Dr.Surinder Khanna,Poultry Consultant, Punjab.


Chicks Yolk Sac infection Or Disease Is Also Root Cause Of CRD & Gumboro Disease
Please never think presence of yolk is a disease rather it is a sign of healthy chicks. Still we get more morality in some Hatchries than others


  1. Empty Crop
  2. Enlarged Gall Bladder
  3. Black button on Belly
  4. Abdomen is swollen & yolk is seen after removing skin.
  5. Sometimes Lungs are also congested (Lung kale parajate hain) as bird get chilled (chicks thand mehsoos karte hain)
  6. Generally seen in old hatcheries where Load of infection has increased.
  7. Hatcheries do not clean their hatchers/Inculators during the inculation or between the flocks.
  8. Long storage of chicks in Hatchery if sale problem, Pullet Eggs(small eggs) show more yolk sac than desired weight(38gm-40gm)weighting chicks.
  9. Chicks produced at High Humidity more than 99.5% RH or high temperature such chicks will be sticky, Malnourished feel chilled(More Cold)
  10. When dirty eggs are set in inculator or eggs are not frequently collected in the shed 4-5 times.
  11. When egg Blasts takes in Hatchery because of faecal contaminated eggs.
  12. Fumigation is improper in Hatchery.
  13. Fluctuation in cold storage temperature or long storage of egg in cold storage.
  14. When inculators do not get rest for years together & there is level up of load of bacteria.
  15. Farm Level:-
  16. Generally problem comes from Hatchery due to various unhygienic & stress reasons. However, improper temperature in Brooder House with overcrowding. Placing chicks on used litter improper number of Drinkers& waterers. Will also promote this disease.
  17. Treatment:-There is no concrete treatment. However Multivitamins @ 150ml/100 chicks for 5 days. Soda Bicarb @ 40 gm plus Ammonium Chloride @ 30 gm/100 chicks for 2-3 days help in giving some relief. Please check ventilation of shed is totally packed it will also load to yolk sac infection. Night temperature especially between 3 Am-6Am Faus it also prolong the absorption of yolk with attract E.coli, compylobactor & staphylococcus chicks given Amoxysol @ 10gm for 1500 chicks for 3 days or Neodex @ 1gm/3lit for 3 days is also recommended. Always receive chicks during noon time in winter. Wet saw dust or wood produces more smoke than Heat & production of corbonmonooxide puts stress on tracher& finally E.coli makes entry causing Greenish yolks Turbid yolk on curdling of yolk(All Yolk Are Infected) Even yolk giving foul smell is also a cause of yolk sac infection. Please do not give Antibiotic injection to control this disease rather it will increase the morality. Give Jaggery @1.5kg/1000chicks or Elctrolyte powder. All the medicines may not be given together. Consult some Veterinarian. If this disease continue for more than 5 days than chicks is Severaly affected with E.coli & CRD such chicks later on do not achieve proper weight & if morality is more than 5% in first weak & desired Body weight is less than 180 gm in first weak such Bird may get CRD & Gumboro also & never attain more than 1.700kg Body weight at 35 days. So please chick this problem which is root cause of many disease. Increase temperature as Huddling(Ekatha Hona) also promotes the problem.there is no antibiotic which penetrates yolk . yolk should daily loose 2.5 gms wt larger yolk is indication of poor brooding medicines given ma check secondar problem not the real yolk sac prblem .
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