it walks past curtains or lays down on mats. You can also use conditioner-based shampoos.
* Remember to dab on a bit of snout butter to keep those adorable noses gleaming. Paw butter works just as well, make sure you apply it on the paw pads just before bed so that your pet doesn’t march around the house with it and rub it off in seconds.
* Honey is a superfood that strengthens your pet’s overall immunity by fighting infections and digestive problems. It has plenty of antioxidants and does wonders for sore throats and coughs. Please speak to a veterinarian on the dosage as this varies from pet to pet. If he or she has never had it before, the doses will begin very small and be increased very gradually.
* Fish-based diet is ideal for this weather. They contain plenty of omega fatty acids that improve the health of your pet’s coat and skin.
* Hydration is always important, but the cold weather discourages your pet from drinking their usual quota of water. Make up for it by including soups and broths in their diets.

READ MORE :  Health Issues of Pug Dog Breed

Dos and don’ts

Do not leave your pet outdoors, unattended or for longer duration. n Keep a check on its body temperature by feeling his extremities frequently.

Pets that are housed outside are susceptible to developing infections and disorders. If your dog’s kennel is outside, make sure that the kennel is adequately protected from wind and cold.

Opt for non-electric warm bedding or heated floor mats for your dog.

Give them ample warm water to prevent cold and cough.

Bird care during winter Own a parrot or a pair of lovebirds? Here’s how to take care of them when it’s chilly.

In case you’ve kept the cage in your balcony or have garden pets, shift the cage indoors.

Maintain the room temperature and humidity conducive to the birds.

Allow your pet birds to inhale some steam.

Change drinking water often and keep it warm.

Supply enough food to maintain your pet bird’s energy and health.

Give a short warm bath to your pet bird and remember to dry it immediately.

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