Dr. Safdar Ali Khan
Veterinary Assistant Surgeon
Department of Livestock Development
Government Veterinary Hospital Lakhanpur Dist-Surguja (Chhattisgarh)
Gid condition is caused by coenurus cerebralis (larval stage of Taenia multiceps) has zoonotic potential that threat both livestock and humans health. It is cystic condition produces neurological signs. The present case was study among 30 cases of goats presented with cerebral coenurosis in and around Surguja division of Chhattisgarh from July 2023 to February 2025. Diagnosis was made by anamnesis and clinical signs in field conditions. Surgery was performed under sedation along with local infiltration of 2% lignocaine hydrochloride. All cases had responded very well without any post operative complication and some goat owners got more money on selling of their goats later. There is requirement of more awareness on transmission of coenurosis life cycle for both veterinary and human health.
Keywords: Gid, Cyst, Coenurus cerabralis, craniotomy, protoscolices vocalization, Zoonotic.
Goat is called any time money (ATM) of poor family and plays an important role in the economy of small family house holder especially tribes in Surguja division of Chhattisgarh.Taenia multiceps tapeworm is normal intestinal parasite of dog and other carnivores. Infection is transmitted in goats via oral intake of contaminated grasses and clinical signs are varied according to cyst location, cyst size, compression on the brain ((Sharma et al., 2006). Disease transmission risk is associated with home slaughter and dog feeding practices (Kibona et al., 2022). Coenurus cerebralis is larval stage of Taenia multiceps and it has been reported time to time in various herbivores (William et al., 1967) to develop in the cerebral location (brain and spinal cord) of sheep and goat (Sarma and Das, 2019) (Fig. 1). Coenurus cyst is soft white transparent fluid filled cavity contains numerous invaginated protoscolices on the cystic wall (Soulsby et al., 1982). Amount of ecological factors (rainfall, relative humidity, and air temperature) are considered to be the risk factors for coenuriasis (Rashid et al., 2000). Farmers generally sale their goat in cheap price (Rs 500-1000 per goat) to middle man in this condition. History taking and clinical signs are very useful tools for diagnosis in the field condition. Surgical extraction of larval cyst from cranial cavity under local anaesthesia is main line of treatment for uneventful recovery without any post operative complication (Sarma and Das, 2019). Initially larva stage of T.multiceps causes purulent meningoencephalitis, later it causes central nervous symptoms and resulting in death due to growth of cyst in brain (Christodoulopoulos, 2007).
Coenurosis is primary disease of livestock but can infect human via ingestion of parasite eggs from contaminate environment, food or water. Human infection rare but cases has been reported with cyst located at spinal cord, brain and eye. Occasional cases of human coenurosis have been recorded in different parts of world including Italy, North America, Israel, Uganda and Egypt (Kibona et al., 2022).
Materials and method
 A total of 491 goats from around Surguja district Chhattisgarh were screened for cerebral coenurosis from July 2023 to February 2025. Goats suspected of cerebral coenurosis having nervous clinical symptoms such as circling, vocalization and recumbent were recorded. Further, the clinical cases were classified according to the Age (month), Sex, Breed, Pregnancy status (pregnant/non-pregnant), Deworming status, season wise history information taken from the owner.
Out of 81 suspected cases of cerebral coenurosis, 30 cases were selected on the basis of clinical examination. These 30 cases were further diagnosed by clinical examination.
Clinical cases of goats were presented with common history of anorexia, head pressing against the wall or vehicle, bleating (vocalization), more standing position, circling movement, head deviation (Fig.2, 3 & 4). Physiological parameters (rectal temperature, respiration rate and heart rate) were found normal in all goats during clinical examination.
Age wise prevalence
The higher incidence of gid was found in 26 (86.67%) goats which were in the age group above 12 months, 04 (13.33%) goats were in the age group of below 12 months. The mean age of the dogs was 17.3 months.
Sex wise prevalence
20 (66.67%) cases found in female and 10 (33.33%) case found in male goat.
Breed wise prevalence
The breed wise incidence of Gid revealed that majority of cases was in Non-descript goat 27 (90%) followed by Sirohi 2(6.67%) and cross breed 1(3.33%).
Pregnant status
26 (86.67%) cases found in pregnant and 04 (13.33%) case found in non-pregnant goat.
Deworming status
The deworming status in goats revealed that majority of owners non-deworming for 28 (93.33%) followed by Deworming 2(6.67%) in their goats.
Season wise Prevalence
Majority of gid cases was recorded in rainy and winter season 10(33.33%) each followed by Autumn 8(26.67%) and Summer 2(6.67%).
Softness of occipital bone
26 (86.67%) cases found in prompt softness of occipital bone near horn and 04 (13.33%) case found no-prompt softness on occipital bone in goat.
It is confirmed that gid cyst present in the brain of goat on the basis of history and clinical signs. After confirmatory diagnosis goats were prepared for surgical extraction of larval cyst from brain field conditions. Animals were secured in lateral recumbence with affected side upward direction on operation table and area between two horns at occipital bone was prepared aseptically after washing and saving. After surgical preparation xylazine hydrochloride given@0.1mg/kg body weight intramuscular for sedation, after 5 minute local infiltration of subcutaneous tissue of 2% lignocaine hydrochloride at surgical site given for desensitization. A half circle (C-shaped) or crescent shape skin incision was given on occipital region where softness of bone was found (Fig.5 & 9). After elevating periosteum, trephening was done after removal of atrophied bone with the help of B.P.blade about 1 cm area. A blunt incision was given over the meninge to expose the brain without damaging the brain tissues. Normal saline solution was used to protrude water filled cyst from incision opening (Fig.6). The cyst was grasped with the help of artery forceps gently with wrapping with bandage on tip of forceps. Complete cyst was removed from brain (Fig.7). Washing was done with normal saline and evacuate fluid by tilting head. Then skin incision was sutured with silk 0 in cross mattress sutured pattern (Fig.8).
Postoperatively inj. Mannitol 100ml IV for 1 days, inj. Taxim @25 mg/kg body weight IM for 5 days, inj.Melonex plus @ 0.5mg/kg body weight IM for 3 days , inj. Tribivet @ 2ml IM and inj. Prednisolone @ 1 mg/kg body weight IM for 3 days given. Regular antiseptic dressing was carried out for 7 days. Skin sutures were removed after 10-14 days after wound healing.
Result and discussion
Incidence was higher in Female (66.67%) than male (33.33%). Similar findings were reported by (Doherty et al., 1989). Incidence was higher in adult goat (86.67%) than young goat (13.33%). Majority of cases reported in non-descript (90%) goats in rainy and winter season (33.33%) each. A goat with coenurosis lowers its head to alleviate pressure exerted by the cyst and predicted cyst locations based on direction of circling and head deviation showed. Similar findings were reported by (Sarma and Das, 2019). Increased intracranial pressure due to cyst on surrounding brain tissues and may results in softening of skull area. The cyst in this study was located at right side (53.33%), left side (33.33%) and mid occipital (13.33%) at cerebral hemisphere at the time of craniotomy and positive related with softness at occipital bone and site of craniotomy and this finding agrees with findings of other workers (Sharma and Tyagi, 1975; Sarma and Das, 2019). No head pressing, no abortion in pregnant goats and circling movement were reported day after surgery (Fig.10). The results of the present findings support the finding of Skerritt and Stallbaumer, 1984, who reported that surgery could be an effective form of treatment for gid and success rate could be high. Similar findings were also reported by Sarma and Das, 2019. Regular deworming of dogs with praziquantel and other preventive strategies like avoidance of feeding raw organ to dogs from animal carcasses can be highly effective to control of coenurosis (Kibona et al., 2022).
It can be concluded that Coenurous cerebralis is most frequently occurred in non-descript goats in Chhattisgarh Surguja division commonly among adult females. History and clinical signs were useful tools for diagnosis of clinical cases of Gid in the field condition and can be treated and got more goat value with surgical extraction of cyst from brain under local anaesthesia and goats showed uneventful recovery without post operative complication.
Christodoulopoulos G. (2007). Two rare clinical manifestations of coenurosis in sheep. Veterinary parasitology, 143:368-370.
Doherty, M.L., Basset, H.F. and Monoghan, M.L. (1989). Outbreaks of Coenurosis in adult sheep in Ireland. Veterinary Record, 125: 185-186.
Kibona, T., Buza, J., Shrima, G., Lankester , F., Nzalawahe, J., Lukambagire, A., Kripell, K., Huges, E., Allan, K.J. and Cleaveland, S. (2022). Taenia Multiceps in North Tanzania: An important but preventable disease in pastoral and agropastoral farming system. Parasitologia. 2(3): 237-248.
Rashid M.H., Nooruddin, M. and Hashim, M.A. (2000).Extraneural coenuriasis in Bengal goats: 2. Clinical Propaedeutics Progress. Agric. 11(1-2):147-152.
Sarma, B.K. and Das, J. (2019). Surgical management of cerebral coenurosis of goats in Lakhimpur district of Assam (India). Journal of Entomology and Zoology studies, 7(2):1268-1270.
Sharma, D.K. and Chauhan, P.P.S. (2006). Coenurosis status in Afro-Asian region: A review. Small Ruminant Research, 64:197-2023.
Sharma, H.N. and Tyagi, R.P.S. (1975). Diagnosis and Surgical treatment of coenurosis in goat. Indian Veterinary Journal, 52:482-484.
Skerritt, G.C. and Staullbaumer, M.F. (1984). Diagnosis and treatment of coenuriasis (GID) in sheep. Veterinary Records, 115: 399-403.
Soulsby, E.J.L. (1982). Helminthes, Athropods and Protozoa of domesticated animals. ELBS and Bailliere Tindall, London, 7th Ed.:117-118.
William, C.P. and Miller, W.C. (1967). Gid or Sturdy. Blacks Veterinary Dictionary, 8th ed. Morrison and Cibba ltd.:367.
Fig.1: Life cycle of Taenia Multiceps parasite
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